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The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 04 July 2010, 19:30:33

Title: August 2010 Meet
Post by: Zarniwoop on 04 July 2010, 19:30:33
Right then,

August 2010 2nd Saturday will be the 14th.

Which Game
Who can GM
Who can make it

As always if people outside of the lefthandrule group would like to attend please reply we can usually accommodate extras ;)

Closing date for Responses: 8th August 2010

Title: Re: August Meet
Post by: slug on 06 July 2010, 00:58:19
Not for me, keep your diaries open for Summer 2011 for my next visit.

Title: Re: August Meet
Post by: Deebee on 06 July 2010, 17:58:49
Slug - really? You do suprise me - Not! :)

I am tentatively available (pending the boss getting back from an early morning appointment in time for me to get there).

I have Mongoose Traveller - tripwire

It is Armoured Smiler the younger's b'day so we maybe down on numbers...

Title: Re: August Meet
Post by: PM on 12 July 2010, 15:35:01
14th should be alright for me but that's my only day in August.


Title: Re: August Meet
Post by: armoured-smiler on 04 August 2010, 11:03:09
I should be OK for the August meet (Martin's birthday is 14th September)

Title: Re: August Meet
Post by: PM on 09 August 2010, 11:01:05
I hope you're right otherwise the locks will be changed when you get home.  ;)

Dave are you still up for Traveller. If so what about characters?
I presume the Mongoose stuff is the "new" Classic Rules?


Title: Re: August Meet
Post by: Deebee on 09 August 2010, 11:30:11
Yep still OK for Traveller, you have the benefit of having this game already play tested as I have been running it for the Winchester group.

Yep Mongoose Traveller. We need a merchant team. So, captain/merchant, pilot, astrogator, engineer(s), gunner, stewards, sensors, comms skills sets for on-board, then the a spread of guns, investigation, carousing, broker, computer, intrusion, stealth for on world would be a benefit.

What do people want to do with regards to characters? I don't mind people claiming a role and making their own, we can do it at the game or I can create some pre-gens, or a mixture - your call

Title: Re: August Meet
Post by: PM on 10 August 2010, 11:30:50
Doing it on Saturday would soak up alot of time so I don't mind pregen. I've not got the new rules anyway.

Title: Re: August Meet
Post by: Zarniwoop on 11 August 2010, 14:41:29
Hi Dave,

Pre-Gens would be the way to go for us too I think to be honest, I have the book and if I get time I'll have a go.

Title: Re: August 2010 Meet
Post by: PM on 16 August 2010, 18:09:26
Thanks for the game Dave.

Am I now the only surviving owner of The Valley Forge?

Title: Re: August 2010 Meet
Post by: Deebee on 17 August 2010, 11:06:33
Offically you have hired a new pilot, who you let go after 2 hours of employment (and no when I mean let go it was not through an air-lock! He moved the ship for you and drove the car back to Esalin starport), and were hunting for an new crew after the original crew's faces made th wanted list. :)