Title: 09/03/10 Post by: JamesSteeleII on 08 March 2010, 17:56:58 Are we OHMAS'ing tomorrow?
James Title: Re: 09/03/10 Post by: Ross on 08 March 2010, 19:20:00 I had asumed so and am planning to come.
Ross Title: Re: 09/03/10 Post by: Adam on 08 March 2010, 22:34:09 Yup that's my plan. sorry meant to post a sign up 'sheet' over the weekend. sorry.
All welcome as it's a new adventure. Title: Re: 09/03/10 Post by: Zardoz on 09 March 2010, 14:54:27 I'm not sure I can make it. I may have to work.
Ian Title: Re: 09/03/10 Post by: Deebee on 09 March 2010, 19:08:47 I will make haste at once m'Lord
I've had messenger from Lord Whimsey saying his horses will be fair stretched this day to make the city of Winchester by nightfall. Master Thomas Title: Re: 09/03/10 Post by: Ross on 09 March 2010, 19:47:43 It looks like it shall once more fall to Lord Edwin to give the peasantry meaningful direction this day!
Title: Re: 09/03/10 Post by: Zardoz on 10 March 2010, 14:56:05 Hey nonny nonny, Lord Edwin, how did the day find you ? I trust the riff raff were kept in line with fururious and constant application of ingenius and effecacious devices that employ the regal power of the swan.
Title: Re: 09/03/10 Post by: Ross on 11 March 2010, 20:17:52 Well Met Sir!
Yes, we had a jolly wonderful time on the Isle of Sheppey, meeting the local aristocracy and then going on a little outing at night. I built a campfire and some of the chaps went swimming. I entreat you to join us next time. The only disadvantageous part was a severe lack of swans! Title: Re: 09/03/10 Post by: Adam on 11 March 2010, 22:32:37 It was a good fire and you definitely didn't light the torch that would have been unhelpful.