Title: Autumn Beer & Pretzels - 2017 Post by: Spirit Games on 12 August 2017, 21:45:53 Autumn Beer & Pretzels 2017
Location: (https://www.spiritgames.co.uk/image/bnppics/AutumnB+P2014/3Queens.jpg) The Three Queens Hotel 1 Bridge Street, Burton on Trent DE14 1SY and Burton Bridge Inn, Burton Bridge Brewery (opposite the hotel) Details: Just across the road from Spirit Games, so the free board games library and extra playing space will be available. Real ale from Burton Bridge Brewery at the hotel as well as the pub Bar snacks and hot food – all day both days at the hotel, and on Saturday evening at the pub. Dates: Saturday 14th Oct : 11 noon – 11pm Sunday 15th Oct : 11 noon – 8pm Tickets: £4 per day, £6 for both days. Contact Details 01283 511293 salnphil@spiritgames.com Title: UPDATE Autumn B&P 2017 Post by: Spirit Games on 13 October 2017, 17:20:58 EMERGENCY NOTICE
*Contact Shop for latest* The hotel is temporarily closed There is an outside chance that the Three Queens Hotel will be open again in time, but we currently have to assume otherwise. By using space in local pubs and the Heritage Brewery Museum as well as the gaming space in the shop, we can accommodate up to 70 people on Saturday, which is nearly as many as last year. Sunday will be OK noon – 3pm but down to the 30 that will fit in the shop after that. We will continue to take bookings until we are close to capacity, anyone planning to just turn up on the day needs to phone the shop first (01283 511293), early Friday evening or Saturday morning. The shop will be open from 10.00 on Saturday and 11.00 on Sunday. Food & Drink There will be extra free pretzels plus other munchies in the shop, and we will keep the cheap soft drinks topped up. Every ticket holder will be given a £2 voucher each day for use in the Bridge Inn, Fuggle & Nugget and Heritage Brewery Museum to help make up for the absence of the usual cheap food. As usual, food from Aldi, the local Chinese takeaway etc. can be consumed in the shop. We will probably eat the pubs out of their very fine pork pies, there may or may not be food at the museum in the afternoon but definitely not in the evening as they have their Oktoberfest on. Special events still going ahead Takenoko – demo game, shiny bits for players! L5R LCG – shiny cards and pins for players, no shop copy but copies for sale Ticket to Ride – a chance for players to win a train ride to Venice. This is open to the general public as well as B&P ticket holders www.spiritgames.co.uk 01283 511293 |