Title: Magic: The Gathering at the shop - 2016 Post by: Spirit Games on 21 December 2015, 02:42:35 DCI Magic Tournaments
Magic: The Gathering at the shop Friday night 6.30 start, FNM booster drafts £10. Saturday Tournaments 11am (doors open 10.00) usually sealed deck £20 Sunday Tournaments 12 noon start (doors open 11.30) usually sealed deck £20 Launch League any time day or evening. JANUARY Friday 8th January Booster Draft and/or casual Friday 15th January Booster Draft and/or casual Saturday 16th January Oath of the Gatewatch Pre-Release Sunday 17th January Oath of the Gatewatch Pre-Release Friday 22nd January Booster Draft and/or casual Friday 29th January Booster Draft and/or casual FEBRUARY Saturday 13th February Oath of the Gatewatch Game Day Fridays start at 6.30pm Saturday Tournaments at 11.00am Sunday Tournaments at 12 noon. Contact Details salnphil@spiritgames.com |