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Gaming => Board and Card Game News => Topic started by: RSSFeeder on 11 August 2019, 10:45:01

Title: DOW:Witness Gloomhaven, the top-rated boardgame of all time, come to life on Steam!
Post by: RSSFeeder on 11 August 2019, 10:45:01
Witness Gloomhaven, the top-rated boardgame of all time, come to life on Steam!

In Gloomhaven, you play as a team of mercenaries on their own personal quests and will journey through terrifying randomly generated dungeons. The digital adaptation of the acclaimed board game, mixes Tactical-RPG and dungeon-crawling. Early Access available on Steam!
Source: Witness Gloomhaven, the top-rated boardgame of all time, come to life on Steam! (