Title: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: carldjcross on 30 March 2020, 17:47:30 Now that we have characters (of sorts) and we (kinda) got to grips with the software. When do you want to do the actual session?
If you can attend all of them let me know your preferred option in the comments Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: Arnu on 30 March 2020, 19:45:15 To my knowledge I can make any of those dates.
Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: Zarniwoop on 31 March 2020, 23:46:00 I believe I can make most of them, I will get caz to confirm our busy social diary, however this weekend will be out as it is #stopathome birthday weekend +:wav=+::wav:
Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: carldjcross on 01 April 2020, 22:03:25 Ah, okay. Happy Birthday to Caz then! Have a lovely time the both of you.
Can you give the other Paul a nudge to see if he can make any of these times? As soon as he appears I can allocate him a character sheet. Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: PM on 06 April 2020, 16:19:05 I should be able to do the 18th or 2nd.
Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: Zarniwoop on 14 April 2020, 15:13:19 Might be worth everyone noting what they intend to play or have already created. In case we need to tweek the balance of characters.
Also PaulM if you have not yet signed into Roll20 and joined the game you will need to before the weekend so Carl can allocate you a character sheet template you can then complete. For me I was going with a Tiefling Sorcerer - (Though if needed I could swap that for a Ranger) Caz was a Hill Dwarf Wizard Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: PM on 14 April 2020, 16:07:48 I've managed to join the game. Which I couldn't do when you were running the test session for some reason.
I am happy to be a ranger. Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: Arnu on 15 April 2020, 18:28:39 I am playing Jade Green-stripe a half elf rogue
Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: carldjcross on 15 April 2020, 20:27:48 Hi Paul,
I've allocated you a character sheet so you should be able to create a character. Let me know if you're having problems. As Paul R said it's a good idea to join ahead of time. Currently joined: Both Pauls and Caz. I've set the game for May 2nd - see you then! Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: PM on 16 April 2020, 13:10:34 Thanks for that Carl.
I think I have successfully created a High Elf - Ranger. Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: carldjcross on 16 April 2020, 14:26:59 Fab, I'll have a look later to make sure I can see it too.
Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: carldjcross on 16 April 2020, 20:19:14 Yup, got your ranger, Paul. :-)
Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: carldjcross on 28 May 2020, 12:26:18 Sorry everyone, it's apparently not possible to reinstate maps once they've been deleted.
So, I've restarted the game here and imported all your characters, click here to join: https://app.roll20.net/join/7591036/bA6yrA Should be Continuation of Strahd this time. Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: PM on 28 May 2020, 13:19:04 I can see Jade, Leucis and Oskar but not my character (Erdan) or Paul's
Title: Re: Entering Death House (as long as you stay at least 2m apart of course) Post by: Zarniwoop on 28 May 2020, 18:15:59 I can see Jade, Leucis and Oskar, plus I am unable to see my character sheet again ;(