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General Community => TV & Film => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 11 August 2010, 01:04:54

Title: Sherlock Holmes
Post by: Zarniwoop on 11 August 2010, 01:04:54
Sherlock Holmes ( a new BBC Drama:

I thought this take on the old classic was utterly brilliant, I do confess to a moment of panic at the opening credits when I saw Steven Moffat attached to it as I have not at all been wowed by his tenure at Dr Who ( thus far.

I have to say though that they have done an excellent job on this production, it would be so easy to take the excellent writing of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ( and wreck it but this was not the case.

Both actors play their parts well and the the stories are moved along in a well thought out manner, with some clever use of modern Special FX to guide the audience through Holmes's reasoning.

Well done BBC and please please bring it back with a longer run next time.....

The Science of Deduction (
John Watson's Blog (
Molly Hooper's Diary (
Connie Prince's official site (

Title: Re: Sherlock Holmes
Post by: Zarniwoop on 11 August 2010, 01:21:15
Benedict Cumberbatch interview - Updating Sherlock:

Martin Freeman Interview - Who is Watson?:

Sherlock HolmesBenedict Cumberbatch
Dr John WatsonMartin Freeman
DI LestradeRupert Graves
Mrs HudsonUna Stubbs
Molly HooperLouise Brealey
Sgt Sally DonovanVinette Robinson
JeffPhil Davis
DirectorPaul McGuigan
ProducerSue Vertue
Executive ProducerSteven Moffat
Executive ProducerMark Gatiss
WriterSteven Moffat