Title: Sherlock Series 4 Post by: Zarniwoop on 03 January 2017, 15:07:42 Having a long break since the last one and hints that this could be the last I liked but was left disappointed by the first episode of this. The long established telly visual gimmicks to help us see the world through Sherlock's incredible mind were missing, poorly used or just plain silly. Key moments where he should be showing off his arrogant but indisputable intelligence were sometimes thrown away, spoiled by obvious plot holes or ruined by seemingly out of character actions.
I'll still be watching the other episodes but I feel this first one could have been so much better than it was. Title: Re: Sherlock Series 4 Post by: bonobo on 19 September 2017, 14:08:57 I have to worry you... not only the first episode is disappointing
Chew on another serial |