Title: Integrity - Black Crystal Sphere (Part 3) Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 21 July 2010, 02:57:54 (http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/2900/thecrystalball.jpg) In the final days of this world, they say the skies grew black and ominous. The influence of the Black King spread across the lands So that even the Council of the Eternal grew afraid. And in their fear, they broke the world. The sun rose for the last time above the Final Citadel and its sprawling Metropolis Fire scoured the living from the face of the city The Forests Burned and the Oceans Boiled. The land became a twisted Desert of Glass. And the Black King and his Nightmare Lords crawled away To rule what remained from the realm of Endless Night They remain. Spirit Games, 7pm Title: Re: Integrity - Black Crystal Sphere (Part 3) Post by: dust on 21 July 2010, 12:04:53 Anything that I need to know for tonight?
"You're only as idiosyncratic as the group that you belong to." (http://mypsn.eu.playstation.com/psn/profile/ReluctantStalker.png) (http://eu.playstation.com/psn/profile/ReluctantStalker/) Title: Re: Integrity - Black Crystal Sphere (Part 3) Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 21 July 2010, 16:44:44 Nope, except perhaps that whilst in your room, you have heard shouting and the unmistakable sounds of combat on the deck above.
You should probably check it out. Title: Re: Integrity - Black Crystal Sphere (Part 3) Post by: morgalahan on 21 July 2010, 18:38:07 Right, all set for the next round... shadow wall, shadowstep, shroud... maybe not in that order, but its there... std action, move and minor :D (healing potions are handy... as the lable on the back-pack suggests.) Hmm, I also have other potions that may be usefull...
Anyway, hope everyone else is also on the ball. We have a fight on our hands! +:whdat=+::whdat: >:D *eagre* >:D Title: Re: Integrity - Black Crystal Sphere (Part 3) Post by: dust on 21 July 2010, 19:22:12 Ok see you soon