Title: The East Midlands Dungeons & Dragons Social Gathering & Games Post by: Zarniwoop on 20 July 2010, 20:21:13 Details from Meetup Site (http://www.meetup.com/East-Midlands-RPG/):
Time: Sat 1:00 PM Location: The Brunswick Inn (http://www.meetup.com/East-Midlands-RPG/venue/464253/?eventId=13601841&popup=true) 1 Railway Terrace Derby 01332 290677 How to find us "We are upstairs this month. So find us up there." The Social get together before the fun and games begin. A chance to mingle with friends in other games. Chat with friends, meet new people, and old mates alike. Even talk non-gaming stuff Time for food and possibly drink. Time to pore over manuals, roll up or fine tune your characters. Then into the fray. Come early, get some good wholesome food inside you, and maybe a pint (or two) of one (or two) of the Brunswick's famous 'brewed right on the premises' beers down your neck, and meet the rest of the crowd. Specific Games will need your RSVPs too. In line with the new format, we are currently testing, please visit the entries on the calendar marked 'Afternoon Session' (http://www.meetup.com/East-Midlands-RPG/calendar/14155765/) and 'Evening Session' (http://www.meetup.com/East-Midlands-RPG/calendar/14155775/) to find the games available. Also, for those of you who sometimes have trouble getting to this glorious meet of fun and games, why not take a look at the Car Share Thread (http://www.eastmidlandsroleplayers.org.uk/messages/boards/thread/7987459), so we can all get together and help each other out in getting to and from the Brunswick. Its easy... promise and we don't bite (unless you ask)! |