Title: Integrity - Midsummer's Mirror (Part 5) Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 03 March 2010, 16:01:47 (http://img532.imageshack.us/img532/9797/aliceinwonderlander.jpg) And the Lord asked the Sisters, "I, who am most powerful desire to live forever. How may I do so?" The Sisters made as if to think on this; They cast the bones though they knew the answer well. "If you would live forever, you would make it so that you were never killed." And the Lord, knowing that Death hath decreed that all shall die asked most careful in reply "Then how shall I die, Sisters three?" The Crone looked him a moment, and smiled. "No-one will Kill you, my Lord." And he was pleased. Spirit Games, 7pm. |