Title: Star Trek Adventures USS Venture main cast Post by: Arnu on 01 July 2018, 23:12:00 Below is the main cast (pre-gen characters)
Captain Willamina Brandt - commanding officer human female raised on Luna. Commander Natsuki Akiyama - human female from a Starfleet family. LT (JG) Ryan Crosby - human male flight controller raised on Luna (already chosen) LT Jek Sh'aya - Andorian male chief engineer. Heir to a major manufacturing company LT Arman Bayat - human male security chief. Born on earth raised on Qo'nos Ens Kham jav Khall - Tellerite male. Operations Manager. Fresh from the academy. Saved the ship on his first day. Lt-cmdr Tollek - elder Vulcan male chief medical officer. A veteran of star fleet and a talented musician. (Already chosen) Cmdr Jolin Maig - joined trill male over 100 years old 4th host joined for almost 80 years. Science officer and second officer. Chief Petty Officer Adira - Denobulan female. Ship's counsellor. Joined Starfleet as an enlisted crew member. After the death of a friend at wolf 359 If those in the Saturday game can choose a character they would like to play. I will type up the character sheet. Title: Re: Star Trek Adventures USS Venture main cast Post by: PM on 02 July 2018, 20:55:17 Unfortunately, I am wearing a red shirt and have been involved in a transporter malfunction.
I will probably turn up in an alternate universe storyline. >:D Enjoy, See you in August. Title: Re: Star Trek Adventures USS Venture main cast Post by: Zarniwoop on 03 July 2018, 11:01:18 Any of these, depending if anyone else has chosen them yet, whichever works best with the other characters already taken.
Quote * LT Jek Sh'aya - Andorian male chief engineer. Heir to a major manufacturing company * Cmdr Jolin Maig - joined trill male over 100 years old 4th host joined for almost 80 years. Science officer and second officer. * LT Arman Bayat - human male security chief. Born on earth raised on Qo'nos Title: Re: Star Trek Adventures USS Venture main cast Post by: Arnu on 03 July 2018, 20:39:07 All are available. And any will work.
The choice is yours. Pm you forgot the temporal violation and the never before mention person from the past turning up. |