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General Community => TV & Film => Topic started by: JasonST on 11 May 2010, 10:58:43

Title: Iron Man 2
Post by: JasonST on 11 May 2010, 10:58:43
Im planning to watch Iron Man 2 this weekend. Im sure this movie will rock because the trailer and the first movie was awesome. I heard that that many people saying that the first movie was better than Iron Man 2.

Any one here watched the IM2? any comments?

Title: Re: Iron Man 2
Post by: CrazyFrog on 11 May 2010, 18:07:49

I watched the movie on Sunday, I loved the AC DC track and the Stark Expo as seen in the trailers etc.

The normal techy error exist as with all the comic movies.
Less jokes than the first movie.

But without spoiling anything from the movie.  Its good for a sequel, but as normal I think the first was better.  Its all linking and building nicely to the 'Avengers' movie, so watch for the hints, and as normal Stan Lee  +:notworthy=+::notworthy:

However stay until the very end of the credits its got the normal teaser for more good things to come.

Enjoy the movie, and look forward to dicussing it with anyone on the forum.

Title: Re: Iron Man 2
Post by: carldjcross on 12 May 2010, 14:40:22
And of course the Thor film! Which is either going to brilliant, camp or camply brilliant.

I don't envy the lead with that kind of dialogue though.


Title: Re: Iron Man 2
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 17 May 2010, 14:35:09
I think my official take on it is that pretty much it's much better than the general noise would suggest. Though for non-nerdy types, there's the risk that it'll suffer slightly because it does very much follow genuine Comic-book style in plot and so on. It also doesn't overly patronise in that american exposition-heavy kind of way that some would.

I suspect a lot of reviewers find patronising levels of Exposition comforting. :)

I'd say that in some ways the first was actually better, admittedly, but on balance I'd say that Iron-Man is still possibly the better superhero movie line of recent years, excepting perhaps Batman.

Title: Re: Iron Man 2
Post by: Dat on 18 May 2010, 12:46:52
I cannot comprehend a serious thor film.

One thing that was weird however was how quickly the end-boss battle was over with, after so much time with iron man smashing the pawns to pieces, he obliterates the main guy without extended fight scenes and cheesy putdowns. Is this a good thing? Is it good the main battle the film was building towards was over so quick?  ???

Title: Re: Iron Man 2
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 18 May 2010, 16:53:09
neither good, nor bad. Just a 'thing'. I don't recall the 'boss battle' in the first taking much longer, tbh. Neither in, well, many and most superhero movies.

I would not be against extended fight scenes and cheesy putdowns, though. Thor carries that Hope, I say.

Title: Re: Iron Man 2
Post by: mycoolgirl on 31 May 2010, 08:49:12
I watched “IRON MAN2” two days ago; the movie is a different one, nice action and adventures stuffs included in the movie. Especially the thriller parts have taken nicely. Nothing much to mention about the story sequence. Overall it’s a good movie.

Title: Re: Iron Man 2
Post by: Pamela on 19 November 2010, 15:09:11
I liked it, but it could be improved greatly by having more fight sequence scenes with iron man, like a much better final battle. As far as I concern it’s yet another average movie.

Title: Re: Iron Man 2
Post by: Twinkle on 04 January 2011, 14:19:43
All I can say is that the first movie was superb compared to the second  ::)