Big Bang Burger Bar

The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: Zardoz on 12 February 2010, 19:44:09

Title: Tuesday 16th
Post by: Zardoz on 12 February 2010, 19:44:09
OK gang, what's happening on the 16th.
I have a Cold City scenario I can run. (1950's Cold War horror)

Title: Re: Tuesday 16th
Post by: Adam on 13 February 2010, 18:55:03
In theory it's part two of the horse fayre story.
Sir Edwin, Sir Roderick, Master Scribe Oswyn, and servant boy Thomas get priority but there is space and an "in" for extra PCs.

The Cold City one -off would be useful next week when I am indisposed again. Which is a shame because I love Cold City.

Title: Re: Tuesday 16th
Post by: Zardoz on 15 February 2010, 14:07:12
Sounds like a plan.

Title: Re: Tuesday 16th
Post by: John R on 15 February 2010, 14:30:37
Hi Adam

I will be there tomorrow night.



Title: Re: Tuesday 16th
Post by: Ross on 15 February 2010, 15:27:35
I will be there also.


Title: Re: Tuesday 16th
Post by: BaldLea on 15 February 2010, 18:32:34
Hi Adam

Is there space for my thug tax collector?


Title: Re: Tuesday 16th
Post by: John R on 15 February 2010, 19:18:36

I'm also up for Cold City next week.



Title: Re: Tuesday 16th
Post by: Adam on 15 February 2010, 22:58:21
Yes Lea there should be room for your th ahem revenue specialist.
and for Sir Percy Valentine, too Ian.

See you there.

Title: Re: Tuesday 16th
Post by: JamesSteeleII on 16 February 2010, 00:52:15
If its not a problem and there's room I'm good for tomorrow.


Title: Re: Tuesday 16th
Post by: Deebee on 16 February 2010, 17:02:15
There should be room as I have a business meeting I need to attend this evening, so I am going to have to bow out tonight. Sorry.