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Author Topic: A Company of Fools - Blog  (Read 211634 times)
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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #435 on: 11 September 2014, 21:00:06 »

Episode Twenty Four Take it form here


it all goes down hill form here tonight folks

This is ten seconds in and the .........

Source: Episode Twenty Four Take it form here

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #436 on: 12 September 2014, 18:00:05 »

A Company of Fools Episode Twenty Four  - in brief

The battle continues

Source: A Company of Fools Episode Twenty Four  - in brief

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #437 on: 14 September 2014, 18:00:10 »

The Haitus

If it was a bit quiet around here then I am sorry but I have been over doing it on several fronts of late and it rather caught up with me to the point where coherent thought was impossible. I have as a result spent the last three days asleep including the period when I was actually working and most of it in bed. I am now beginning to feel functional so am about to work out where I am at the moment with a view to getting some more bloging done.

There is quite a lot I have to report not least of all Episode Twenty Four Of the Company of Fools and developments with Against the Robots. however first I think I need Pizza which I haven't had in months and than on with the show.

Source: The Haitus

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #438 on: 16 September 2014, 21:30:08 »

The Return of the Hiatus

The Pizza was drudged I tell you honest, as before I ate it on Sunday night I was up for writing a great load for the blog and not at all knackered just hungry but after I was back into Zombie land again Grrr...

Would have Got back to it yesterday except work and lots of it raised its ugly head again and I had to do that first and by the time I had done that I was well into the Dysfunctionally incoherent  region from my normal at least semi functional incoherence.

However  today I delivered the weekly television guide to the very excellent Spirit Games my local FLGS and I got got asked to cover for an hour and as is so familiar it was nearer four by the time it was all done ad I was once again well into zombie land, not that working at Spirit is ever any thing but a pleasure but it still uses up my recently rather limited endurance. 

I did get to unpack lots of good stuff including  KODT 210, 211,212 and can confirm that they are available in this cold damp land but I did not get a chance to look at them before they where whisked away by the mail order troll as they would be going out in the post today as can be confirmed by them being instantly out of stock .

Any way I am now back at the grindstone and have stuff to go up on the blog  I just need to go and top up the coffee and caffeinated fluids so I stay out of Zombie land long enough to do it.

will be right back....

Source: The Return of the Hiatus

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #439 on: 17 September 2014, 01:00:08 »

A Company of Fools Episode Twenty Four  - in brief

The battle continues 


Source: A Company of Fools Episode Twenty Four  - in brief

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #440 on: 17 September 2014, 01:00:08 »

Mean while in the Market square of Vayham (part I)

another drama unfolds.

Just as the market was setting up for the day in the great market square of the town, not that it was going to be all that great a market considering the town had been under close siege for three weeks now and things to sell, especially food, where getting increasingly scarce and what there was to be had increasingly expensive as they became scarcer. There was always something to be had that was needed and the social function of the market had not subsided and there was always time for a moan about the town situation or same tale to tell about that nights fighting. Thought the chief topic this morning was that the Acolytes of the Great Hospital had cordoned off the shambles in the Newtown on account of some vile plague having broken out there and that a great crowd of acolytes had gone in to set up a fever hospital in its midst.

Then there was the tale of the heroes of the major attack on the Northgate of a couple of nights ago to talk, including the strange elf and his lieutenant who had lead the counter attack,  about and some wondering what the company of adventurers variously called Telec’s or Dvorn’s company where going to do to lift the siege after all the tale was all around that two weeks ago they had cut there way through the goblin siege lines with great slaughter amongst the goblins and those who manned the walls told that the goblins had greatly reinforced their works to defend against a second occurrence. Finally the Kalamarian lass who had been doing performance poetry was a always worth a watch even if no one here could understand a word of it, one could not but like the lilt and style of it, not to mention that the poetess was an uncommon pretty girl and that drew enough interest form the young apprentices who had precious little else to do these days.

Then it happened, there was a massive explosion quickly followed by a fountain of flame which rose higher than the walls of the keep and hurled gobbets flame far out over the north of the town falling into thatch and starting fires. The bystanders stood stunned for a few instants and then the alarms went off at the keep,the war drum and the great gold horn of the true sounded, and Militia men tired for a nights patrolling ad skirmishing with goblins along the walls where rousted out to act as a fire brigade lest the town burn. Around the market they where joined by the market guard and even some of the traders and their customers and some amongst the counts guard and the soldiers of the true also joined in though the strange Half Ork who had been rumoured to be hiding in the temple of the true and pretending to be one of their guards was no where to be seen.

Then the demon appeared not far form the now faltering fountain of flame. It appeared with a soft pop and a whoosh of air and no one who was not looking towards the flame would have noticed it until its war cry rent the air sending a shock wave of fear through all who heard its terrifying yet inchoate howl only two did not flee the Kalamarian lass who drew her sword, a blade every one thought little more than a prop to her troubadour act and charged it out of the arch of the keep the Half Ork appeared still aping a guard of the true and ran towards the monster.

Picture from here
The monster was a the form of a twisted red skinned humanoid of gigantic proportions wielding a sword of prodigious size for a moment it stood and surveyed the scene before moving towards the gate of the keep sweeping abandoned market stalls before it with its great blade. The blows smashing them and scattering the goods form them to be crunched under its cloven hooves

A couple of the counts guards on the gate recovered enough from the effect of its cry and had the presence of mind to shot it with the large siege bows from the gate house the bolts shattered on its flesh like hurled icicles on granite. It ignored the two figures approaching it sniffing the air intent on the gate to the keep and beyond.

to be continued....

Source: Mean while in the Market square of Vayham (part I)

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #441 on: 17 September 2014, 01:00:08 »

The Demon in the square

I intend to do a set of stats for this but at present they are only in my note book I will write them up tomorrow

Source: The Demon in the square

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #442 on: 17 September 2014, 11:30:07 »

A Company of Fools Episode Twenty Four  - in brief

The battle continues 

The action this session was compacted into a brief sliced of time and encompassed the fight with the Acolyte of the Rot Lord and his Guardian Oliphant rats and its immediate aftermath.

Source: A Company of Fools Episode Twenty Four  - in brief

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #443 on: 17 September 2014, 11:30:08 »

The Demon in the square

The Demon of the Sword - Vaesehanesresics (that which delights in the slaughter of the unresisting and  the terrified)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Initiative: -2
Speed: 9
Reach:+2 feet ( 8 feet with sword)
Attack: +13
Damage: 2d12p + 5 Sword
2d3p + 5  with claws on hands or feet or 3d3p+ 5 bite
Special Attack:  Demonic battle cry (same as Grell war cry)Sweep attack can strike all in a 180 degree ark on an aggressive attack ,and causes +1d3p damage to helpless targets.
Weakness: takes +5 damage form good aligned items and +5 damage from lawful ones the effects are cumulative and may be turned as any good or lawful priest regardless of them having the ability to turn undead
Defence: +3
Special Defence: Teleports if on half damage or less instantly (takes one second)
Damage Reduction: 12 - 4 weapons of legend
Hit Points: 30+4d8
ToP Save: n/a
Will Factor: 10
Size: large
Move: 15 feet/second at a walk
EPV: 1200 (Nb never counts as half for there only being one opponent)

More on this shortly

Source: The Demon in the square

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #444 on: 17 September 2014, 11:30:08 »

Mean while in the Market square of Vayham (part II)

The Demon unleashed its ululating cry again as it and the Half Ork clashed, which would have surprised the on lookers had there been any for fear of the demon had made all else flee or cringe in cover praying to the very gods that it not notice them. The Ork let out its on battle cry "for the True" as its axe and the demons massive sword began a deadly dance.

To be Continued.......

Source: Mean while in the Market square of Vayham (part II)

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #445 on: 17 September 2014, 19:00:06 »

A Company of Fools Episode Twenty Four  - in brief

The battle continues 

The action this session was compacted into a brief sliced of time and encompassed the fight with the Acolyte of the Rot Lord and his Guardian Oliphant rats and its immediate aftermath.

A furious Aeltred and the Rot Lords acolyte continued to trade blows. The Acolyte is unable to land a telling blow on the half elf thwarted either by the rangers quickness on his feet or his skill fully used shield. The Ranger in his turn was thwarted by the strange mystic force which absorbed the blows from his sword in a shower of arcane sparks.  Most of the rest of the company either held back in the passage way or fought the Acolytes trained attack Oliphant rats huge mangy disease ridden beasts which fought with increasing fury as the fight continued. Around the edges of the fight the young halfing Lalia lurked plying her sling with skill for the most part and darting in to apply her dagger to any rats which where temporarily out of the fight, rendering such a state permanent.  

Siskin raised risks power and sent one of the rats fleeing with a prayer and a hand full of bone shards and it fled squeaking in fear. The young warrior Olivier was briefly taken down by a ferocious bite from the rat he was fighting but fortunately the rat was drawn to attack Telec who was playing his usual role of armoured shield to the whole company whilst groin seeker learned what to seek on the rats and he was rescued again by his friend of the journey the young healer from Neffaria, with a prayer to the care giver. At which point their other companion from the same journey the young gnome Coradog who had made his way around the fight and joined in with Aeltred and struck the Acolyte such a mighty blow that his flail struck sparks like a shooting star in the night from the Acolytes mysterious shield

Source: A Company of Fools Episode Twenty Four  - in brief

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #446 on: 17 September 2014, 19:00:06 »

Mean while in the Market square of Vayham (part II)

The Demon unleashed its ululating cry again as it and the Half Ork clashed, which would have surprised the on lookers had there been any for fear of the demon had made all else flee or cringe in cover praying to the very gods that it not notice them. The Ork let out its on battle cry "for the True" as its axe and the demons massive sword began a deadly dance. In the living quarters of the temple of the True and the Temple of the Founder inside the keep their respective priests and knights where roused from their sleep by terrified guards in the Manor the Count called for his squire. The demon did not notice the girl sneaking up on it from behind her short swords blade glittering dully in the dying light of the fountain of flame.

Fawlit dodged the heavy sword for all he was worth but even so it the tip caught him and tore his golden yellow surcoat and struck sparks from his new scale armour. However he noticed the demon could not fight it swung its sword in wild arcs and quite predictable sweeps like a farmer reaping wheat or scything down long grass not like a warrior it also seemed to give little thought to its own protection. Fawlit watched and toyed with it giving ground and moving seeming to give way to the creature biding his time as it hewed at him before spinning his great axe “questions will be axed” in to an opening the beast left smashing the heavy axe into its knee with a force that would have take the leg off a lesser creature. Black stinking ichor exploded from the wound but the creature took it resolutely as if it was a mere tap and essayed a reply but being unable to brig its great blade to bear it lashed out with its great clawed foot. The move caught Fawlit who was moving to a second swing himself a bit by surprise but even so most to the not inconsiderable force of the blow was taken on his axes shaft even so it sent him sprawling back towards the gate way a good ten feet and winded him even if he did have the presence of mind to hang on to the axe. The demon let out its war cry again and raising its sword above its head followed up to finish the prone Half Ork. Inside the keep all those who heard cringed deeper in their hiding places and prayed all the harder.

Then Nyasse struck with a balletic leap she threw herself at the creature sword forward in a movement more suited to the climax of a Basirian sword dance than a fight, but the blade struck home in the small of the foul things back and cut a deep wound which caused it to cry out in pain and its stroke at Fawlit missed striking sparks off the stones of the market square instead. Nyasse completed the move with a back flip. The creature turned looking for its new assailant as the girl landed and Fawlit recovered and got back to his feet.

It took a swing at Nyasse who was perhaps a bit too elated at her beginners luck to pay attention to defending herself catching her unarmoured left arm  and cleaving it to the bone. For a moment the young dancers vision greyed and she thought she was going to faint. So did the demon who let out an exultant cry and prepared to strike his hapless and soon to be helpless foe. Fawlit struck smashing “questions will be axed” into the demons unarmoured thigh, he had been aiming for the already wounded knee but the stroke went high. Once again the stroke did remarkably little damage for all it was delivered with full force and would have felled an ox. Nyasse vision cleared and despite the pain she forward rolled in under the demons swing driving her sword into the malformed muscle of its calf the sword went right through and Nyasse tore it out not that she had quite intended to but she had rolled on her gashed arm and this time the pain was too much for the girl. Fawlit laughed a strange and rather inappropriate laugh. He could see his death and it did not scare him because he knew that he would be as welcome as any in the afterlife of the true. He caught the demons uneven glowing eyes and the demon saw its own end in the Orks an end to millennia of slaughtering the defenceless and innocent of a myriad worlds an end to every thing to oblivion for no after life awaits demons and it decided it had had enough, it was gone in an instant

To be Continued.......

Source: Mean while in the Market square of Vayham (part II)

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #447 on: 17 September 2014, 22:30:07 »

The Demon in the square

The Demon of the Sword - Vaesehanesresics (that which delights in the slaughter of the
unresisting and  the terrified)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Initiative: -2
Speed: 9
Reach:+2 feet ( 8 feet with sword)
Attack: +8
Damage: 2d12p + 5 Sword
2d3p + 5  with claws on hands or feet or 3d3p+ 5 bite
Special Attack:  Demonic battle cry (same as Grell war cry) Sweep attack can strike all in a 180 degree ark on an aggressive attack ,and causes +1d3p damage to helpless targets.
Weakness: takes +5 damage form good aligned items and +5 damage from lawful ones the effects are cumulative and may be turned as any good or lawful priest regardless of them having the ability to turn undead
Defence: +2
Special Defence: Teleports if on half damage or more less instantly (takes one second) but can only do this once per day
Damage Reduction: 12 - 4 weapons of legend
Hit Points: 30+4d8
ToP Save: n/a
Will Factor: 10
Size: large
Move: 15 feet/second at a walk and can Teloport at will over long distances as many times as it likes in a day but the ritual to do so takes 3d6p minutes during which it is unable to defend itself without aborting the process and beginning again the mazumum range on such a teleport is eight days march
EPV: 1200 (Nb never counts as half for there only being one opponent as its well able to deal with multiple foes)

This demon or may be type of demon for they are commonly found during the initial phases of any abyssal invasion and this may indicate that there are some numbers of the foul things. However given its ability to teleport freely over long distances and that in every reported case only one has been encountered may mean that is is indeed a unique monster.

This demon ranges ahead of the abyssal horde and is drawn to accumulations of unarmed or poorly armed non-combatants who it delights in terrifying with its abyssal war cry and then slaughtering wholes sale. Unlike many demons it is not one for property damage for its own sake however it will do so to further terrify its victims and to get to those who might be hiding in buildings etc.

As a demon it does not need to eat however it will often consume victims messily in order to further terrify its other victims

other stuff to add once I have had a look at the Hob for layout and the like

Source: The Demon in the square

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #448 on: 17 September 2014, 22:30:07 »

An Oliphant Rat WIP

Something I am working on

Not an original drawing but a piece of random clip art I am reworking using it as a guide as I cant draw animals half that well from scratch. Its still im the process of being cleaned up and sharpened up as its an image I expanded to A4 from much smaller which caused some pixilation I am in process of removing. I am also almost certainly going to flip the image so it faces right to left before its done.

Source: An Oliphant Rat WIP

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #449 on: 18 September 2014, 19:30:06 »

An Oliphant Rat WIP

Something I am working on

Not an original drawing but a piece of random clip art I am reworking using it as a guide as I cant draw animals half that well from scratch. Its still im the process of being cleaned up and sharpened up as its an image I expanded to A4 from much smaller which caused some pixilation I am in process of removing. I am also almost certainly going to flip the image so it faces right to left before its done.

A bit more done on this but its rather slow progress as I am rather tired and having some difficulty concentrating

Source: An Oliphant Rat WIP

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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