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Author Topic: A Company of Fools - Blog  (Read 211675 times)
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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #120 on: 15 July 2014, 22:30:07 »

Tally of loot recovered form the Goblins

Tally of loot recovered form the Goblins

Mostly from the two wagon loads taken after the first skirmish but also form the coin pouches of slain foes

Wagon one

The lead wagon contained a lot of fixtures and fittings of the sort you would expect to be found at a moderately prosperous farm stead. in particular it contained three unlocked tool chests, containing a tinkers tool kit. A set of saddler's tools  with a couple of shoe forms mixed in and a set of carpentry tools which on inspection by some one who knows like Sondan are revealed to be mostly those useful in repair and maintenance of carts or wagons, also in the cart are a selection of farm tools, mostly those not immediately obliviously  usable as weapons, including a selection of wood and metal pry and crow bars, five rakes a wooden hoe, two hafted splitting wedges and a couple of  builders tools of some sort, and a selection of tool handles of various sizes .

If the wagon is emptied a small leather bag containing some scraps of leather will also be found an a child's toy orc some small nails and about six trade coins which seem to have fallen out of the other stuff stacked on top.

Wagon two

The second wagon contained  battlefield loot its main contents are twenty three sets of human sized  padded armour all with some damage and blood stains the hard parts of around three sets of leather armour marked with the property mark of Sondan's old company a couple of metal framed leather helmets a dozen hard leather caps a proper pot helm. As well as about thirty goblin made small shields half a dozen broken spears of mixed goblin or human make, a light cross bow but no bolts several empty goblin quivers

From the goblin escorts bodies

From the goblins at the ford

More to follow on this

Source: Tally of loot recovered form the Goblins

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #121 on: 15 July 2014, 22:30:07 »

Geting on with the blog

Having for now beaten work & life into somthing I can delude my self constitutes being under control its time to Knucle down and get some serous bloging done which means catgching up with the to do lists and filling out incompete blog articles and that sort of thing.

The next Company of Fools game which is this Thursday is already prepared for as its going to be part Six of an Urban Interlude with our heroes still seeking  an escape form the unexpected sewer whilst trying not to get killed & possibly eaten by its inhabitants

Source: Geting on with the blog

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #122 on: 16 July 2014, 19:30:05 »

New Hack Princess post

  Maping the World The way we all should do it

A new post form my favourite HackMaster Blogger read it here

Source: New Hack Princess post

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #123 on: 16 July 2014, 19:30:05 »

Adventures Elsewhere starting Map and introduction

The Region around Zen's Lair 

Like most of my maps for games this starts with much less detail than will latter be needed as I will add that as I need it and the game progresses. It Shows what the Protagonist Zen knows at the beginning and which she discovered in the pursuit   and subsequent slaying of the Necromancer of Torval 

Back story
Zen came to the ruins in which she now lairs in pursuit of the human necromancer Alerigiwil who she was paid to hunt down by the merchants guild of Zerin far to the east because he had reneged on a deal to provide them with undead labour for their fire stone mines and had stolen upwards of ten thousand gold marks form them over and above the payment he had asked for and got for the labour he had not in the end provided.

It had been a long chase which had led Zen away from her accustomed range but the Guilds of Zerin where rich and none more so that the Merchants guild. That the man had seemingly easily defeated the assassins sent after him by the powerful and feared assassin’s guild of Zerin also rather piqued her interest as the assassins of Zerin where by way of being professional rivals. In the end however after a six month chase she had found his bolt hole and confronted him there and beaten him. The Merchants had paid and Zen had decided that the Necromancers lair would make an ideal base of operations and if one remained away from the areas where he conducted his foul necromantic researches a quite comfortable one for the late Alerigiwil liked his creature comforts and had lavished much coin and time making sure he was able to live a life of luxury at his secret base.

It was here as spring began to come to the north lands that the elf queen Uilastoquen came with her escort to hire Zen to hunt down and kill her traitor general Nyassor vilr Imgash-rak. Who had been last seen in one of the Human towns in the petty kingdom to the west of here but who had disappeared then, The Kingdom was in some turmoil and it seemed to the queens trackers that the willy general used this to evade them and cloud his path

Source: Adventures Elsewhere starting Map and introduction

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #124 on: 16 July 2014, 19:30:05 »

This Needs to be in HoB II

A small very feathered dinosaur which absolutely cries out for a set of Stats and an inclusion in the next volume of the HoB  indeed I may well give it a go for use in the Company of Fools game at some point

Source: This Needs to be in HoB II

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #125 on: 16 July 2014, 23:00:05 »

A cool image or few

 Looking for stuff for the Elsewhere game

Wandering around on Deviant art not finding what I am looking for but finding lots of Cool stuff none the less here are some particularly fine ones I may have a use for latter


Source: A cool image or few

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #126 on: 16 July 2014, 23:00:05 »

Adventures Elsewhere starting Map and introduction

The Region around Zen's Lair 

Like most of my maps for games this starts with much less detail than will latter be needed as I will add that as I need it and the game progresses. It Shows what the Protagonist Zen knows at the beginning and which she discovered in the pursuit   and subsequent slaying of the Necromancer of Torval 

Back story
Zen came to the ruins in which she now lairs in pursuit of the human necromancer Alerigiwil who she was paid to hunt down by the merchants guild of Zerin far to the east because he had reneged on a deal to provide them with undead labour for their fire stone mines and had stolen upwards of ten thousand gold marks form them over and above the payment he had asked for and got for the labour he had not in the end provided.

It had been a long chase which had led Zen away from her accustomed range but the Guilds of Zerin where rich and none more so that the Merchants guild. That the man had seemingly easily defeated the assassins sent after him by the powerful and feared assassin’s guild of Zerin also rather piqued her interest as the assassins of Zerin where by way of being professional rivals. In the end however after a six month chase she had found his bolt hole and confronted him there and beaten him. The Merchants had paid and Zen had decided that the Necromancers lair would make an ideal base of operations and if one remained away from the areas where he conducted his foul necromantic researches a quite comfortable one for the late Alerigiwil liked his creature comforts and had lavished much coin and time making sure he was able to live a life of luxury at his secret base.

It was here as spring began to come to the north lands that the elf queen Uilastoquen came with her escort to hire Zen to hunt down and kill her traitor general Nyassor vilr Imgash-rak. Who had been last seen in one of the Human towns in the petty kingdom to the west of here but who had disappeared then, The Kingdom was in some turmoil and it seemed to the queens trackers that the willy general used this to evade them and cloud his path

They who come to the outcaste they all know as Zen for one reason, because some one who was not going to be easy to kill needed killing. They came usually because they had sent their best after them and failed or they needed the death to be unattributable to them or the trail was so cold they felt they had lost it. However whatever variation on the tale it boiled down to one thing in the end Zen hunting down the mark and killing them. Zen was very good at this and they knew it, she was also their last resort and if she failed well it was acknowledged it could not be done at all. Except so far Zen had never failed.

So it was that the Elf queen Uilastoquen came to the ruins in the swamp where Zen laired currently and came with as little ceremony as one so mighty could manage with a score of guards through the fringes of the lands of men not always friendly to elves and always afraid to offer Zen a great prize for hunting down and slaying her former general
Nyassor vilr Imgash-rak who had betrayed her to the hated gnomes of Thrune and abandoned the field when the battle hung on a knife edge leaving his underling s to deal with the situation as best they could . That day the gnomes had had a great victory and only not a final one because the leaders the general had trained had managed to thwart that though at considerable cost. It had cost her more to discover that there was far more to the betrayal than simply going over to the enemy and to have him tracked as he ran west ever west away form the lands in which elves are strong through the mannish kingdoms where elves are not that welcome  in the company of a half elf slave to the petty kingdom to the west of here where last autumn they lost him. (About the same time that the Necromancer was being confronted by Zen)  The queen’s trackers did so in the confusion of a revolt in the kingdom by the commoners against a weak unpopular and tyrannical ruler.

here our story starts.......

Source: Adventures Elsewhere starting Map and introduction

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #127 on: 16 July 2014, 23:00:05 »

Adventures Elsewhere

a close up local map of the area around Zen's lair expanded from the regional map

The starting area 

Showing part of the Iron Falcon duchy to the south and the west as well as the human village of Ricnethgate and the town of Werdcartowne to the south east of it, names which I have yet to add to the map but will do

Indeed this is the same map with a bit more detail as allowed for by the increase of scale but like all game maps its a living document and things will get added as the game needs them.

Source: Adventures Elsewhere

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #128 on: 16 July 2014, 23:00:05 »

Fantasy name generator

a useful GM aid 

I found this and its a quite a useful resource for names when one is frankly stuck for one. You have to pick and choose but it helps & I have used it for the recent maps for Adventures Elsewhere.

Fantasy name generator

Source: Fantasy name generator

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #129 on: 17 July 2014, 02:00:27 »

Demonic Images for future use

Potential Demon Lord

not sure what to use this one for but I think its cool 

Half Tyrannosaur Demon

Frenzied Goat Minotaur demon

all art work curtsey of Deviant Art

Source: Demonic Images for future use

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #130 on: 17 July 2014, 02:00:28 »

Maps of Zen's Island in the swamp

First a work in progress shot of the upper works first level 

More to follow as they get done and completed but this is the basic outline the buildings with the white fill still have over head cover at this level. those in the same grey as the surrounding island either dot now as with the structure  at the base of the tower or never did as with the courtyard by the gate. Lots more detail to go on yet but this is also the template so I will copy it for that role before I do.

did a bit more work on it after saving the above as a template for the next floor up mostly adding texture to the external works and some interior detail internally

The final item for now at least with texture added inside and around the crevasse in the courtyard

Source: Maps of Zen's Island in the swamp

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #131 on: 17 July 2014, 02:00:29 »

Maps of zens Islamd in the swamp upper floors

Starting off  with the base ground floor image I first decided how many upper floor there where going to be

Source: Maps of zens Islamd in the swamp upper floors

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #132 on: 17 July 2014, 12:30:04 »

Maps of Zen's Island in the swamp

First a work in progress shot of the upper works first level 

More to follow as they get done and completed but this is the basic outline the buildings with the white fill still have over head cover at this level. those in the same grey as the surrounding island either dot now as with the structure  at the base of the tower or never did as with the courtyard by the gate. Lots more detail to go on yet but this is also the template so I will copy it for that role before I do.

did a bit more work on it after saving the above as a template for the next floor up mostly adding texture to the external works and some interior detail internally

The final item for now at least with texture added inside and around the crevasse in the courtyard

Having started work on the next level I came to realise two things that I had missed off a set of stairs which was easily fixed and second that I had put the entrance steps to the tower at a cool but non the less very awkward angle to transpose onto level two. having put the grid in before does impose difficulties latter I find and this is typical of them 

Source: Maps of Zen's Island in the swamp

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #133 on: 17 July 2014, 12:30:04 »

Maps of zens Islamd in the swamp upper floors

Starting off  with the base ground floor image I first decided how many upper floor there where going to be. I then started off working on the first one whilst considering repositioning the tower grand entry stair as its at a rather awkward angle as it is

I also added some internal details walls doorways and the like whilst considering just how ruined the ruins where and how to depict that on the maps

However in the end I decided to have one more go before I redrew the map and got it to work I also greyed out the areas of the walls of the ruin I decided where below this level in the same way I did the courtyard walls earlier & added some more internal details to both maps

Source: Maps of zens Islamd in the swamp upper floors

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #134 on: 17 July 2014, 12:30:04 »

Episode Twenty - Final Preview

An Urban Interlude part Six

We will be returning to that fateful night and to the company of adventurers currently trapped in the unexpected sewer sore wounded and beset by foes on all sides. Will they endure, will they survive will they stop bickering and become a company of adventurers in truth all this is yet to be determined. However it will be over the course of tonight's game  session. 

moving on to Pod casting I still intend to introduce this but I have not yet had time to get set up for it and perhaps do a trial run to see how it works but the plan is still there its just taking longer than I had hoped to get it into action.

Source: Episode Twenty - Final Preview

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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