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Well it`s partly the curiosity, partly a sense of adventure, but mostly I think it`s the fame and the money. - Zaphod
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Author Topic: A Company of Fools - Blog  (Read 212223 times)
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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #270 on: 08 August 2014, 23:00:14 »

Write Up Epoisode Twenty One

Episode XVII – A Wild Ride to Vayham Town

Dramatis Personae
Telec - Kalamarian Human Priest of the Wanderer
Aeltred - Half Elf Ranger
Lalia - Halfling Thief
Thans – Dwarf Fighter thief
Heradin- Dwarf Fighter mage
Dvorn the Axe- “Fhokki” Human Fighter
Sondan – Brandobian, Human Fighter
Fawlit – Half Ork Fighter
Nyassor- Elven, Fighter from Elsewhere
Americ – Human Cleric form Elsewhere
Myrinaris – Human from Elsewhere
Liamar – Kalamarian Human Cleric of the free from the Hidden Dell
Nyasse - Kalamarian Human girl from the Hidden Dell
Angard – Gnome warrior from the north known as the younger flail
Oliver – Brandobian Human Fighter and refugee from the north of the county
Estand – Brandobian Priest of the caregiver form Neffaria city
Bill – Heradin’s pack pony and pet
Benjamina- the companies pack pony
Shadow – Nyasse’s horse
Nesbit – Halfling Wizard form Elsewhere currently resident in Aeltred’s mind some how

The goblin held lands east of and west the M’Alvern stream, around and across the Goblin siege lines to the Town of Vayham, The keep and the Temple of the True and The Great hospital 

(These follow directly from the end of Episode XVI)

To be Continued......

Source: Write Up Epoisode Twenty One

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #271 on: 08 August 2014, 23:00:14 »

Coradwin and Relimir charactor sheets


In the case of Coradwin I have tried this before and the Pdf character sheet did my head as there was too much to fill in even though in some ways, particularly lay out,  its a nicer one than the Spreadsheet based one I use normally that has the benefit of auto filling stuff and being on only two pages. The sheets are for Coradwin at level three and Relemir at level one.

I may also eventually add Coradwin's other protoge's as I generate them as with his massive charisma he can have three I believe

Source: Coradwin and Relimir charactor sheets

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #272 on: 09 August 2014, 02:30:09 »

Blog Layout changes

I will also be doing some fiddling about with some of the Blog layout over the week end as I need to fix a couple of things which are beginning to niggle if I can and I hope make the blog more prominent and a more fun experience to read and follow.

I would like to apologise in advance for any odd inconvenience that this might cause I hope that the end result will make it all worth it.

22.23 8th August
This is in process at the moment please comment if you see any thing odd as I have not yet

Source: Blog Layout changes

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #273 on: 09 August 2014, 02:30:09 »

Coradwin and Relimir charactor sheets


In the case of Coradwin I have tried this before and the Pdf character sheet did my head as there was too much to fill in even though in some ways, particularly lay out,  its a nicer one than the Spreadsheet based one I use normally that has the benefit of auto filling stuff and being on only two pages. The sheets are for Coradwin at level three and Relemir at level one

Coradwin is now done but I have not posted it as I may have messed up on his spells need to check them before I do so page one will have to wait

Here will be Page 1

Here is page 2

I will do Relemir in the morning

Source: Coradwin and Relimir charactor sheets

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #274 on: 09 August 2014, 02:30:09 »

Have The adds gone live yet?

I need a bit of help

I am informed that my add account has gone live but I can't see any change in the blog and I was wondering if you could the add is supposed to appear on the right hand side of the blog above the page list. so I would aprechiate it if you could report back.

Of course if there is an advertisement there click on it as it will be helping Burton Wildlife Rescue  and the more clicks on the adds the more that gets donated to a very good cause.

Source: Have The adds gone live yet?

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« Reply #275 on: 09 August 2014, 03:40:07 »

I tried disabling my ad-blocking stuff and taking a look. There did seem to be an advert on the top right, something about a wet room in this case. So, looks like it's working?
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #276 on: 09 August 2014, 09:30:12 »

Have The adds gone live yet?

I need a bit of help

I am informed that my add account has gone live but I can't see any change in the blog and I was wondering if you could the add is supposed to appear on the right hand side of the blog above the page list. so I would aprechiate it if you could report back.

Of course if there is an advertisement there and it interests you click on it as it will be helping Burton Wildlife Rescue  and the more clicks on the adds the more that gets donated to a very good cause.

I have just checked the Blog and there now seem to be adverts showing where I expected them  so I think I can crawl into bed now

Source: Have The adds gone live yet?

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #277 on: 09 August 2014, 23:30:07 »

Adverts on the Blog and related matters

The account is now live and I am going to say very little more about it, I do know such adverts irritate some folks but I have tried to keep them from unduly impacting the look and feel of the blog   however in the final analysis please remember its for the animals not me and even the evil ones, like Dexter the Psycho attack goose are so cute really

Blog changes
The main change I am trying to implement is to make the Pages Menu more readable and it very much looks like I am going to have to brush up my HTML to do so. I want a parchment scroll image to appear behind it ideally or at the very least a panel with better contrast with the text than the map which is in the background of the blog.

I know I could get rid of the Map but I rather like it and don't really want to do that and a solid plain background for the whole page is rather boring in my opinion and as its my blog that what matters. Not that I will not take reader feed back on board, its just that I haven't had any and I  am the one lumbered with the final decision.

now back to the gaming content 

Source: Adverts on the Blog and related matters

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #278 on: 10 August 2014, 09:30:07 »

Coradwin and Relimir charactor sheets


In the case of Coradwin I have tried this before and the Pdf character sheet did my head as there was too much to fill in even though in some ways, particularly lay out,  its a nicer one than the Spreadsheet based one I use normally that has the benefit of auto filling stuff and being on only two pages. The sheets are for Coradwin at level three and Relemir at level one

Coradwin is now done but I have not posted it as I may have messed up on his spells need to check them before I do so page one will have to wait

I had messed up with the spells as I had forgotten that Coradwin with his low for a mage intelligence of 13 can only learn three spells per level and  he already knows three Apprentice level ones as you start with two which is where I tripped up - So he can not learn his bet noir the fire finger spell until he raises his intelligence to 16 and can then know four spells per level. it can be done and would be advantageous in other ways but would cost him most of his build points for 3-4 levels to do.

Here is Page 1

Here is page 2

I will do Relemir latter as he needs to be transferred to an on line character sheet on roll20 as well and work keeps getting in the way as dose this thing called sleep.

Source: Coradwin and Relimir charactor sheets

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #279 on: 10 August 2014, 09:30:07 »

It may be a bit quiet around here today

Possible quiet day alert

I might not get much done today as I am going to be at Spirit Games  for the monthly Sunday games day and there is also a magic tournament at the same time, and if I get back in time to do so there is also the latest episode of a Strange world of Random doom which I really don't want to miss if I can avoid it.

I am however intending tom keep things ticking over here and get more done tomorrow in order to make up for it.

Source: It may be a bit quiet around here today

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #280 on: 10 August 2014, 20:00:05 »

A strange world of Random Doom - episode Nine


In the end  I  managed to make it home in time to join in after all as there was no magic tournament and our cadre of board gamers had bought all they wanted early enough that I could make a sharp exit and leave them playing till the boss got back form his race at Donnington

Source: A strange world of Random Doom - episode Nine

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #281 on: 10 August 2014, 23:30:07 »

A strange world of Random Doom - episode Nine


In the end  I  managed to make it home in time to join in after all as there was no magic tournament and our cadre of board gamers had bought all they wanted early enough that I could make a sharp exit and leave them playing till the boss got back form his race at Donnington

the region 

Source: A strange world of Random Doom - episode Nine

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #282 on: 11 August 2014, 09:30:07 »

Leveling Coiradwin up to fourth level

After an epic game session yesterday Coradwin managed to garner sufficient experience to ascend the lofty heights of fourth level. He naturally still needs to spend the time reflecting on his experience and may not get the chance to do this immediately but  I feel entitled to Doom him utterly by doing the levelling up here.

Attribute increases 
STR d12              roll 1 >13/88
INT d20              roll 3 > 13/28
WIS d10             roll 6 > 10/100
CON d6             roll 1 > 10/13
DEX d8              roll 1 > 9/25
CHA d4             roll  3 > 12/23

after yesterdays Critical Madness the dice prove they where only taunting me

Hit point re roll  1 so as previous roll 2 no change

Automatic increases
Skills - +1 skill point to Arcane lore

Spell roll four fourth level 
rolled  8 for 
pre recorded Audio massage - re rolled                                   1BP
re roll 10
this turns out to be Shadow Skin which sounds cool so I will keep it

Rolling for spell cognition for the spells in his spell book which he has not learned

Spending the 14 build points

Specialization level one to hit with Broadsword                                10BP

Work calls so I will finish this latter

Source: Leveling Coiradwin up to fourth level

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #283 on: 11 August 2014, 13:00:06 »

Leveling Coiradwin up to fourth level

After an epic game session yesterday Coradwin managed to garner sufficient experience to ascend the lofty heights of fourth level. He naturally still needs to spend the time reflecting on his experience and may not get the chance to do this immediately but  I feel entitled to Doom him utterly by doing the levelling up here.

Attribute increases 
STR d12              roll 1 >13/88
INT d20              roll 3 > 13/28
WIS d10             roll 6 > 10/100
CON d6             roll 1 > 10/13
DEX d8              roll 1 > 9/25
CHA d4             roll  3 > 12/23

after yesterdays Critical Madness the dice prove they where only taunting me

Hit point re roll  1 so as previous roll 2 no change

Automatic increases
Skills - +1 skill point to Arcane lore

Spell roll for fourth level 
rolled  8 for 
pre recorded Audio massage - re rolled                                   1BP
re roll 10
this turns out to be Shadow Skin which sounds cool so I will keep  as it sounds cool

Rolling for spell cognition for the spells in his spell book which he has not learned

A Illusionary Mura l- cant learn Maximum spells already known  
A Fire finger - cant learn Maximum spells already known
J Freeze Water      - Not tried
                                  J Candlelight - Failed
1 Throw Voice - Not tried
1 Wall Walk       - Not tried
                                  2 Magic Projectile - Succeeded
                                  2 Shocking Touch     
                                  3 Flaming Missiles - Failed

4 Skipping Betty Fireball - Failed

Spending the 14 build points

Specialization level one to hit with Broadsword                                10BP

What to spend the other four build points on is a bit of a brain burner as I was very tempted to spend them pushing some of the border line Attributes over the edge especially the Wisdom which is so very close. In the end I decided to leave that till latter as some will and the others may fix themselves when he gets to Fifth level

so after much further consideration I decided do this with the other 
four on this

Scrutiny ML1                               roll 3 so skill now 13
it coming down to a choice between that and observation

Source: Leveling Coiradwin up to fourth level

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #284 on: 11 August 2014, 16:30:06 »

Leveling Coiradwin up to fourth level

After an epic game session yesterday Coradwin managed to garner sufficient experience to ascend the lofty heights of fourth level. He naturally still needs to spend the time reflecting on his experience and may not get the chance to do this immediately but  I feel entitled to Doom him utterly by doing the levelling up here.

Attribute increases 
STR d12              roll 1 >13/88
INT d20              roll 3 > 13/28
WIS d10             roll 6 > 10/100
CON d6             roll 1 > 10/13
DEX d8              roll 1 > 9/25
CHA d4             roll  3 > 12/23

after yesterdays Critical Madness the dice prove they where only taunting me

Hit point re roll  1 so as previous roll 2 no change

Automatic increases
Skills - +1 skill point to Arcane lore

Spell roll for fourth level 
rolled  8 for 
pre recorded Audio massage - re rolled                                   1BP
re roll 10
this turns out to be Shadow Skin which sounds cool so I will keep it and having now read the spell description I realise it is cool and  I a coming to realize that the spell set I am gaining on levelling up is every thing a Magic user thief might want even the Illusory leather armour fits with this

Rolling for spell cognition for the spells in his spell book which he has not learned

A Illusionary Mural- cant learn Maximum spells already known  
A Fire finger - cant learn Maximum spells already known
J Freeze Water      - Not tried
                                  J Candlelight - Failed
1 Throw Voice - Not tried
1 Wall Walk       - Not tried
                                  2 Magic Projectile - Succeeded
                                  2 Shocking Touch     
                                  3 Flaming Missiles - Failed

4 Skipping Betty Fireball - Failed

Spending the 14 build points

Specialization level one to hit with Broadsword                                10BP

What to spend the other four build points on is a bit of a brain burner as I was very tempted to spend them pushing some of the border line Attributes over the edge especially the Wisdom which is so very close. In the end I decided to leave that till latter as some will and the others may fix themselves when he gets to Fifth level

so after much further consideration I decided do this with the other 
four on this

Scrutiny ML1                               roll 3 so skill now 13
it coming down to a choice between that and observation

Source: Leveling Coiradwin up to fourth level

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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