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No, we just stopped fiddling with them.I think this ship has a far better idea of where it`s going then we do. - Ford Prefect
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #390 on: 01 September 2014, 10:00:14 »

Release the Foxes

From the People we Support here

Reposted form the Burton Wildlife Face Book page

Release - Fox Cubs Part One...


 need to insert video clip


 Tonight we released four of our  fox cubs to a lovely location with woodlands and plenty of food sources.  We will not disclose the location due to the safety of the cubs.

 This is part one of the video we took as some of the cubs were reluctant to leave the carrier at first.
 The first fox cub on this video is a dog fox called Mask. He came in  from another rescue as they did not have the facilities to rear and  rehabilitate him for release.  He wasted no time in getting out of the  carrier and he was very interested in his surroundings. We watched him  as he disappeared into some bushes.
 The second fox cub seen on  this video is a vixen called Vixie. She is the cub we are most proud of  as when we rescued her she was completely paralysed from the neck down.  We told her story about six weeks ago but the short of it is, after  lots of hard work, medication, hydrotherapy and physiotherapy, she  regained full use of her legs. It was a long process but it was worth it  as you see her in the video jump into the undergrowth.
 Good Luck Mask and Vixie.

Release - Fox Cubs Part Two...

 need to insert video clip

This is the follow on video from the first one we posted.
The first fox cub to be released on this video is a vixen called Grace.  She came in as a three week old baby and was very ill. We treated her  for toxoplasmosis as she was observed  having a seizure, which was successful. She was also hand reared by  ourselves. She was always the wildest of the bunch and very lively. 

The second fox cub is also a vixen and her name is Inara. Again she was  brought to us as a very young cub from another rescue who did not have  experience hand rearing a cub or the facilities to rehabilitate them  back to the wild. She was hand reared with Zenko and Mask by the same  member of staff.
Good Luck Inara and Grace. Back to the wild where they belong. :-)

Source: Release the Foxes

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #391 on: 02 September 2014, 00:00:06 »

Against the Robots  House rules

These are in addition to the changes mentioned in the other articles in this series

 Races available to play 

Fey - same as elves in the standard game main difference being that they are remarkable enough to develop a base fame of 10 from the beginning and are seen as almost as much a curiosity as the Pixie faeries of the standard setting
Humans - may be Generic humans which are straight out of the book and are likely Ammrenmd or Varazzan or of a mixed heritage or from an ethnic group to be found outside of the region. Solmari who are standard humans but they tend to be of slimmer builds so their rolled BMI is reduced by .5 from what ever is rolled or Kethian who are shorter than standard humans so their rolled height is reduced by 2" or even Jehenghii who are the enemies of the empire and barbarians from beyond its western frontier an who are taller than standard humans so their rolled height is increased by 2" and their rolled strength is increased by 0/25 as they are known for their physical prowess. on the down side they are the empires enemies and before that the enemies of the Solmari so are generally distrusted in the empire and gain a -10 reaction roll with all imperials -20 with ethnic Solmari
Half giants - detailed else where the former slave race of the true giants who revolted during the giants war
Fortekki - forest folk driven out from the dense western woods by the encroaching  Jehenghii and settled amongst the Solmari these are very similar to Halflings in the standard game but are taller and even more stealthy in the woods ( superior hiding and sneaking in natural surroundings +65% as Grell in the standard game) an which I will expand on it their own article

Rules changes 

Source: Against the Robots  House rules

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #392 on: 02 September 2014, 00:00:07 »

The Differences between the world of Against the Robots & the standard setting

  • Even more Humanocentric than normal
  • No humanoids none of the standard humanoid races      are included
  • Fewer demihumans than are standard and no half      races
  • Fewer intelligent races all round this includes intelligent      non humanoid monsters
  • A different set of Gawds and associated priests even      if some of them are quite similar such as the Bright One of the Dwarves      and the Solmari and the Elk and the Eagle of the Kethians who are the      Cathedral of Light, The Conventicle of the Great tree and the temple of      the patient arrow, respectively with minor changes  as well as a whole new set of Gawds I am developing for the setting
  • Illiterate arcane spell users
  • Illiterate priests
  • A much less benign environment mother nature is      also your foe and having survival skill and proper gear is vital
  •  Barbarians who are more superstitious about technology worked metals in particular than magic
  • More variation between human ethnicities in some game mechanics 
  • There is no slavery within the Varazzan empire and it only exists beyond its borders amongst the larger Kethian tribes  and the Jehenghii
  • The Varazzan culture is not fully feudal  it is more like that of the late Roman empire with nobles being land holders rather than warriors and the Empire does have a well trained standing army mostly Pole arm armed backed up with archers armed with powerful recurved bows. These are in turn backed up by local nobles household troops on the borders, where the noble title requires the retention of a number of trained warriors and civic and rural militias who will defended there patch. 
  • The more martial Religions of the Empire have fighting orders with the Bright order being the most prominent locally - The elite these fighting orders are the equivalent of knights and generally fight as heavy cavalry the rest as light cavalry or mounted infantry.
  • The Chief religions of the Empire as a whole are The Maker the Gawd of crafts and industry The Merchant the Gawd of  local Commerce  and The Trader the Gawd of roads and long distance commerce. The Emperor is the patron of the empire itself and is impart the deified version of the last Varazzan king and first emperor as well as in part a personification of the spirit of the empire as a whole
  • In addition to these there are numerous local religions particularly strong in this area are the Bright One which has a Dwarven and a Solmari cult the main difference being that the Solmari one is also the judge of the dead and the Dwarven version is not as well as the Elk of the Kethians and the Eagle of the Solmari and the Kethians Most farmsteads have a shrine to the Ploughman the Solmari Ammmarend agricultural Gawd but there are very few priests

Source: The Differences between the world of Against the Robots & the standard setting

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #393 on: 02 September 2014, 00:00:07 »

Inside Against the Robots  A sneak peak

A couple of scree shots I took on Roll20 whilst working on the game

Section of the travel map the scale is five miles to the hex

A Section of the Map of Torch showing the characters tokens and the GM's view of characters and articles in the handouts section  

Just so you know I have not been slacking

Source: Inside Against the Robots  A sneak peak

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #394 on: 02 September 2014, 00:00:07 »

Does my nose look big in this

A rabbit Selfie

one of the resident rabbits at Burton Wildlife Rescue in its run being nosey

Source: Does my nose look big in this

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #395 on: 02 September 2014, 03:30:05 »

The Forest Folk


Intended as another playable race for the Against the Robots game they are loosely based on Halflings in the same way that Half Giants  where loosely based on Half Orks. I was going to do no more than mention them in the history of the area briefly but as I was working on the games background tonight I came to the conclusion that I needed to do a proper write up as I did for the Half Giants. 

STR -3
DEX +2
CON +1

Fortekki Pro's 
  • two free levels of purchase of the Sneaking skill
  • two free levels of purchase of the Hiding skill
  • Harder to hit +2  defence bonus 
  • Superior hiding and sneaking in natural surroundings +65%
  • -1 initiative bonus
  • Native Language Fortekki and  Solmari

Fortekki Con's 
  • Poor reach -1 foot
  •  movement faster than a walk at half speed 
  •  Small for the purpues of hitpoints
  • Small for the purposes of knock back
  • tend to be ignored in mixed company and assumed to be children 
  •  Have to learn a mainstream human language and do so at double cost 
  • never get armour proficiencies above light as free as a result of class
  • Suffer an additional -1 defence penalty when wearing medium or heavy armour

preferential talent access  
all at 50% cost 
Crack shot and greased lightning with crossbows
Defence and Speed with short spear
One level of extra hit points
Shield Mastery

Source: The Forest Folk

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #396 on: 02 September 2014, 10:00:06 »

Against the Robots  House rules

These are in addition to the changes mentioned in the other articles in this series

 Races available to play 

Fey - same as elves in the standard game main difference being that they are remarkable enough to develop a base fame of 10 from the beginning and are seen as almost as much a curiosity as the Pixie faeries of the standard setting
Humans - may be Generic humans which are straight out of the book and are likely Ammrenmd or Varazzan or of a mixed heritage or from an ethnic group to be found outside of the region. Solmari who are standard humans but they tend to be of slimmer builds so their rolled BMI is reduced by .5 from what ever is rolled or Kethian who are shorter than standard humans so their rolled height is reduced by 2" or even Jehenghii who are the enemies of the empire and barbarians from beyond its western frontier an who are taller than standard humans so their rolled height is increased by 2" and their rolled strength is increased by 0/25 as they are known for their physical prowess. on the down side they are the empires enemies and before that the enemies of the Solmari so are generally distrusted in the empire and gain a -10 reaction roll with all imperials -20 with ethnic Solmari
Half giants - detailed else where the former slave race of the true giants who revolted during the giants war
Fortekki - forest folk driven out from the dense western woods by the encroaching  Jehenghii and settled amongst the Solmari these are very similar to Halflings in the standard game but are taller and even more stealthy in the woods ( superior hiding and sneaking in natural surroundings +65% as Grell in the standard game) an which I will expand on it their own article

Rules changes  
Not necessary in order at the moment but I will sort them into a better one when I have got them all down.

Priors and Particulars
The number of siblings rolled for all Fey and all Dwarves are halved form the standard table as both seem to me to have smaller families than humans 

Source: Against the Robots  House rules

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #397 on: 02 September 2014, 10:00:07 »

Torn Hold Map in progress

Still at the early stages and I am thinking how best to do the houses and other buildings as I don't want to have to draw each one individually I was wondering if I could get a house or building brush for GIMP and use that. This is why its taking quite so long to be honest

Have decided what to do now and made some progress  as I have added  the upper works of the hold but not yet added the houses using the set of brushes I made with the aid of GIMP ans a source image found using the roll20 search tool. The walls ans the hold need further detailing as do the roads and surrounding country but I have broken the mind block now.

Source: Torn Hold Map in progress

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #398 on: 02 September 2014, 17:00:06 »

The Forest Folk


Intended as another playable race for the Against the Robots game they are loosely based on Halflings in the same way that Half Giants  where loosely based on Half Orks. I was going to do no more than mention them in the history of the area briefly but as I was working on the games background tonight I came to the conclusion that I needed to do a proper write up as I did for the Half Giants. 

STR -3
DEX +2
CON +1

Fortekki Pro's 
  • two free levels of purchase of the Sneaking skill
  • two free levels of purchase of the Hiding skill
  • Harder to hit +2  defence bonus 
  • Superior hiding and sneaking in natural surroundings +65%
  • -1 initiative bonus
  • Native Language Fortekki and  Solmari

Fortekki Con's 
  • Poor reach -1 foot
  •  movement faster than a walk at half speed 
  •  Small for the purposes of hit points
  • Small for the purposes of knock back
  • tend to be ignored in mixed company and assumed to be children 
  •  Have to learn a mainstream human language and do so at double cost 
  • never get armour proficiencies above light as free as a result of class
  • Suffer an additional -1 defence penalty when wearing medium or heavy armour

preferential talent access  
all at 50% cost 
Crack shot and greased lightning with crossbows
Defence and Speed with short spear
One level of extra hit points
Shield Mastery

Class costs

Source: The Forest Folk

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #399 on: 02 September 2014, 20:30:06 »

Against the Robots  House rules

These are in addition to the changes mentioned in the other articles in this series

 Races available to play 

Fey - same as elves in the standard game main difference being that they are remarkable enough to develop a base fame of 10 from the beginning and are seen as almost as much a curiosity as the Pixie faeries of the standard setting
Humans - may be Generic humans which are straight out of the book and are likely Ammrenmd or Varazzan or of a mixed heritage or from an ethnic group to be found outside of the region. Solmari who are standard humans but they tend to be of slimmer builds so their rolled BMI is reduced by .5 from what ever is rolled or Kethian who are shorter than standard humans so their rolled height is reduced by 2" or even Jehenghii who are the enemies of the empire and barbarians from beyond its western frontier an who are taller than standard humans so their rolled height is increased by 2" and their rolled strength is increased by 0/25 as they are known for their physical prowess. on the down side they are the empires enemies and before that the enemies of the Solmari so are generally distrusted in the empire and gain a -10 reaction roll with all imperials -20 with ethnic Solmari
Half giants - detailed else where the former slave race of the true giants who revolted during the giants war
Fortekki - forest folk driven out from the dense western woods by the encroaching  Jehenghii and settled amongst the Solmari these are very similar to Halflings in the standard game but are taller and even more stealthy in the woods ( superior hiding and sneaking in natural surroundings +65% as Grell in the standard game) an which I will expand on it their own article

Rules changes  
Not necessary in order at the moment but I will sort them into a better one when I have got them all down.

Changes to classes 
Most are unchanged however the following are

  • Rangers bonus damage applies to any living bipedal humanoid opponent  as humanoids are largely missing from the setting.
  • Some of the elite fighting orders, knight equivalents, require the use of the bow by their members but by no means all 
  • Barbarians vary considerably depending on their ethnic origin Jehenghii are closest to the standard barbarian as they are militant monotheists whose ill understood religion seems to teach the racial superiority of the Jehenghii over all other cultures, and hates rather than fears magic as a culture but individual members are superstitious of all matters of the arcane. The Kethian barbarians are fine around arcane magic and are polytheistic, however they are very wary of worked metal and especially of metal artefacts which don't have an obvious function.. The Half Giant barbarians who are still in service of the true giants don't have a problem  with worked metal and magic though they do not practice it and seem like there giant masters to have a religion which worships their ancestors and appeases certain powerful elemental forces, of which they can have a superstitious dread especial of lightning and thunder which is uncommon in their homelands amongst the foot hills of the giant's mountains. 
  • Illiterate spell casters not all  spell casters in the setting can read either because they where never taught to in a culture which has a written language or are form one like the Kethians who don't have one and neither do they have sufficient contact with one that does to take that and modify it to their own use.This is not much of a limitation to clerics as they are generally part of some sort of a larger organisation and will have the secrets of the faith passed to them by a senior priest as they are required it does mean however that they need some training on levelling right from the start  and whilst they can learn divine lore and use it to work out much about divine magic they are unable to use normal scrolls and are limited to culturally specific items like the Kethian worry beads which encode their spell by the size shape and composition of the beads on a thong. 
  • Illiterate arcane spell users have a greater limit posed by this as they must learn every thing by rote and are limited to what there master can teach them as they advance, further they are unable to memorise spells in the normal way and cast all they know as such further they are unable to use scrolls as they cant read normal ones and no equivalent of the worry beads exists. They can not learn Arcane lore and are limited to the base starting amount with the only increases being by practical experience as they advance in level.   

Priors and Particulars
The number of siblings rolled for all Fey and all Dwarves are halved form the standard table as both seem to me to have smaller families than humans

Most of the other rules changes have been noted else where in this blog and wont have an effect if any until  the game the game is played and I decide to use them when I do I will be sure to add them to this article as they come up.

Source: Against the Robots  House rules

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #400 on: 02 September 2014, 20:30:07 »

The Forest Folk


Intended as another playable race for the Against the Robots game they are loosely based on Halflings in the same way that Half Giants  where loosely based on Half Orks. I was going to do no more than mention them in the history of the area briefly but as I was working on the games background tonight I came to the conclusion that I needed to do a proper write up as I did for the Half Giants. 

STR -3
DEX +2
CON +1

Fortekki Pro's 
  • two free levels of purchase of the Sneaking skill
  • two free levels of purchase of the Hiding skill
  • Harder to hit +2  defence bonus 
  • Superior hiding and sneaking in natural surroundings +65%
  • -1 initiative bonus
  • Native Language Fortekki and  Solmari

Fortekki Con's 
  • Poor reach -1 foot
  •  movement faster than a walk at half speed 
  •  Small for the purposes of hit points
  • Small for the purposes of knock back
  • tend to be ignored in mixed company and assumed to be children 
  •  Have to learn a mainstream human language and do so at double cost 
  • never get armour proficiencies above light as free as a result of class
  • Suffer an additional -1 defence penalty when wearing medium or heavy armour

preferential talent access  
all at 50% cost 
Crack shot and greased lightning with crossbows
Defence and Speed with short spear
One level of extra hit points
Shield Mastery

Class costs
Ranger20Thief35Fighter mage     60
Fighter20Rogue50Mage thief         75
Fighter Thief  30Assassin 50Mage                  n/a

Priors and particulars
Ranger18+1d8pThief20+1d8pFighter mage 24+1d6p
Fighter16+1d4pRogue20 +1d8pMage thief  24+1d6p
Fighter Thief  20+1d8pAssassin 20 +1d8pCleric        24+1d4p

Roll                 Female                Male
1-6                    42-d3                44-d3
7-12                  44                      46
13-22                46                      48
23-37                47                      49
38-58                48                      50
59-75                49                      51
76-84                50                      52
85-91                51                      53
92-96                52                      54
97-00                52+d3                54+d3

BMI table as the standard halfling  however with a -2 modifier on the roll as they are less likely to be very over weight or obese having only recently taken up a more sedentary agricultural  life style.

all the other tables are unchanged and the character is treated as a halfling where this is specific to a halfling

Source: The Forest Folk

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #401 on: 03 September 2014, 00:00:09 »

Charactors for against the Robots

We now have five rolled up for which background and the like  will follow but in brief  we have

  • A Male Dwarf Fighter 
  • A Male Human Priest of the Eagle 
  • A Male Human Priest of the Eagle
  • A Female  Fey Ranger
  • A Female  Human fighter  
  • A Male Human Fighter Magic user half rolled up 

Backed up by   Male Human Fighter, Male Human Thief and a Dwarf Cleric  as  npc-protoges

and as a result of tonight's character generation session we are now at our full compliment

Source: Charactors for against the Robots

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #402 on: 03 September 2014, 00:00:09 »

Job for the day

The job for the day is to go and back and finish off the partial articles I have done for Against the Robots

Map of Torn Hold 
Needs me to finish the map

Campaign House rules
Write the Article as all I have so far are some notes and this stub article 

Now largely done though I may need to add to it

History of the Giants War
Need to consolidate my notes and thoughts into writing the article as this is still a stub article on this blog.

Have begun this process and posted the start of the history of the war already 

General History of the region
Finish this article and bring it up to the present date

Source: Job for the day
« Last Edit: 11 September 2021, 13:21:18 by Zarniwoop » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #403 on: 03 September 2014, 10:00:10 »

Jobs for today

a to do list because frankly I am losing track 

  •  Go through the articles for Against  the Robots and work out if I have missed any thing out and if I have add it to the list
  • Now I have worked out how to clean up the Word junk html tags I need to bite the bullet and do this for all the consolidated pages even if its going to be a massive pain
  • That done I need to get on with catching up with the Company of Fools write ups and associated stuff.
  • Finish off the Against the Robots articles already started

Source: Jobs for today

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #404 on: 03 September 2014, 23:30:05 »

Torn Hold Map in progress

Still at the early stages and I am thinking how best to do the houses and other buildings as I don't want to have to draw each one individually I was wondering if I could get a house or building brush for GIMP and use that. This is why its taking quite so long to be honest

Have decided what to do now and made some progress  as I have added  the  upper works of the hold but not yet added the houses using the set of  brushes I made with the aid of GIMP ans a source image found using the  roll20 search tool. The walls ans the hold need further detailing as do  the roads and surrounding country but I have broken the mind block now.

I have now done considerable cleaning up and corrections on the image though that might not be immediately visible from the picture. It should however be apparent that I have started to add buildings to the town using a brush I made with GIMP it also sould be apparent that the additional houses have rather more detail than the rest of the map which has sent me of looking for ways to add this level to all the other map elements.

I would also recommend this Google community to the aspiring map maker as well as the Cartographers Guild

Source: Torn Hold Map in progress

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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