Big Bang Burger Bar

The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: Deebee on 06 May 2010, 09:29:26

Title: June 2010
Post by: Deebee on 06 May 2010, 09:29:26
OK - early thread - 12th is the second Saturday

I've got the (Mongoose) Traveller Tripwire Campaign prep'ed and ready to go.

Title: Re: June 2010
Post by: Zarniwoop on 17 May 2010, 21:51:56
Sounds good to me, I am in the middle of juggling my on call for june so I will confirm availablilty a bit nearer the time.

Title: Re: June 2010
Post by: PM on 19 May 2010, 09:57:39
I can make the 12th but I'll need to grab a lift from Clan Roberts as I'll only have the Matiz which I don't fancy driving all the way to Banbury!


Title: Re: June 2010
Post by: Deebee on 09 June 2010, 19:46:45
Just had a text from zarniwoop -got to work the weekend. Game is off.


Title: Re: June 2010
Post by: PM on 10 June 2010, 12:33:15
Your welcome to come up and help me paint the staircase instead!  ;)

Title: Re: June 2010
Post by: Zarniwoop on 10 June 2010, 13:19:13
Yeah, last minute change of plans  :(

As a counter offer to Pauls suggestion you could always try and Next weekend free (19th June) and come to Raiders XI :)

I'm sure we can try and keep the spare room free....