Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #90 on: 11 July 2014, 01:30:22 » |
my original regional Mapmy original regional Map
Which I have posted before but which could do with some tarting up now I have a newer version of GIMP and a lot more practice at this sort of thing. It could also do with a bit of expanding which should be easy as it was done on an A4 format canvas & I can now do bigger Source: my original regional Map
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #91 on: 11 July 2014, 12:00:14 » |
More on CrossbowsMore on Crossbows Just a stub article to remind me I need to do something on exotic crossbows & crossbow type weapons like the prod and perhaps the torsion type small field artillery Source: More on Crossbows
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #92 on: 11 July 2014, 12:00:14 » |
A really lovely blogA really lovely blog
A wonderful gem of a blog & written by some one who comes across as utterly lovely and effortlessly charming do follow it & pass it on.for others to appreciate. Source: A really lovely blog
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #93 on: 11 July 2014, 12:00:14 » |
Updated and expanded regional map based on ht origiopnalUpdated and expanded regional map based on the original This is in process and it all Jolly Blackburn's fault for distracting me Source: Updated and expanded regional map based on ht origiopnal
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #94 on: 11 July 2014, 15:30:19 » |
More on CrossbowsMore on Crossbows

Just a stub article to remind me I need to do something on exotic crossbows & crossbow type weapons like the prod and perhaps the torsion type small field artillery Source: More on Crossbows
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #95 on: 11 July 2014, 15:30:19 » |
Updated and expanded regional map based on the originalRegional Contour Map Updated and expanded regional map based on the original one I posted the other day This is in work process and it all Jolly Blackburn's fault for distracting on face book with his annoyingly gorgeous maps its not by any means finished. Most obviously some of the information on the original needs to be put back in after it got removed whilst cleaning the image up Source: Updated and expanded regional map based on the original
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #96 on: 11 July 2014, 19:00:16 » |
More on CrossbowsMore on Crossbows 
and a European version and the very similar torsion weapons
Just a stub article to remind me I need to do something on exotic crossbows & crossbow type weapons like the prod and perhaps the torsion type small field artillery Source: More on Crossbows
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #97 on: 11 July 2014, 19:00:17 » |
more work on the Map shown in the previus postEven Further Updated more work done on this indeed its fairly well cone I just need to get the labels on the settlements but I am still trying to work out weather I should put any texture in the wooded areas as I did with the original or weather I prefer the crispness of the flat areas of colour. I am also considering actually putting a scale on the map as well Source: more work on the Map shown in the previus post
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #98 on: 11 July 2014, 19:00:17 » |
One of the reasons I love HackmasterOne of the reasons I love Hackmaster the following was reposted form the Kenzer & co forums here because I think its cool & sums up one of my favourite things about the game original is here with all the replys "Sidekicks... It's funny how the dice can surprise you--and yet, on reflection, the results make total sense. My PC is a mage, and quite a formidable one; he's just recently hit 13th level. Up until now, though, I haven't had a sidekick. After some thought and consultation with my GM, we agreed that it would make sense for his sidekick to come from a group of Dwarves he helped rescue from slavery and protected. The stats turned out VERY nice--two 17's, one of them in the high 90's and just ripe for bumping up to 18, and a run of solid 10's, 11's, and 12's. The 17's wound up in Strength and Dexterity, so I started thinking Fighter/Thief. His first Quirk was Obsessive (Security,) which got me picturing him as a taciturn "Troubleshooter" type--a no-nonsense bodyguard who always has his eye out for potential threats. That led me to focus on skills related to that sort of job: Observation, Scrutiny, Detect Traps, and so forth. The roles for Observation were VERY nice; for a first level character, he has the eyes of an eagle. And that's when it hit me. You see, my mage's main flaw is Myopia--much to the dismay and concern of his adventuring companions. He hasn't Fireballed a friendly target yet, but it's just a matter of time. And all of a sudden, it makes sense: The other Dwarves and the character's wife, concerned by his tendency to walk into things--ambushes, traps, trees--have gotten together and assigned him his very own seeing-eye Dwarf." Great stuff Source: One of the reasons I love Hackmaster
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #99 on: 12 July 2014, 22:00:10 » |
That Fateful night Part IIThat Fateful night Part II - Having recovered a large quantity of abandoned loot from the Goblins after breaking the resistance at first encountered as the Goblin fought to hold on to their loot Crindar decides to split his force sending all the second levy under the command of the chief priest of the True back towards the town whist bolstering his forces with those of the northern land holders households the majority of whom are a horse before pressing on with his pursuit of the Goblin main force
- In the small Rural inn in Southern Neffaria chief of D'rek Hielax wakes in the middle of the night and wonders if he should take the very amenable inn wench he entertained himself with tonight with him to the new posting as Goblins are hardly likely to have such comforts even for honoured guests
- The reconnaissance in force from the Goblin caves arrives at the Fair and spotting the new defences to the north side of the road quietly move around in a broad ark to the south unseen.
- In the north of the County the Goblins stop retreating as they have reached a set of fields and small stone built animal enclosures that they have made into something of a redoubt for themselves. Initially charges by the mounted men of Vayham drive off the screening wolves and dog riders who scatter east un pursued for fear of a trap
- In the centre the forces of the Goblin warlord Benaxerak, break first through their own screening forces and then the overstretched defenders of the main ford across the M’Alvern Stream, most of whom they ride down before they can make it to the relative safety of the town.
- In the south the Goblins besieging Sir Dalan’s men and the last of the counts mobile reserve seem content to surround them and contain them in the half burned abandoned Thorpe of Erinhanam.
- Crindar the tall launches an attack on the goblin redoubt, believing that this will be the decisive battle he has been seeking all night. He surrounds it and assails it from all sides, even dug in Goblins are no match for well equipped me at arms.
- The Goblin King of Ghul Dvax, unleashes his own trap as he leads his personal bodyguard into the fray armed end equipped with the best of the dwarf made gear his predecessors looted from the strong rooms of the Dwarf city the fight is bloody but the king closes his elite well they are all proven fighters and the arms of Men are no match for the finest that Goblins can steal.
- The Goblin reconnaissance force strikes into the Faire from the unprotected south causing considerable damage to the faire before the defenders can be mustered and they flee triumphant before the threat of retribution.
- Goblin warlord Benaxerak throws a screen of forces around the town and the Count who was snatching a few hours sleep is awakened and calls out the militia to the walls. The goblins do not launch an assault but are content to surround the place out of bow shot.
- Violet who caught up with the raiders before they arrived at the north wall and has been following them as they swung around to the south acts as they flee after their raid having positioned herself in a tree in their likely line of retreat, she shoots until her quiver is empty and there are no living goblins form the raid then she takes the ears of all of the ones she slew and recovers her arrows this will buy her a word with the innkeeper she thinks.
- The convoy of recovered loot wagons gains the sight of Vayham and seeing the town beset the chief priest of the True rallies the tired northern militiamen escorting it to attack the Goblins and allow them to gain the safety of the town
- A very few of the men of Vayham manage to cut there way out of The King of Ghul Dvax’s ambush and none unwounded or with honour intact for all left friends and allies dead or wounded on the field to the mercies of these strange Dwarf armoured Goblins and most now believe the stories circulating in Vayham of a Dwarf having roused up the goblins to be true.
- Benaxerak’s Siege artillery and the company of Hobgoblin siege engineers cross the now cleared main ford over the M’Alvern Stream as more of his foot forces move forward to reinforce the forming encirclement.
- The Attack by the force lead by the Chief priest of the True breaks through to the north gate, which the defenders open to allow them and the carts to enter only to be forced to slam them shut again when more dog mounted goblins arrive and almost ride in thought the open gate under a hail of arrows some of which punch thought even the palisade atop the wall let alone the poor armour of the defenders and the escort. The Goblins recover the majority of their loot dragging the abandoned carts back out of bow shot whooping with triumph
- As the Goblin attacks begin to abate with the approach of dawn. The remains of Sir Dalan’s men and those he came to relive bed down in the houses of the Thorpe before working out what to do next
- Dawn begins to rise on a grimmer day after a grim night
- In his comfortable bed in the small rural town inn in southern Neffaria county D'rek Hielax muses on the conundrum to bring true order one has to spread a little chaos first and considers what to have for breakfast
be continued………. Source: That Fateful night Part II
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #100 on: 12 July 2014, 22:00:11 » |
Countour Map - the Finished articleContour Map - the Finished article
The Finished article even if it may need some more updating as things go on as with any map in a living campaign. The Original was done on an A3 Canvas using as ever GIMP Source: Countour Map - the Finished article
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #101 on: 12 July 2014, 22:00:11 » |
Updated and expanded regional mapUpdated and expanded regional map based on the original- finished Source: Updated and expanded regional map
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #102 on: 12 July 2014, 22:00:11 » |
A3 Dungeon MapInside the Base of the Black Crag A traditional Black an White Dungeon map the canvas is A3 and the grid half inch Source: A3 Dungeon Map
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #103 on: 13 July 2014, 01:30:12 » |
A3 Dungeon MapInside the Base of the Black Crag A traditional Black an White Dungeon map the canvas is A3 and the grid half inch & the intended scale is a 3'x3' grid square Source: A3 Dungeon Map
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One
Karma: 29
BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339
I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming
« Reply #104 on: 13 July 2014, 01:30:12 » |
more progress on the things I need to dohings I need to do updated I am posting this because I am losing track a bit & these articles are invaluable to keep me on track and doing stuff I need to to I refer back to them Part II of the "That Fateful Night" noises off Article Finish Part three of " The Future Darkens" in character piece- Write Part four of " The Future Darkens" in character piece
Finish The Article I posted on Crossbows - Finish the Write up of Episode Nineteen
- Add the Bullet points to the write up of A strange world of Random Doom part IV
- Sort out the Mess which is the write up A strange world of Random Doom part III
- Finish off and Post Coradwin's character sheet &
Relemir the horse holder's Character Generation and sheet for a strange world of Random Doom
I will be working throught these over the next few days with a bit of luck and no more non gaming Alarms and Excretions
I am making some progress even if the Alarms and excretions continue annoyingly my next attack will be on the two Future darkens article.
An attack which is in progress as I hope you can see the intensity of Alarms and excertions has abated a bit but I still have loads to do to catch up
As it turns out the fourth Future darkens article sent me off on a rather creative by way but I will return to it soon
Source: more progress on the things I need to do
seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings