Title: StarWars Minis Sept 2010 @ Spirit Games Post by: CrazyFrog on 03 September 2010, 19:20:32 Ok, normal start time 11:00 in the shop, heading to the cafe for lunch between 1:30 / 2:00
However the format is slightly different. You are required to build 2 squads of 100pts Light and Dark. Then you will dice off with opponent and you will add your Light to their Light making a 200pts squad and vice versa. So dont build anything that you cannot beat. Any questions please PM me. Cheers Frog Title: Re: StarWars Minis Sept 2010 @ Spirit Games Post by: CrazyFrog on 04 September 2010, 18:56:43 Results from the game.
Due to numbers we opted for points taken scoring and a 'round robin' game Player R1 R2 R3 Total Craig - 200 200 400 Scott 97 - 151 248 Frog 200 32 - 232 Next provisional planned for the 2nd Oct. |