Title: Charactor generation Post by: EvilGinger on 16 June 2010, 07:16:37 In the Interlude whilst DAT is away I will be running my RQ Forgotten realms game again, this first session will be to generate characters but I intend to run the game on Sundays over the next six months
all welcome PM me if you dont know where the festering pit of evil is Starts at 7pm and could be an all nighter as DUST will be doing my paper round on the Saturday following so I can go back to bed ;) >:DGinger Title: Re: Charactor generation Post by: morgalahan on 18 June 2010, 17:22:13 Who exactly is going?
EDIT I was sort of under the impression that since there would be one or two people max there, we would wait for Tiki to come along with us, since there would be no Dat of course. The possible player base has shrunk by 25% now that we no longer have Dat to play with. Title: Re: Charactor generation Post by: EvilGinger on 18 June 2010, 22:04:47 Tiki already has a character, so his not being present wouldn't have made any difference. I was hoping to sort out characters for Dust & Morgalahan at least so I could make a start on the game on Sunday this week. As for DAT the whole point of the game is to run something else whilst they are not about +:bandhead=+::banghead: +:bandhead=+::banghead:.
I was also rather hoping would get a player or two from the wednesday group as I was starting something up. >:DGinger Title: Re: Charactor generation Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 18 June 2010, 22:23:17 Most of them check the forums about once every two or three lunar cycles, there, Cheif. In person recruiting might work more reliably?
Title: Re: Charactor generation Post by: EvilGinger on 19 June 2010, 05:05:30 I know ::) TIKI which was one of the reasons I want to try to make wednesday games and why I mentioned it on wednesday this week at spirit.
>:DGinger |