Title: Integrity - Tyrannous Skies (Part 1) Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 25 August 2010, 04:18:49 (http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/7997/glassdesert.jpg) A dead world, locked in its final day. One side a stygian wasteland, the other a burning desert of glass. Squeezed between the extremes of Light and Dark, what room is left for the living? Yet even here at the end of it all, Life continues. And foes both old and new lie waiting. 7pm onwards, the Museum Bar. Title: Re: Integrity - Tyrannous Skies (Part 1) Post by: morgalahan on 25 August 2010, 14:21:38 cryptic indeed, I look forward to it with great glee and excitement! :D
(Hopefully we can take over that out-of-the-way area again.) Title: Re: Integrity - Tyrannous Skies (Part 1) Post by: EvilGinger on 25 August 2010, 17:54:47 of course if you make it then I shall know you have recovered from being poorly +:thumbup=+::thumbup:. I will as a couple of good pints and a game will inspire me to a Packing & Moving frenzy & Dust can join me with his char de combat it should all be done by the evening & I believe Star wars.
>:DGinger |