Title: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Dat on 25 February 2010, 13:54:03 What if i ran the wizards sessions in place of one of the wednesday sessions and alternate thursdays when star trek isn't running?
Just thinking that it would be a good scenario if i only got the content every week and was expected to report back to Wizards in that timeframe. People may miss out on thursday sessions though, but given the carefree attitude wizards have towards people dropping in and out of these sessions, id guess they weren't missing out of much and could be given a catch up session the following week. Suggestions?.... Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 25 February 2010, 16:42:06 Definately worth looking into. On reflection, it will almost certainly be best if we do simply try the first one or two then make decisions about the season, (Especially as there are some conflicting rumours over whether you are even 'allowed' to run on days other than wednesdays, which is rather silly and unenforceable, really.)
I believe that Bob and Michelle can only really do Wed, so the people to check for possible thursdays would be Andy and Vince, really. If either can make it, (Or any other one or two alternate people, given the intentionally drop in-and-out nature of the encounters) then I'd say it's viable. Also, front runner for my possible character is looking to be Tursten "Two Wolves" Hellbach, partially because it all starts at lvl 1 and my rapier weilding Kobold doesn't really start to work fully till level 2. :) I AM considering a hard drinking, rough and tumble, fist fighting lady elf from the same culture as Min (my elf from phillip's weasel infested campaign) but will have to see if and when the builder updates what can be done with that, and if it's interesting enough to depose me wolfies. Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: morgalahan on 25 February 2010, 17:26:33 While I am far more interested in continuing with the games and characters I'm currently playing, I would like to know more about this, so that I can at least get some character ideas going. That is of course if the game doesnt come with pre-generated characters we have to play. Any idea what level we get to be?
Also, run it whenever, but more conrete information would be very nice, and I also agree with Tiki that we should try it out first before completely agreeing to it. Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 25 February 2010, 17:29:18 As far as I can find out, it starts at level 1, and you can indeed use pre-gens or build your own. (There are alledgedly some guidelines for the latter, to be announced in a while, but I've no idea wtf that's about or how important it would be to follow at all!)
It possibly involves a thing called the 'UnderMountain'? And you'll be around level 2/3 by the end, I think. Possibly dungeoneering focused, give or take some spelunking. None of this is concrete, though, so, take with pinch of salt. Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: morgalahan on 25 February 2010, 17:43:16 lol, Under Mountain? Isnt that the place directly beneath Waterdeep that leads to the Underdark and has Skullport? Also ruled by Halaster Blackcloak the Mad?
Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Arnu on 25 February 2010, 17:51:28 Having games every Thursday is difficult but I could delay the second episode of the Star Trek Enceladus game until after we have tried the game.
I would be interested in playing a hybred Fighter/Wizard Eladrin (I like the idea of playing a spell slinging sword swinger) Is it worth trying the first two adventures and then making a decision from there That way if we don't like the game we have only delayed the two D&D games by a week each Yes that is Undermountain (although I think it started as something indipendant from Toril) Also I am sure that the Campaign guide says that Undermountain and Skullport are no longer there Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 25 February 2010, 18:08:49 If you want to be a wizardly swordfighter, I cannot reccommend Wizard | Swordmage enough. Having two half-classes with matching primary ability score is very, very good. And If Hybrid works like I think it does, it would mean you could use your sword as your wizardly impliment from the get-go, meaning less magic items needed to stay competitive.
Also, no delaying the star trek game just yet! :P We'll try the first one on a wednesday and discuss possible thursday games then. [edit] From Website- Quote D&D Encounters: Undermountain March 17 – June 2 Explore lost passages of the infamous Undermountain dungeon as you play through the mini-campaign Halaster’s Lost Apprentice! 1st-level characters are provided, or you may create a 1st-level character for play. As a special bonus this season, characters created are compatible with Living Forgotten Realms! Character creation rules for this season will be available by March 10 on the Official D&D Group. Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Arnu on 25 February 2010, 18:13:35 Here is my character idea. She is an Eladrin of Noble Birth who has left her home in the Feywild to earn her name and place as a ruler of her people. Sooraya can be arrogant and impatient but she is loyal to her companions and merciless to those she considers abominations (aberrants, Undead and Formorians)
(I will try the alternate Swordmage Hybred - for some reason I had not thought of the Swordmage) Sooraya Kanath, level 1 - Eladrin Female, Fighter/Wizard (Hybrid Talent: Fighter Armor Proficiency) Background: Eladrin - Noble Birth (+2 to Intimidate) ABILITY SCORES: Str 14, Con 12, Dex 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10. AC: 17 Fort: 13 Reflex: 14 Will: 13, HP: 24 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 6 TRAINED SKILLS: History +11, Intimidate +7, Arcana +11, Diplomacy +5 UNTRAINED SKILLS: Acrobatics +2, Bluff, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +1, Heal +1, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion +4, Stealth +2, Streetwise, Thievery +2, Athletics +2 FEATS: Hybrid Talent POWERS Hybrid at-will 1: Magic Missile, Reaping Strike Hybrid encounter 1: Passing Attack Hybrid daily 1: Flaming Sphere ITEMS: Adventurer's Kit, Scale Armor, Longsword, Dagger (3), Heavy Shield, Spellbook --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (here is the alternate version) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sooraya Kanath, level 1 - Eladrin Female, Swordmage/Wizard - (Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid): Aegis of Assault) Hybrid Talent: Swordmage Warding, Background: Eladrin - Noble Birth (+2 to Intimidate) ABILITY SCORES: Str 14, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 11. AC: 15 Fort: 12 Reflex: 14 Will: 14, HP: 26 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 6 TRAINED SKILLS: Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +7, Arcana +11, History +11 UNTRAINED SKILLS: Acrobatics, Bluff, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +2, Heal +1, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion +4, Stealth, Streetwise, Thievery, Athletics +2 FEATS - Level 1: Hybrid Talent POWERS Hybrid at-will 1: Greenflame Blade, Magic Missile Hybrid encounter 1: Lightning Clash Hybrid daily 1: Flaming Sphere ITEMS: Adventurer's Kit, Longsword, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Dagger (2), Spellbook Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 25 February 2010, 18:31:32 A quick test sees a level 1 eladrin wizard | Swordmage with swordmage warding actually hitting an AC of 18 as soon as a sword is in hand, actually, with 26 hp, 9 surges each at a value of 6.
Half your powers will hit better, you're tougher, flashier, can easily get a 20 post-racial in your big stat (which helps your attacks, AC, Reflex and knowledge checks!) and still have room for more CON than in the above. I'd reccommend Sheilding swordmage Aegis, personally, considering you are half defender and half controller, you don't really want to be stood around next to your enemies too much, and won't really have quite so much melee-basic-attack oomph, whereas reducing damage made in attacks that don't include you by 7 points? Not bad. Quote ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ====== Just a quick skim for your perusal and comparison. :)level 1 Eladrin, Wizard|Swordmage Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid): Aegis of Shielding Hybrid Talent: Swordmage Warding FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 8, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10. STARTING ABILITY SCORES Str 8, Con 14, Dex 11, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10. AC: 18 Fort: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 13 HP: 26 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 6 TRAINED SKILLS Diplomacy +5, Arcana +12, History +12, Intimidate +5 UNTRAINED SKILLS Acrobatics +1, Bluff, Dungeoneering, Endurance +2, Heal, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion +5, Stealth +1, Streetwise, Thievery +1, Athletics -1 FEATS Level 1: Hybrid Talent POWERS Hybrid at-will 1: Magic Missile Hybrid at-will 1: Sword Burst Hybrid encounter 1: Sword of Sigils Hybrid daily 1: Flaming Sphere ITEMS Longsword, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Adventurer's Kit ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ====== [edit - Ninja'd] Just a quick note; Make sure to equip a longsword to your Swordmage version, or you don't see any AC bonus from the hybrid talent. My own build went for higher Int, and lower strength, which does change what powers are best to go for, too. Having the lower STR and higher CON also makes Sheilding that little bit better, so depending on what you want to do with Attributes, there's still plenty to consider. Looks good though, either way. Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Arnu on 25 February 2010, 18:37:02 Cheers Tiki
I will have a play again and re-jig the build Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 25 February 2010, 18:41:42 So, that leaves the likely party so far consisting of a hybrid Controller | Striker (melee focused) and a hybrid Defender | Controller (Partially melee focused)
We could possibly do with a dedicated Leader, if the above stands, but there's certainly room for more of any role. (As long as we end up with part of a leader, we should be okay, it depends on what people are interested in. All other roles are at least partially covered, so there's really quite a bit of freedom. If we manage to get Vince, Bob, Michelle and Tim involved too, that means we need really at most a hybrid leader | something or a couple of multiclass leaders, and as many of the other roles as we like and still have a solid, rounded party. :) [edit] For the record, I heartily endorse trying out convaluted or outrageous character concepts, as this feels the perfect opportunity to. Best if people just build whatever crazy things they'd enjoy playing, because it's hard to make a truly unviable party. For the record, my currently most likely character is these two; Quote ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ====== Tursten Hellbach, level 1 Human, Druid|Ranger Hybrid Druid: Hybrid Druid Reflex Hybrid Ranger: Hybrid Ranger Fortitude Hybrid Talent: Ranger Fighting Style Ranger Fighting Style: Beast Mastery (Hybrid) Beast Companion Type: Wolf Background: Silent Hunter (Silent Hunter Benefit) FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 10, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 20, Cha 10. STARTING ABILITY SCORES Str 10, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 10. AC: 15 Fort: 12 Reflex: 14 Will: 16 HP: 23 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 5 TRAINED SKILLS Athletics +4, Perception +11, Stealth +7, Insight +10, Nature +10 UNTRAINED SKILLS Acrobatics +1, Arcana -1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +5, Endurance -1, Heal +5, History -1, Intimidate, Religion -1, Streetwise, Thievery +1 FEATS Human: Beast Protector Level 1: Hybrid Talent POWERS Bonus At-Will Power: Pounce Hybrid at-will 1: Predator Strike Hybrid at-will 1: Savage Rend Hybrid encounter 1: Darting Bite Hybrid daily 1: Partnered Savaging ITEMS Hide Armor, Adventurer's Kit, Totem RITUALS Raise Beast Companion ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ====== A build that is quite capable of snarling up the battlefield and causing a reasonable amount of damage. Not the most durable, or heavily armoured, but with careful play that shouldn't be a problem. Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Arnu on 25 February 2010, 19:13:38 I am interested in hearing what the others would like to play
It would be nice to have a brief backstory on how we all met too. I guess it would start with Sooraya and Tursten meeting and then add each character to the party until we are complete. Sooraya has been sent to travel the prime world to earn her name and make her worthy of ruling her home land one day. (maybe the two wolves follow her or warn her of an ambush by bandits). From there Tursten decides to follow her (the question is does she know that he is actually human?) Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: morgalahan on 25 February 2010, 19:34:41 Okay, so I dont have access to the latest update of character builder, but here's my character.
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ====== Kanna Ravenwing, level 1 Human, Ardent Build: Enlightened Ardent Ardent Mantle: Mantle of Clarity FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 10, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 20. STARTING ABILITY SCORES Str 10, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 18. AC: 16 Fort: 11 Reflex: 11 Will: 16 HP: 23 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5 TRAINED SKILLS Athletics +4, Intimidate +10, Insight +7, Diplomacy +10, Bluff +10 UNTRAINED SKILLS Acrobatics -1, Arcana -1, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance -1, Heal +2, History -1, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion -1, Stealth -1, Streetwise +5, Thievery -1 FEATS Human: Bolstering Mantle Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade) POWERS Ardent at-will 1: Energizing Strike Ardent at-will 1: Focusing Strike Bonus At-Will Power: Psionic Shield Ardent daily 1: Implanted Suggestion ITEMS Fullblade, Chainmail, Adventurer's Kit ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ====== Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 26 February 2010, 06:12:27 Seems okay on closer inspection, still. Man, if I run two-wolves though, we're going to see everything. I mean, with the bonus from your class to insight and perception, I'm hitting 22, 23 passively. :)
Not bad stuff. Don't forget to pick a suitably amusing background, and stuff. Anyway, I'd say if anything, and amusingly considering the group's history, we're actually for the first time ever lacking strikers at this point. :D So I'm guessing Bob, Vince and Michelle are all considering playing rangers. ^_^ Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Arnu on 26 February 2010, 19:25:14 We filled our quota of Rangers with Keep off the Shadowfell.
Tim actually has to legally call his Ranger a Rural Rogue to be allowed to play him. :D So how did Kanna Ravenwing meet Sooraya and Tursten? Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 26 February 2010, 20:27:33 I think we'll work something out when we have some more characters up, tbh. :)
We've half the party, tops, right now after all. Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Slatie on 27 February 2010, 12:33:02 Hi
Having read the stuff on the web site (below if you've not been there yet), This is what I make of it all Go here: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/Event.aspx?x=dnd/4new/event/dndencounters SOME seasons allow you to use your own character, with the first season allowing you to. I'm guessing each season is made up of two or three campains and once these are done you've finished that season There is no character carry over from one season to another (though some of the rewards do) I have just been reading the forum and it appear that the Wednesday and 'In Store' are fix because there will be stuff connected to the adventure on social media (twitter, blogs, etc.) and perhaps even more game related twists (how this would work over the time differences though? So it can't be that solid). I would think and a Forum reply from WotC seems to confirm this, is that the Wednesday thing is more about the advertising and giving everyone a firm day and place, ie. Advertising from WotC, by default, advertises the event at Spirit (or wherever). Sanctioning (whatever this is) will ONLY be available for Wednesdays. If the advertising says Wednesday then someone new could walk into a shop expecting a game to be running that day. Though they could be corrected it's not ideal. I'm getting the feeling that this event is not really for establish DnD player groups but to try and encourage a new group of people to come in and try it - This would be the payoff for the shops and WotC. Perhaps the established groups would provide DM's for the new groups. Could this not be an opportunity for others to DM if they wished too? Could some of us be running games, in the shop, during the day - It appears that it is the intent of WotC to have games running, instore, for people to join in on, when the come in to do some shopping. A session is on one encounter (1 to 2 hours max). And at that I give up because as stated in other posts there's so much contradictory info that it's impossible to see the Wizards for the Coast. Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 27 February 2010, 17:39:00 Well, Phil will likely have enough kits to do a daytime drop-in style thingy if and when he wants to, I understand our part of the bargain is to, (if we are interested and able) do a few to make it easier for him to hit the weird 'minimum games' thingy to get the latter part/nebulous reward.
Frankly, I don't see any silly social networking element being a sufficient bribe to force it to be universally wednesday only, and if the game is unplayable without that, then it'll likely fall flat pretty impressively. I think most of the sillyness is just marketing throwing it's toys out of the pram, really, though I'm looking forward to actually trying it out. Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Dat on 27 February 2010, 17:50:54 well, keeping people in the dark about what is required of them, eh? I guess i won't know anything for sure until i am almost running the game. Thanks wizards!
...Although i suppose we might be seen to be a bit hasty. I mean, what do we want to do some forward planning for? It's not like we've all got lives to arrange things around. Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Dat on 12 March 2010, 19:25:30 Yes, i'm replying to myself.
I don't have the kit yet, but will demand that it is in store on Saturday (Caturday). Also, i am pissed that more information is hidden somewhere on a different site (the community forum) under a pile of dung i have no desire to sift through. I am however obsessed with the 'Renown Point Accomplishments' players will earn and may turn them into something more....graphical, with....console/mmo...parodies. Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 12 March 2010, 23:20:47 There's also some kind of DM Rewards thing, if you register a certain number of games played (With the DCI numbers of the players) that apparently can result in actual physical prizes.
Which is nice. If we all end up with DCI numbers, it might be worth our various DM's looking into going along with this, if we/you can figure it out, so we can all get free stuff for playing our normal everyday private wednesday games... Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: EvilGinger on 24 June 2010, 07:53:17 Just to say I have hold of the Dark Sun encounters thingy and I am prepared to run it if any one is interested I was thinking of doing it on Friday alongside the magic game at the shop as Wednesdays are pretty much full. Having said which every other wednesday alongside the changeling game is a possibility as is in the shop in the day.
BTW can we try to start TIKI's game earlier as I feel particularly ill this morning due to staying up well past my bed time yesterday even if it was worth it. >:DGinger Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 24 June 2010, 17:44:23 I would be interested in the campaign, (at the very least in theory), but the most important thing is seeing who else is interested, and when they can make it. I would suggest poking Bob via whatever other communication avenue you have, and I will similarly nudge Dust at the Coopers later.
Slatie checks the boards now and again, so hopefully he'll catch this thread and let us know directly. :) Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: EvilGinger on 25 June 2010, 03:28:37 Quote I would suggest poking Bob I have done, but I need at least four people to run using the Pre-generated characters in the pack. So Roll up roll up >:DGinger Title: Re: 'Wizards' D&D Wednesdays' Campaign Post by: Slatie on 25 June 2010, 20:36:30 And check it I have!
I'm up for what ever it is :) Wasn't there Wednesday... I know this is hard to believe but I had too much work! Should be all down hill to the holidays from Monday so I'll not be bothered / worried when the campain is run |