Title: Quest for the holy Mug Part one Post by: EvilGinger on 17 February 2010, 19:29:39 Rapple learns of the "Platinum Coffee Mug of Infinite Coco' & the threat its theft is to the universe...
>:DGinger Title: Re: Quest for the holy Mug Part one Post by: Dat on 19 February 2010, 15:00:15 what is this i dont even
Title: Re: Quest for the holy Mug Part one (correction) Post by: EvilGinger on 19 February 2010, 17:40:32 Rapple learns of the prophecy concerning the importance of the "Platinum Coffee Mug of Infinite Coco' to the continued existence of the universe..... Then that the "Platinum Coffee Mug of Infinite Coco' has been stolen & the prophecy explains if cryptically the threat its theft is to the universe...
>:DGinger Edited for Tiki's Benefit Title: Re: Quest for the holy Mug Part one Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 28 February 2010, 02:04:42 This should be...eventfull.
At least, it will be if I get chance... Title: Re: Quest for the holy Mug Part one Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 02 March 2010, 03:18:00 I'd just like to say (and considering the content of the above notification, rather ironically) that although in many ways this session was a small, cursory session essentially wrapping up a few loose ends before we can move on properly... That it was quite possibly one of the highlights of my career as a player.
Getting to successfully resolve a personally related plot-line, largely through my own input and ideas as well and even getting an amusing little suprise along the way, well. It was good. And nice to see the honestly quite cathartic return of our Prodigal cleric. It was a good session. Title: Re: Quest for the holy Mug Part one Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 04 March 2010, 17:48:02 Ironically, the day after this session I was looking around Deviantart, and deviant-watched an artist...
http://candra.deviantart.com/ Turns out my new general has hidden talents. Title: Re: Quest for the holy Mug Part one Post by: morgalahan on 04 March 2010, 19:22:21 nice artist, but I sort of thought it was spelled with a K... but then again I seem to think a lot of names are spelled with 'k's...
Title: Re: Quest for the holy Mug Part one Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 04 March 2010, 19:57:21 No idea. But as we kept confusing it with Casandra, it's the spelling I went for. :)
[edit] - OH MY. Ahaha. Erm, I stumbled onto some more of Candra's work, whilst exploring the darker parts of the internet. Turns out my new General has a thing for Yaoi. Still, quite talented. The most amusing had to be the Hellraiser themed one. :o Title: Re: Quest for the holy Mug Part one Post by: morgalahan on 06 March 2010, 19:45:55 Surely there should be a post for part two by now?
Anyway, my cheif concern at the moment is wether or not the squirrel will be attending. It's probably moot to post here, since I'm not at all sure that he'll get to check the BBBB before tomorrow anyway. Oh well :( On a related note, it really feels like sunday for me, huh. Title: Re: Quest for the holy Mug Part one Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 08 March 2010, 16:00:07 Invisible part 2 is invisible.
Was a good session, though. Breif, but fun. Oh, the cunning plans I have. I actually had to stop myself at one point, because crazy and audatious schemes were intruding on my ability to follow what was happening. Let's just say, I'll be having a quiet word with you, Stace, and your Shaman, if we actually do manage to get this city propped back up... |