Title: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 15 February 2010, 04:43:55 So, how exactly is this so-called-map of the Feywild supposed to work? If you have a theory, feel free to share it here with your fellow party members. Who knows, if you take a little time to think and ask questions, you may yet get where you are going.
Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Dat on 15 February 2010, 14:28:32 Are the icons in circles actually badges we have to collect by battling pokemans? If we get a cockney to draw the icons on the floor in coloured chalks, can we think, wink, do a double blink, close our eyes...and jump?!
Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Arnu on 16 February 2010, 00:25:53 I think that the icons are fixed (or relativly fixed) landmarks (or realms) in the Feywild and the map shows how they are linked.
I guess we have to decide where we are going and set out with that conviction in our mind to reach our destination. What does everyone else think? Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: morgalahan on 16 February 2010, 18:04:48 On my much scribbled on copy of the map, I wrote some theories.
They mostly have to do with what we've already figured out and the message written under the symbols. 'By a combination of mine signs and cypher may I find my way, and perhaps return to my lady fair.' There are differences between the two halves of the page of symbols. The message could be a reference on how to use the two groups. Most of the pictures seem to me to be 'small' things and 'big' things, as in pebbes - mountain, mushrooms - trees, a water droplet - a large body of water. The following has been taken from wikipedia 'In cryptography, encryption is the process of transforming information (referred to as plaintext) using an algorithm (called cipher) to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key. The result of the process is encrypted information (in cryptography, referred to as ciphertext). In many contexts, the word encryption also implicitly refers to the reverse process, decryption (e.g. “software for encryption” can typically also perform decryption), to make the encrypted information readable again (i.e. to make it unencrypted).' I may be overthinking this, but perhaps we need a 'key' to figure out how to use the signs. Or we need to figure out what the key is. Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Arnu on 17 February 2010, 16:46:00 Looking at the map the top six are all large things. The bottom six are all small things.
The location of the top and bottom six seem to be related to one degree or another. Grass Tree Water Briars Rock/Mountain/Cliff Dark Circle/Darkness -------------------------------------------------------------- Butterfly Mushroom Water Droplet Weeds/Climbers Pebbles/Rubble (Ruins)? Spider I feel that the size of things is unimportant (as they may changed) but no matter the size they are still there in some form The other thought is that the lower six refer to the natural world and the upper six refer to the Feywild maybe using a map of the natural world will help give us a guide to the Feywild (maybe not a perfect guide but a guide none the less) Any ideas? Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: morgalahan on 17 February 2010, 16:53:57 I believe my ideas have already been stated.
Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Arnu on 17 February 2010, 17:00:19 I can't think of any other way to read it. I can't break in to the cypher. I wonder if we have a rosetta stone that we don't realise we have?
Where did the map come from? (I can't remember) Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: morgalahan on 17 February 2010, 17:06:09 The map was found amongst the maps in your ship. All of the maps are separete and made by different cartographers. We have already established that you can only use it while on the land in the feywild, and not from the ship itself. We have also established that simply haring off in any random direction doesnt work and gets you lost, or looses sight of the ship. We have also found that the 'lady fair' probably referred so the map maker's lady, and isnt something/someone special.
Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Arnu on 17 February 2010, 17:29:10 Thanks for jogging my faulty memory.
I wonder if we can orient the map with our current location. Does our destination relate to one of the images on the map? Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: morgalahan on 17 February 2010, 17:58:46 We're looking for the demesne of the Korrigan Briar Witch
Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 18 February 2010, 04:31:09 Well, whatever you guys thought of the process, you got there and without me having to break out the hint-anvils, so I'd say job well done. :)
Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: morgalahan on 18 February 2010, 15:18:01 mmm, got there....yes....and promptly stepped into the shiz
Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Arnu on 18 February 2010, 15:25:00 I said we always take the dangerous path. LOL
The tea party is rather worrying. I feel sorry for the Hobgoblin Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 18 February 2010, 15:32:49 I said we always take the dangerous path. LOL The tea party is rather worrying. I feel sorry for the Hobgoblin The dangerous path? Well, this has been public for a while. (http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=549.msg1691#msg1691) But I'm not sure it's dangerous in comparison to the alternative. (http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=549.msg1780#msg1780) Though, who knows? You may get to find out first hand. :) Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: morgalahan on 18 February 2010, 15:58:47 Public? (0_0) It may as well have been hiding under your bed. I had no idea there was information like that around. Oh dear lord, we're deeeeeep in the shiz now.
*quickly does a bardic knowledge check to see if she knows the Corrigan epic and modifies it on the fly so that she succeeded, pauses and also does a mental inventory of all the 'shinies' she may have in her bag. Then thinks she may have to -make- some* And yes, Arnu, if we'd gone the -other- way, we would have been far more screwed than we are now, and thats saying something. Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Arnu on 18 February 2010, 16:10:03 I think where we are is far more dangerous than the other path.
We could see the danger in the briars. I know that tea party is dangerous but I don't know why it is dangerous yet and that is why I think that tis is the more deadly path. Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: morgalahan on 18 February 2010, 17:01:37 Did you um, even read the information Tiki just linked? Corrigan is an ally of the thing we 'almost' walked into. Or servant even, although I wouldnt imply that to her face.
Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 18 February 2010, 17:40:06 Public? (0_0) It may as well have been hiding under your bed. I had no idea there was information like that around. Oh dear lord, we're deeeeeep in the shiz now. It's been linked in my sig since before Shadowfell ended, actually. :) Cunningly hidden in plain view. Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Arnu on 18 February 2010, 17:44:50 Did you um, even read the information Tiki just linked? Corrigan is an ally of the thing we 'almost' walked into. Or servant even, although I wouldnt imply that to her face. No I missed that one. I will have a look for it Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Arnu on 18 February 2010, 18:04:49 Read it
The briar is a bit nasty and could be a little out of our league! I wonder if it is resistant to weed killer? Title: Re: A Puzzling Map Indeed Post by: Dat on 19 February 2010, 15:50:50 When i think of faeries, - no matter what system, i immediately know things are going to be effing dangerous. Even if i mentally linked the warlock pact info with our campaign, i wouldn't have read it again if simon hadn't linked it. Mostly because i wouldn't want to know. Fats was out of his depth before, but now he knows the situation is probably even grimmer. Grimm.