Title: Lost Mines of Phandelver - 1. "Goblin Arrows" Post by: Zarniwoop on 14 June 2018, 14:20:59 The party are hired to escort a wagon to Phandalin for their patron and friend Gundalin Rockseeker.
Gundalin had gone ahead with a warrior, Sildar Hallwinter to attend to business in the town while the party follow on with the supplies. The party will be paid 10gp each by the owner of Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin after safely delivering the wagon to the trading post. During the journey the group discover some dead horses which they identify as those belonging to Gundalin and Slidar. They also discover the looted sadlebags and an empty map case, at this point the party is ambushed by goblins. After a huge struggle they manage to repel them, not without some serious injuries on their side. In the aftermath they discover a trail, putting the wagon in secured location they elect to follow this trail. Title: Re: Lost Mines of Phandelver - 1. "Goblin Arrows" - "Cragmaw Hideout" Post by: Zarniwoop on 15 June 2018, 19:13:52 Our adventurers discover the Goblin hideout and after a brief skirmish with guards at the entrance make their way inside.
With a degree of actually planning, Stealth and a good dose of luck our band of intrepid explorers manage to fight their way through to the Goblin leader eventually overpowering him. They manage to extract some vital information from him about what is going on as well as finding out that Sildar was imprisoned here so they get him freed. After their success in the hideout they head back to the wagon and continue on their journey to Phandalin |