Title: What are you reading right now? Post by: dreamer41 on 03 August 2010, 05:58:07 I am currently reading Pet Sematary by Stephen King. I am on page 203 and so far am enjoying it a lot. I recommend it.
Title: Re: What are you reading right now? Post by: EvilGinger on 04 August 2010, 00:43:55 I could be silly & say the Big Bang Burger Bar but I would guess that's not what you mean. So I will be sensible and say I am rereading the Lord of the Rings and a new translation of a history of the Peloponesian wars.
>:DGinger Title: Re: What are you reading right now? Post by: slug on 05 August 2010, 02:11:27 I am waiting for the next installment of Robert Jordan (RIP) 13+ part series the Wheel of Time - it was most inconsiderate him dying and leaving the last vew volumes unwritten in what has been at times a meandering but jolly good read.
Also a book I pick up and put down is the Adventures of an Itenerant Engineer, an expat who went to the far east/africa/scottish islands back in the 50s through the 80s as a civil engineer wrangling the projects. A great read and a man after my own heart albeit 40 years before I started my wanderings. Title: Re: What are you reading right now? Post by: Slatie on 05 August 2010, 09:58:12 James Barclay -Dawnthief. A typical fantasy adventure but fun never the less
Tony Benn - Free at last. He's Diaries across the Blair years. Something you pick up and read a bit at a time but lets not forget this is the man who made Concorde happen and for that I am forever in his dept. And ocationally because I've been told it's an excellent book and gets better, though I'm struggling with it..... American Gods - Neil Gaiman. For me it suffers from a fatal floor, I don't give stuff about the main character. and most of the seconadry characters aren't very nice either :) Title: Re: What are you reading right now? Post by: sweetgirl25 on 10 March 2011, 07:20:09 Right now I am reading Bloodlines by Richelle Mead.
Title: Re: What are you reading right now? Post by: Sam on 10 March 2011, 16:35:23 Currently reading 'The Visitor' by Sheri S. Tepper
Title: Re: What are you reading right now? Post by: EvilGinger on 11 March 2011, 08:27:31 Re reading War and peace as I got given a new translation of it at Christmas & a history of the Pelopenesian war by that Athen general whose name I cant recall or spell when I can.
>:DGinger Title: Re: What are you reading right now? Post by: HillaryBen on 11 May 2011, 08:26:00 Right now I’m reading a book called “American Psycho” by Bret Ellis.
Title: Re: What are you reading right now? Post by: Crazy Parker on 20 June 2011, 08:07:40 It was so boring so I took a magazine and started to read.