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Gaming Groups => RQ Forgotten Realms => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 02 August 2010, 04:30:25

Title: Episode 4 Even further into the unknowen
Post by: EvilGinger on 02 August 2010, 04:30:25
After the fight with the Orcs near the gate the party moved deeper into the Halls of Quasqueton, with Thorn moving away from the main part of the company and scouting its echoing & seeming long since abandoned halls. Eventually after some random wandering the company came upon the rope soled shoe tracks of one of the survivors of the band of young explorers that they where seeking. Finding her crouched in fear at the far end of the Great Armoury.

To be continued.......


Title: Re: Episode 4 Even further into the unknowen
Post by: EvilGinger on 08 August 2010, 17:47:02
Back tracking because Thorn heard had heard the sound of movement during his scouting and not wanting yet to explore beyond the door which lead deeper in from the armoury.

The company encountered a lone Orc guard which Thorn executed with a single  arrow moving on disregarding for now the door into the "Trophy room" which it seemed to be guarding they moved beyond where Thorn discovered a trap, a Magical floor which crushed  its victims up against the ceiling then flipped dropping them into a cavern deep below. Thorn with much agility narrowly avoided this doom and reached the door beyond. However the company decided to break the trap & Nigel & Victoriana did so with a combination of Nigel's magical arts and Victoriana's  sea cunning.....

The falling parts of the trapped floor fell into the cavern below as its victims where supposed to have, but its falling disturbed a Slaughter of Syix's which swarmed up to attack their disturbers..........

To be continued.......

 >:D Ginger