Title: Relevant Scribblings Irregularly Shared Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 13 January 2016, 20:26:47 Thought I might start sharing some scribblings and other things I've put together here on the forum, when relevant.
First up, the Badge for our Star-Trek game. I forget what our anacronym "CATS" is supposed to stand for, but we're a team that has something to do with assisting colonies. Some kind of general purpose non-ship-based troubleshooters. (http://orig12.deviantart.net/aa2c/f/2016/013/4/1/badge_design_by_mister_cope-d9nt6lk.png) Title: Re: Relevant Scribblings Irregularly Shared Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 16 January 2016, 00:14:49 Purely on account of I already have it sitting around, here's the coloured version of the sketch of the Arch-Villain from my recent stint running Andy's M&M campaign; Moth-Ra
(http://orig00.deviantart.net/18e0/f/2015/327/b/8/moth_ra_by_mister_cope-d9ht61f.jpg) She was of course an evil version of my character from the same campaign, returned from the distant future to force time onto a different, better path by instigating genocidal culture wars in the game's present, the late sixties. Moth as she was originally designed, circa the early sixties. (http://orig14.deviantart.net/e88c/f/2014/239/1/d/moth_by_mister_cope-d7wy33g.jpg) |