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General Community => TV & Film => Topic started by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 03 April 2010, 21:46:25

Title: Doctor Who; The Eleventh Hour
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 03 April 2010, 21:46:25
So, ever since the very first shots of Matt whatsisname I've been essentially a little bit skeptical on the new doctor. He didn't, in his first few seconds of existence at the end of the last special, win me over either.

I held off on taking an official stance, however. Largely, because I understood that the increasingly controversial head-writer was also bowing out as of that last special episode...and the guy who wrote the most child-terrorising episodes of the entire new run was being allowed to take over.

I mean, the episode with the 'Weeping Angels'? Yeah, he has a lot of credit with me, going into this. If he thought that Matt somethingorother was going to make a great doctor, I'd damn well wait till I'd seen a whole episode till I passed 'official' judgement.

And I now have.

He had me by 'Fish Custard'.
I am relieved.

Title: Re: Doctor Who; The Eleventh Hour
Post by: Dat on 04 April 2010, 15:18:50
Doctor was endearing, the constant fish custard references were good, i laughed - out loud several times and donna and her stupid friends and family are nowhere in sight.  +:beer=+::beer: Chin chin!

Title: Re: Doctor Who; The Eleventh Hour
Post by: Zarniwoop on 04 April 2010, 17:30:01
I enjoyed the episode it was well written unlike some of the last of the previous encumbent. However, whilst I put the zany behaviour down to his recent regeneration if that becomes the norm I think I will quickly be put off by it.

This looks promising the new tardis design is much more traditional, I like internal design and the wacky mix of controls. The new assistant is really good and the clips from future shows loks interesting.

I will withhold my opion until I have seen a bit more but nit a bad start.

Title: Re: Doctor Who; The Eleventh Hour
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 04 April 2010, 17:40:01
I must say, you can really tell they've designed the new tardis with the rigours of HD in mind; They can even get away with close-ups now. Good stuff. It is a lot more traditional, yes.

Title: Re: Doctor Who; The Eleventh Hour
Post by: CrazyFrog on 04 April 2010, 23:30:06
Regen storys before and after are normally always a bit naff.

I'm liking the new assistant shows promise, currently the best assistant of the relauched series.
The Doctor, well mmmmmmm  give it a couple more ep's and I'll decide.  Looking forward to seeing the return of the Statues "Blink" and hopefully only 1 Dalek story this series.

I am going to try fish fingers and custard one day. I'll let you know the results or you can visit me in A&E if it goes wrong.
(I'm just wondering how many kids went 'Mummy I want Fish Fingers and Custard for tea tonight')