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Author Topic: A Company of Fools - Blog  (Read 211872 times)
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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #375 on: 29 August 2014, 21:06:31 »


<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;"><span style="color: red;"><b><span style="color: black;">Given that I have quantities of pathfinder adventures </span>

another stub article for the moment </b></span></div>

Source: Pathfinder

I am just about to descend on this topic

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #376 on: 29 August 2014, 21:30:05 »

Against the Robots NPC list

At Torn hold
Erened Varnia – Crippled hero of the war against the giants
Alikizior Durtajior – Mayor of Torn hold
Jojokir Varnia – The dutiful nephew and steward

At Angard
Dolga – Town councillor
Khonnir Baine – Town councillor master smith and scholar of Kethian folk lore
Val Baine – The teenage ward of Khonnir councillor and master smith
Sanvil Trett – Scholar of Kethian folk lore and scholar of the arcane and divine
Garmen Ulreth – An inn keeper
Gundremmor Alinzor – Garrison Commander

Other persons of interest
Rekkit - a half giant tinker

As ever with these lists it will expand as needed 

note that some of the names of the personalities are taken from the Pathfinder adventure path book Fires of creation on which the game is initially at least based

Source: Against the Robots NPC list

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #377 on: 29 August 2014, 21:30:05 »

Charactor Generation session and related matters

I am rather hoping after having the sort of day at work best described as interesting in the sense that the Chinese proverb uses it I get to spend a relaxing evening doing some character generation with the last two of my players  for the on line Game Against the Robots. Especially as it is raining again and the outside work I need tod is best not done in the rain.

I will also if I can order my scattered wits start work on the aftermath of a Company of Fools episode twenty three almost certainly starting with the experience award page as that will as it always does form a basis for the subsequent write up as well as several other associated articles.on honour and fame.

Source: Charactor Generation session and related matters

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #378 on: 30 August 2014, 01:00:07 »

Against the Robots  House rules

These are in addition to the changes mentioned in the other articles in this series

 Races available to play 

A stub article intended to detail the changes I have made to the hackmaster ruloes to fit my vision of the setting

Source: Against the Robots  House rules

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #379 on: 30 August 2014, 01:00:07 »


Whilst I liked 4e D&D even if it was not what was expected by the fan community I never saw it as an either or situation and I was happy also to give Pathfinder a look as well and snaffled a slightly damaged core rule book early on. I got quite in to Pathfinder after playing in a campaign at Spirit Games on Thursday nights same night and slot as the HackMaster runs in but before the shop move so very much antebellum and whilst the campaign ended badly I react badly to being rail roaded and forced to role play the way the gm wants me to especially when very very tired but that enough of one of my less glorious gaming moments. I found that I enjoyed it and liked the system especially for high and very high fantasy settings. 

Then some time after I had been drawn into HackMaster I started playing Pathfinder the rise of the Rune lords board game.

   If your interested in a copy look here

I found this to be the best simulation of a role playing game I have yet played and would highly recommend it.however it got me back into buying pathfinder stuff and adventure paths in particular as the game was derived form one of the early ones as I understand it

Source: Pathfinder

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #380 on: 30 August 2014, 01:00:07 »

Admin job for tommorow

Fix the broken Html on the consolidated pages - having another go at this with new cleaning software.

Source: Admin job for tommorow

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #381 on: 30 August 2014, 11:00:06 »

Removing junk HTML tags

Grrr.... Computers Grrr

  1. I am having a problem saving the large consolidated post pages when I update them.
  2. This I am advised is due to junk HTML takes left on it by Microsoft Word which I have been using to compose the posts. This I can get away with in the individual posts but in the large ones such as the pages its too much and the pages stop saving which makes updating them impossible.
  3. I am dyslexic and the thought of manually cleaning up a large messy file is a bit daunting to put it mildly
  4. I don't have much experience or knowledge of the Black art of HTML coding  so beyond removing the explicit Word tags on a hunch wouldn't know where to go next.
  5. I have been looking for a HTML cleaner to automate the process 
  6. Those I have found so far have been either excuses for downloading Spam applications or  the equivalent of cutting and pasting the text into Notepad and I lose all the formatting and am left with a jumble of text
  7. Suggestions would be useful but the next plan is to use open office a program I don't actually like all that much and see if it will produce a cleaner file form the copied and pasted text form the blog 
  8. Touch wood 

Grrr.... Computers Grrr

Image borrowed from 

Source: Removing junk HTML tags

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #382 on: 30 August 2014, 11:00:06 »

more skirmishing With HTML

Grrr.... Computers 

The simple method using Open office dose not work as  Blogger still chokes on updating the page however it does suggest a work around which I will try latter.I would really rather be thinking about cool content for this blog and writing the same than fighting with the technicalities

However on the positive side I now have an admin post icon

Source: more skirmishing With HTML

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #383 on: 30 August 2014, 21:00:15 »

Back at the Grind stone

I am going to leave the fighting with all things HTML for a bit and get on with producing and don't be shocked here  more game related content for the blog as well finishing off the things I have already stared.As I have a lot of things to put up on here.

well enough of that lets get on with it and get posting

Source: Back at the Grind stone

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #384 on: 30 August 2014, 23:45:29 »

More Character Generation done for Against the Robots we now have three player characters done more will be done in the morning


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #385 on: 31 August 2014, 10:00:09 »

Charactors for against the Robots

We now have four rolled up for which background and the like  will follow but in brief  we have

  • A Male Dwarf Fighter 
  • A Male Human Priest of the Eagle
  • A Female  Fey Ranger
  • A Female  Human fighter 

Backed up by   Male Human Fighter, Male Human Thief and a Dwarf Cleric  as  npc-protoges

Source: Charactors for against the Robots

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #386 on: 31 August 2014, 20:30:05 »

Half Giants

A new Playable race in against the giants 

Strength +3
Intelligence -3
Wisdom -3
Constitution +3
Looks -3
Charisma -3

Half Giant Pros
Acute eyes sight +20 to all observation rolls involving sight
One free purchase of the Observation skill
Size large for the purposes of hit points (15+Con+Class roll)
They have a long reach add an additional foot to a weapons reach
They do +1 point of damage with any medium or bigger weapon
They cause +1 level additional knock back with two handed crushing and hacking weapons
Large for the purposes of knock back
A free talent chosen from -Tough hide, Fast healer, Pain tolerant
Free Labourer proficiency
Native language Kethian and Giant

Half Giant Cons
Most of the locals are a bit uneasy around them especially those who are old enough the remember the war when they formed the backbone of the Giantish Army’s but they are not hated any more since all the ones locally are descended form the ones who mutinied against their masters during the war.
They are whilst still technically medium sized still around Seven feet tall and heavily built with it so can have problems with the narrow and  low doors and low ceilings on many human buildings.
They are universally regarded as stupid and unsuitable for fine work so tend to get lumbered with simple manual labour amongst humans and dwarves.
They are frequently the subject of mildly derogatory humour. 
All their gear and clothes has to be specially made for them outside of their own communities, and especially with the tools it adds to the reputation they have of being clumsy as well as stupid.
They suffer a -10 penalty if they are using tools not made for them and -1 penalty all round if using weapons not made for them.
They get a defence penalty of -2 due to size and bulk
All literacy skills cost double at first level as they are seen as too stupid to learn to write.
Fighters don’t get Phalanx fighting for free.

Preferential talent access
All at 50% cost
Tough Hide
Extra Tough Hide
Additional hit points up to three levels
All weapons talents with any large or medium low skill two handed weapons

Disadvantageous access
All cost 150%
Forgettable face
All weapons talents with any large or medium or high skill one handed weapons and bows
Phalanx fighting.

Fighter              20bp                Fighter Mage 60bp       Mage N/A       
Ranger                         30bp                Mage Thief    75bp
Fighter Thief                 30bp                Rogue              N/A
Cleric                           40bp                Barbarian         N/A
Thief                             50bp                Assassin           N/A
Oddly enough whilst the majority of the Half Giants where in effect barbarians originally and those who remained loyal to the Giants still are they made a cultural decision since the revolt to reject their former ways and now copy much from the settled humans.  It would not be impossible to  have a half giant rogue, assassin or even mage there is as yet no one who will take seriously any who expressed an interest in that direction as they are seen as stupid foolish and clumsy  and don’t have those professions within their own ranks.

Priors and particulars

Roll d100

90 +1d8”

92 +1d10”

Other tables 
BMI table as a Half Ork
Handedness and legitimacy as a human
No changes to the other P& P tables

Source: Half Giants

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #387 on: 01 September 2014, 00:00:05 »

Charactors for against the Robots

We now have four rolled up for which background and the like  will follow but in brief  we have

  • A Male Dwarf Fighter 
  • A Male Human Priest of the Eagle
  • A Female  Fey Ranger
  • A Female  Human fighter  
  • A Male Human Fighter Magic user half rolled up 

Backed up by   Male Human Fighter, Male Human Thief and a Dwarf Cleric  as  npc-protoges

Source: Charactors for against the Robots

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #388 on: 01 September 2014, 03:30:07 »

Half Giants

A new Playable race in against the giants 

Strength +3
Intelligence -3
Wisdom -3
Constitution +3
Looks -3
Charisma -3

Half Giant Pros
Acute eyes sight +20 to all observation rolls involving sight
One free purchase of the Observation skill
Size large for the purposes of hit points (15+Con+Class roll)
They have a long reach add an additional foot to a weapons reach
They do +1 point of damage with any medium or bigger weapon
They cause +1 level additional knock back with two handed crushing and hacking weapons
Large for the purposes of knock back
A free talent chosen from -Tough hide, Fast healer, Pain tolerant
Free Labourer proficiency
Native language Kethian and Giant

Half Giant Cons
Most of the locals are a bit uneasy around them especially those who are old enough the remember the war when they formed the backbone of the Giantish Army’s but they are not hated any more since all the ones locally are descended form the ones who mutinied against their masters during the war.
They are whilst still technically medium sized still around Seven feet tall and heavily built with it so can have problems with the narrow and  low doors and low ceilings on many human buildings.
They are universally regarded as stupid and unsuitable for fine work so tend to get lumbered with simple manual labour amongst humans and dwarves.
They are frequently the subject of mildly derogatory humour. 
All their gear and clothes has to be specially made for them outside of their own communities, and especially with the tools it adds to the reputation they have of being clumsy as well as stupid.
They suffer a -10 penalty if they are using tools not made for them and -1 penalty all round if using weapons not made for them.
They get a defence penalty of -2 due to size and bulk
All literacy skills cost double at first level as they are seen as too stupid to learn to write.
Fighters don’t get Phalanx fighting for free.
Count as giants for the purposes of dwarven combat ability against giants 

Preferential talent access
All at 50% cost
Tough Hide
Extra Tough Hide
Additional hit points up to three levels
All weapons talents with any large or medium low skill two handed weapons

Disadvantageous access
All cost 150%
Forgettable face
All weapons talents with any large or medium or high skill one handed weapons and bows
Phalanx fighting.

Fighter              20bp                Fighter Mage 60bp       Mage N/A       
Ranger                         30bp                Mage Thief    75bp
Fighter Thief                 30bp                Rogue              N/A
Cleric                           40bp                Barbarian         N/A
Thief                             50bp                Assassin           N/A
Oddly enough whilst the majority of the Half Giants where in effect barbarians originally and those who remained loyal to the Giants still are they made a cultural decision since the revolt to reject their former ways and now copy much from the settled humans.  It would not be impossible to  have a half giant rogue, assassin or even mage there is as yet no one who will take seriously any who expressed an interest in that direction as they are seen as stupid foolish and clumsy  and don’t have those professions within their own ranks.

Priors and particulars

Roll d100

90 +1d8”

92 +1d10”

Other tables 
BMI table as a Half Ork
Handedness and legitimacy as a human
No changes to the other P& P tables

Source: Half Giants

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #389 on: 01 September 2014, 10:00:13 »

Job for the day

The job for the day is to go and back and finish off the partial articles I have done for Against the Robots

Map of Torn Hold 
Needs me to finish the map

Campaign House rules
Write the Article as all I have so far are some notes and this stub article

History of the Giants War
Need to consolidate my notes and thoughts into writing the article as this is still a stub article on this blog.

General History of the region
Finish this article and bring it up to the present date

Source: Job for the day

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