Title: National Student Roleplaying and Wargaming Championships Post by: Forum Staff on 10 April 2017, 20:57:19 The National Student Roleplaying and Wargaming Championships (https://www.facebook.com/pg/studentnationals/posts/?ref=page_internal) are being hosted by University of Nottingham in Nottingham.
22nd and 23rd of April 2017. They have sent out a plea to all teams for more GMS for the following categories: ANIME, CALL OF CTHULHU, D&D 3.5/PATHFINDER, D&D 4E, FANTASY (URBAN), HOMEBREW, HORROR, and OLD WORLD OF DARKNESS (the last of which is missing two GMs). Check out the GM Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/555471761248461/?hc_location=ufi) The event lasts the whole of both days so if anyone is able they would need to be available on both days. |