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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #345 on: 25 August 2014, 21:00:09 »

On catching up duty

I will be mostly playing catch up and preparation for Episode Twenty Three of the Company  of  but I am also working on developing things for Against the Robots my soon to start on line game. In any event I hope to maintain a good work rate in posting on the blog so there will be new content to look at and keep the reader interested.

Source: On catching up duty

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #346 on: 26 August 2014, 00:30:06 »

Regional history for Against the Robots

The area has been on the periphery of several significant empires in the past but most recently that of the island based Varazzan Empire which conquered and absorbed the area south of the Gap around three hundred years ago. They did not advance through the gap into Kethian lands until significantly later as they had learned from the dwarves of the southern edge of the Barrier Peaks and by the local Ammrenmd and Solmari tribes, who dwelt in the relatively fertile lands south of the gap and which they had incorporated into the empire of the extreme inhospitability of the lands north of the gap and how beyond a scattering of extreme primitives not one lived there and there where no resources worth trading up there either.

However with the development of the new Satrapial capital at Iranariz and its growth based on trade with the nearby and allied dwarf kingdom intrepid explorers pressed the frontier further west at first in to the lands of the Barbarian Jehenghii triggering a series of border wars with them and then after the discovery of the odd ore deposits at what is now Zebregan, and which is now exhausted, followed  then the sighting of the odd purple flare further north several years latter where it was found the ore or rather metal mined could be worked rather than traded to the dwarves in its unworked form and Angard was founded. It subsequently became quite an industrial centre and remains so to this day even with the much reduced supplies of the strange grey Kethian steel as since the depletion of the Zebregan lode all that is to be had has to be scavenged form deep inside the barrens to the north where it is found on the surface in small quantities. 

Further settlers moved north and a trade route was established through Torn Hold, itself a small abandoned Dwarven hold with the dwarves through Dulkariz mostly for food for whilst the Dwarves farmed and indeed Dulkariz was their farming hub they quickly became enamoured of the quality and variety that humans could grow

Source: Regional history for Against the Robots

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #347 on: 26 August 2014, 00:30:06 »

Updated Players Map

This is the latest version of the players map for the game 

I originally intended it a a GM's map but having added a lot of information to it I realized that there was nothing on it that would do the players any harm knowing at the moment and as we all like Maps I though I would post it in addition it supports the regional history I am also posting. both of which are a change form slogging through the catching up work I am doing in between times

Technically its a GIMP generated A3 Canvas which has been exported as a JPEG to be posted here. 

Source: Updated Players Map

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #348 on: 26 August 2014, 00:30:06 »

Human Ethnicities and other Races for against the Robots

Ethnicities in the area

Averagely built humans with dark hair and pale eyes rare this far west and outside the larger cities they resemble our worlds Japanese physically in many but have round eyes  ways but are not shorter than  surrounding people in the way the medieval Japanese where. There culture is old sophisticated and mostly a maritime based mercantile one. The imperial phase they are currently in started with them expanding on a trade basis into the lands of the failing Arran Empire some five to six century’s before and they prefer to expand by trade and assimilation than conquest. However those who dismiss them as a nation of shopkeepers should be aware that they are more than able to fight when required.





Source: Human Ethnicities and other Races for against the Robots

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #349 on: 26 August 2014, 00:30:06 »

Languages - for Against the Robots

by way of a reminder that I need to do this

Source: Languages - for Against the Robots

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #350 on: 26 August 2014, 08:30:23 »

Many more updates are on the way - still working on  them


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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #351 on: 26 August 2014, 11:00:13 »

Human Ethnicities and other Races for against the Robots

Ethnicities in the area


Averagely built humans with dark hair and pale eyes rare this far west and outside the larger cities they resemble our worlds Japanese physically in many but have round eyes  ways but are not shorter than  surrounding people in the way the medieval Japanese where. There culture is old sophisticated and mostly a maritime based mercantile one. The imperial phase they are currently in started with them expanding on a trade basis into the lands of the failing Arran Empire some five to six century’s before and they prefer to expand by trade and assimilation than conquest. However those who dismiss them as a nation of shopkeepers should be aware that they are more than able to fight when required.




The tribes who live north of the gap and which are actually mixes of similar cultures all are small slightly built compared to the peoples from the south of the gap universally blue eyed blonde and very fair skinned. Culturally

Non Humans

Mountain folk with a large mostly subterranean kingdom under the barrier peaks to the east of the gap. Who have been stanch allies of the Varazzans since they met as both seem to be mercantile peoples

Half giants
Massive hulking folk who where the foot soldiers for the giants in the war thirty years ago but who had not been heard of at all before, unlike the giants themselves who feature commonly in Kethian folk lore as evil antagonists. They appeared to have dwelt with the giants and in the lands immediately south of the northern mountain range where the giants originate. Those who now dwell in the south are the survivors of an uprising provoked by Gialia silver tongue of Vania’s old band and their descendants.  They tend to live either in small communities and farm or work as labour for humans especially around Zebregan where there massive strength and hardiness lead to a reopening of the mines as they could prize more metal form the load than humans even if the mine tunnels needed to be widened in most cases tom let them in

Source: Human Ethnicities and other Races for against the Robots

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #352 on: 26 August 2014, 11:00:17 »

Languages - for Against the Robots

Local languages

The imperial language and the common tongue of the empires subject tribes even where they speak another as a native tongue it is also the only written human language as it is the language of governance and officialdom

The declining language of the region south and west of the gap, not commonly written and if it is it uses an adapted Varazzan script, it is seen as a peasant language as the peoples who spoke it have been long assimilated by the empire.

Also declining it is the language of the tribes in the south central area below the gap it did stretch further west but it has been over run in that part of its range by Jehenghii and by Varazzan as the border wars or of the last centaury drove it back and caused the plantation of Varazzan speakers in military settlements along the border to reinforce it. It is seen as less rustic than Ammrenmd and many in its core area are still bilingual. It did have a written form once but as it was pictograms more like an advanced version of geasee it has been superseded by the more useful Varazzan alphabet and is now extinct

The language of the empires local rivals who are a fierce mountain and woodland people who are themselves seeking to expand and pressing hard against the empires border.

More a family of related languages spoken by the tribes north of the Gap, common versions are Sulimirog and Ulimorg, which are spoken by the tribes who fled the Giants and rebelled against them respectively but every family group on the barrens speaks its own variation and no one knows how may of them there are.

Non human

The only friendly non humans present in the area in any numbers with a distinct language are the hill dwarves who have there own spoken and written tongue but as is the custom of their kind keeps this very much to themselves with all discourse with others being conducted in the languages of those others.

The half giants
Tend to speak the tongue of their masters either the Varazzans or the giants or a dialect of Kethian

Source: Languages - for Against the Robots

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #353 on: 26 August 2014, 11:00:17 »

Against the robots Benefits of being in the Company of Varnia

Benefits of being in the Company of Varnia

Starting gear
All get an additional suit of clothes and the choice of either +1 studded leather armour or +1 leather armour and a tabard in Varnia's colours, none of the armour is lighter or less bulky than the normal sort because it is based on quilted leather armour a favourite for the area’s often bitterly cold climate rather than the types in the PHB and the sheepskins stitched facing fur side in and packed with wool are if any thing more bulky that the standard sort

Whilst wearing the tabard players will have a minimum of ten points of fame since Varnia is a known local hero and they are associated with him even if no one has heard of them in particular before. There are other benefits but they will be revealed  as time goes on

Source: Against the robots Benefits of being in the Company of Varnia

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #354 on: 26 August 2014, 11:00:17 »

Admin jobs to do

set up a twitter feed form this blog so all of the new stuff gets tweeted as its posted

Source: Admin jobs to do

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #355 on: 26 August 2014, 21:30:09 »

Human Ethnicities and other Races for against the Robots

Ethnicities in the area


Averagely built humans with dark hair and pale eyes rare this far west and outside the larger cities they resemble our worlds Japanese physically in many but have round eyes  ways but are not shorter than  surrounding people in the way the medieval Japanese where. There culture is old sophisticated and mostly a maritime based mercantile one. The imperial phase they are currently in started with them expanding on a trade basis into the lands of the failing Arran Empire some five to six century’s before and they prefer to expand by trade and assimilation than conquest. However those who dismiss them as a nation of shopkeepers should be aware that they are more than able to fight when required.

Are almost completely Varazzan in culture these days with the odd remnant of the culture they had prior to conquest and assimilation being found in rustic backwaters. They are physically of average size for humans and generally of a European appearance though both ginger hair and blonde are quite rare and due to long contact with the Varazzans long dark or black hair is common in the larger towns.

Still have a distinct culture which makes them different from both the Varazzans and there neighbours are a vigorous people taller than the average human by a good couple of inches but noticeably slimmer. They are mostly farmers and even those that live in the cities the Varazzan’s built tend to follow the agricultural calendar rather than the Varazzan one which is more commercial and perhaps maritime. In general appearance they are a lot like their Ammrenmd neighbours except that straight hair is unknown and many have African type hair, and adopt similar practices of oiling and braiding it though they are much more likely to be either blondes or redheads as those with darker hair tend to have more Eurasian type hair. They are strongly religious and worship various agricultural deities as well as the Bright One a cult they seem to have adopted form the Dwarves with whom they have been in long contact. It is from them that the local nobility even those of Varazzan descent adopted the practice of a married couple holding the title between them

They came from the west out of the dense temperate jungles beyond the Solmari lands, seemingly absorbing displacing bands of primitive forest hunter gatherers as they did so. A fierce warrior culture which considers trade beneath it and the province of slaves, they warred with the west most Solmari tribes and drove them out before being stopped by an alliance of Solmari and the dwarves. After the Varazzans came and began to dominate the Solmari lands and press on into those they considered theirs they chanced there arm again against the week easterners and  learned to their cost that they where not so weak

The tribes who live north of the gap and which are actually a mixture of related groups of varying size ranging from small family groups of hunter gatherers eking a living on the barrens, to the larger tribes around the south and west edges of the region where some agriculture is possible an where game is to be had all be it very little especially by the standards of the more fertile and warmer lands south of the gap. All are small slightly built compared to the peoples from the south of the gap universally blue eyed blonde and very fair skinned. They are a Stone Age culture with a strong fear of technology especially worked metals and a complex web of taboos particularly about certain mounds mostly in the barrens which they hold to hold evil spirits. They have little fear oddly enough of magic but being an illiterate culture arcane magic is limited to what can be thought by rote and there religion is based around nature spirits the most powerful of which the Elk and the Eagle have something like an over arching inter group organization. As with arcane magic the priests of the Elk and the Eagle are limited as all knowledge has to be transmitted orally and learned by rote. There are similarities between these people’s cultures and those of the Laps and Siberians for the larger groups and of the precontact Inuit for the smaller ones on the barrens.

Other human ethnicities
The Varazzan Empire is as is typical of ancient and medieval empires a multi ethnic entity so pretty much every imaginable human appearance and culture can be found with in its broad boarders or with in those of the similar empires who are its neighbours to the south and south west, it is just that by the time you get to the empires north west corner there are very few of them to be seen on the street, sufficiently so as to draw curious stares and the interest of small children. The Varazzan’s are not how ever racist on the whole and have a pragmatic all encompassing attitude to foreigners whilst still considering being Varazzan to be the height of human achievement.

Non Humans

Mountain folk with a large mostly subterranean kingdom under the barrier peaks to the east of the gap. Who have been stanch allies of the Varazzans since they met as both seem to be mercantile peoples

Half giants
Massive hulking folk who where the foot soldiers for the giants in the war thirty years ago but who had not been heard of at all before, unlike the giants themselves who feature commonly in Kethian folk lore as evil antagonists. They appeared to have dwelt with the giants and in the lands immediately south of the northern mountain range where the giants originate. Those who now dwell in the south are the survivors of an uprising provoked by Gialia silver tongue of Vania’s old band and their descendants.  They tend to live either in small communities and farm or work as labour for humans especially around Zebregan where there massive strength and hardiness lead to a reopening of the mines as they could prize more metal form the load than humans even if the mine tunnels needed to be widened in most cases tom let them in

Source: Human Ethnicities and other Races for against the Robots

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #356 on: 26 August 2014, 22:02:02 »

Need to go back and finish the regional history article & write on on the war against the Giants but I need more Coffee Coffee first I think. I also need to turn on the Company of Fools back log and reduce that


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #357 on: 27 August 2014, 11:00:07 »

The War against the Giants

 A history

A stub article intended to detail the regions most important event of the last generation

Source: The War against the Giants

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #358 on: 27 August 2014, 11:00:08 »

Against the Giants House rules

A stub article intended to detail the changes I have made to the hackmaster ruloes to fit my vision of the setting

Source: Against the Giants House rules

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #359 on: 27 August 2014, 11:00:08 »

The Differences between the world of Against the Robots & the standard setting

  • Even more Humanocentric than normal
  • No humanoids none of the standard humanoid races      are included
  • Fewer demihumans than are standard and no half      races
  • Fewer intelligent races all round this includes intelligent      non humanoid monsters
  • A different set of Gawds and associated priests even      if some of them are quite similar such as the Bright One of the Dwarves      and the Solmari and the Elk and the Eagle of the Kethians who are the      Cathedral of Light, The Conventicle of the Great tree and the temple of      the patient arrow, respectively with minor changes  
  • Illiterate arcane spell users
  • Illiterate priests
  • A much less benign environment mother nature is      also your foe

Source: The Differences between the world of Against the Robots & the standard setting

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