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Author Topic: Dr Who - Deep Breath  (Read 5259 times)
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Deep One

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« on: 25 August 2014, 12:38:01 »

After the disappointing last episode of the previous incumbent I was looking forward to this new series bringing in a welcome change of direction with the new incarnation.

Sad to say I felt let down by the first episode, we had a poorly explained nemesis along with almost all the episode devoted to some kind of regeneration madness. Now if the Dr went through this everytime then his enemies would have had a really easy time picking him off one regeneration at a time until he ran out....

Come on, a bit of disorientation for the first few hours maybe, but days of utter madness and talking rubbish hmmmmmmm..... Also did we really need yet another Cameo from the previous Dr? come on your gone, dead, just leave the damn universe already...

On the flip side Clara has improved a lot as an assistant and they have certainly given her character more scope and depth. Lets hope this continues and they make this partnership work much better than others.

I really hope the writing for the rest of this season improves because so far, at least for me, this has been a less then stellar start to the new Dr.


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Mild Psychosis

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« Reply #1 on: 26 August 2014, 18:02:49 »

I have to agree it was dissappointing.

They were obviously trying to make a point about regeneration and "if you've changed every part of yourself is there anything of you left?" but basically it was no plot strung out for too long. They made him run off so Clara could do a bit of introspection but it just felt like filler, not character development

I think there is promise for the new Doctor/assistant partnership but this was not it.

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Burton Delvers

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« Reply #2 on: 26 August 2014, 20:15:56 »

Ah, you miserable old sods. Tongue
I thought it was great almost from start to finish (with only a couple of heavy handed Sontaran moments to mar the fun).

The Doctor has been pretty out of it and vulnerable for a good period of time in many of his regeneration/post regeneration episodes and I honestly don't see how you can say the villain was poorly explained, I thought that was handled remarkably deftly all things considered.
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« Reply #3 on: 26 August 2014, 22:13:51 »

Not miserable just we have high expectations from years of watching one of the best home-grown Sci-Fi Series that deserves to flourish and show the US they do not have a stranglehold on TV culture

Mechanical robots beneath London streets for who knows how long but no-one notices, especially multiple incarnations of the Dr.
A restaurant full of people not eating or breathing and no-one notices going in or makes an escape once in?
A series of murders some evidence on a board but no real sense of investigation

A dinosaur in  the middle of London yet nothing is really done about it by either the Dr or more importantly the people?!?!?! Yes the "gang" provide a means to contain it, handing it to the police, but they don't even really question the obviously out of place looking technology like its an everyday occurrence.

The throwaway ending with no sense of reference? Ok I get he likes series long plots, like his predecessor but this was poor.

The episode felt incomplete, lazily written and using cheap tricks to achieve character changes for future episodes. This could have been done better, I admit I would not be up to the challenge but then I am not being paid for the task! As I said before, I hope this is just a bad start and that better is to come but I fear that they are already hinting at rolling out the same old enemies once again, we're still earth based I would be happy with the good old quarry new planet feel but please there is a whole universe of people he nurtures and protects but we've spent series after series on earth . Yes I know we've had some off-planet stuff but feels like minimal compares to classic Dr Who.

Still this is only my opinion others, like yourself, will like it but for me since Moffat took the helm the general level has gone down, his previous contributions to the series under the old were great but he seems to have lost that shine for me. Maybe this darker feel will allow him to flex his imagination in new exciting ways and if it does hopefully it will re-ignite my immersion into the Who universe.

« Last Edit: 26 August 2014, 22:16:28 by Zarniwoop » Logged


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Burton Delvers
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« Reply #4 on: 26 August 2014, 22:14:46 »

Not seen it but I have read reviews which support both points of view so I now want to see it to make my own mind up


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