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You Pinstriped barbarians! I`ll sue the council for every penny it`s got! I`ll have you hung, drawn and quartered, and whipped and boiled, and then I`ll chop you up into little bits until . . . until . . . until you`ve had enough! - Arthur Dent
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Author Topic: A Company of Fools - Blog  (Read 211221 times)
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #510 on: 28 September 2014, 11:00:23 »

Minor Milestone

Just have to pass comment on the fact that the page view count dropped below a hundred plus yesterday for the first time after a run of seven days when it was well over that its never done that before I am shocked people might actually be reading this and not just web indexing spiders

I have to say I am chuffed especially as it was over a hundred the day before the start of this run and at ninety seven yesterday almost made it to an eight day run.

Source: Minor Milestone

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #511 on: 28 September 2014, 11:00:29 »

Somthing form the people we suport

Bundle Of Bristles...
We received a call today from a couple  in the village of Lullington about a family of hedgehogs. The back  garden was being tidied up and when they moved a rubbish pile, they were  shocked to see a female hedgehog with youngsters. 

After going  to the location to assess the situation and speaking with the couple, we  decided to take mum and babies as they would no longer be safe and the  garden was completely enclosed meaning the food source, which was very limited, would not provide enough nutrition to support all five hedgehogs. 

Mum and all five babies are now in a pen where they will be fed a good  quality diet. It is likely that mum will be released soon but the babies  will over winter in our heated hedgehog shed whilst they gain weight.  All four babies will be released next year as hibernation time is nearly  upon the hedgehog population.

 If you have a hedgehog visiting  your garden you can help them get ready for hibernation by leaving food  out. Having a good supply of food such as cat meat or cat biscuits will  allow them to gain weight faster therefore allowing them to survive the  colder months. Please remember that if you see a hedgehog out in the  day, there is usually something wrong. Call your nearest wildlife centre  for advice.

Source: Somthing form the people we suport

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #512 on: 28 September 2014, 18:00:06 »

the Blood-Clans of Jorikk

a review of the project so far


Whilst this will eventually also be eventually released  as a PDF or PDFs and a Hard copy background supplement  at the moment the work consists of the web site alone.  Which is in itself a work in progress.

In more detail 
The site at the moment is split into several sections which seem logical and is crammed full of beautiful evocative and mostly custom art work and maps.

The only sections which have any content in them so far are the introduction and the artist lists the three books sections are at the moment place holder pages, al be it gorgeously decorative ones. However dont be dismayed this is as I said a project in progress and more content is being added all the time, indeed during the time that I have been writing this there have been several updates, and its author is very good at passing on update information. They are posted on the Kingdom's of Kalamar Face book group the Kenzer forums and on the Google plus HackMaster community and the author maintains a face book and a Google plus page.

The content so far is beautiful, I cant stress that too much and whilst the presentation is not yet perfect the Author is taking and responding to feedback on this and tweaking it when necessary.

Screen shot of the Intro page showing menu's

Screen shots of the menus

The Montage of screen shots showing all the menus as well as a good  selection of the variation of artwork in the slide show behind themas all the screen shots thus far in this have been of what amounts to the same web page taken at different times as I have had the chance to work on this review.both the slide show and the header image cycle all equally evocative images of the region at differing rates over time.

Going beyond the into page 

Here there are only there items on the menu which lead to further content at the moment the first is to a general introduction to the world of Telene, HackMaster and even role playing all of which I will pass over lightly as whilst they are well done and lavishly illustrated as the whole site is they cover as I would expect nothing new or unique and I want to concentration on the cool new stuff 

The second cover the physical geography of the region with articles maps again there is so obviously much more to come and even with the odd layout glitch but pretty much nothing detracts form the quality of what has been posted so far and its borderline awesome potential. 

By way of conclusion

Source: the Blood-Clans of Jorikk

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #513 on: 28 September 2014, 18:00:07 »

Swan in distress

A plea for help form the people we support 

reposted from Facebook 

Urgent Appeal...
This morning we rescued this young swan from a lake at a water sports club in Draycott, Derby. 

site of rescue

Last night he was involved in a collision with a speed boat on the  larger lake at the club. As it was dropping dark the driver of the boat  didn't see him as he swam in front of them. As a result he was injured  but disappeared into some bushes.

This morning we attended the  scene and with the help of several club members and a boat, we managed  to locate this poor youngster sitting on the edge of the lake next to  brambles and trees. It was obvious he was in a lot of pain as he didn't  move even when the boat was near him. Thanks to a kind club member, who  waded across in a wet suit and caught him, the young swan was brought to  the boat where we secured him in a swan bag until we got back to the  docking area.

Rescued swan with mangled wing folded up

We have named this young man Drake. Due to  extensive injuries to the right wing, which is both broken and mangled,  the next course of action is surgery to remove the damaged portion of  the wing. The operation will be done tomorrow once he is stabilised.  This will cost in the region of £200 which we hope to be able to raise  as it is a lot of money.

If anyone can help please donate funds for his surgery via paypal 

This poor lad deserves another chance at life and it would be  devastating for his life to be over when it barely has begun. He is  fighting us despite his condition and didn't want to take his pain  relief or antibiotics. According to the people at the location this  morning he is the last of five cygnets born on this lake with his  siblings mysteriously disappearing along with his parents, so he has  been surviving on his own. We plan to pair Drake up with Gracie  once he has recovered and we have an offer of a private lake the pair  could reside on next year.

Still a baby really hence the grey colouration

Please help if you can, Thankyou. 
Lake photo courtesy of Wilne Church Water Sports Club

  • Please note that I have not posted the detailed picture of his injuries as to be honest even with the wounds  cleaned up its not pretty even if survivable with the proper care  which Burton Wildlife Rescue will give

Source: Swan in distress

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #514 on: 28 September 2014, 21:30:06 »

The centre of Vaham a work in progress

The Market area 

This is the start any way of the promised additional urban map set. I am doing it in the same style as the previous ones of Vayham and on an A3 canvas as they where I am however not doing every thing entirely freehand as I did before, as I have picked up a few more tricks I can use with GIMP since then and this is speeding matters up quite a bit. Even so compared with the rural maps its still slow which is why I am posting what I will admit its an early work in progress. 

More will follow but I also have work to do an will be running a game tomorrow night on Roll20

Source: The centre of Vaham a work in progress

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #515 on: 29 September 2014, 01:00:04 »

The centre of Vaham a work in progress

The Market area 

This is the start any way of the promised additional urban map set. I am doing it in the same style as the previous ones of Vayham and on an A3 canvas as they where I am however not doing every thing entirely freehand as I did before, as I have picked up a few more tricks I can use with GIMP since then and this is speeding matters up quite a bit. Even so compared with the rural maps its still slow which is why I am posting what I will admit its an early work in progress. 

More will follow but I also have work to do an will be running a game tomorrow night on Roll20

A bit more progress is made  and the yellow area is the Temple of the Coin lord ant the in  next door I am still debating where to put the market administration building where Quiril used to work before he got sacked for revealing the coin lords smuggling tunnels. The Guild hall also needs to be located on the square as well.

Source: The centre of Vaham a work in progress

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #516 on: 29 September 2014, 01:00:04 »

Another North lansds Rural map

Still a work in progress but I have an early start so I will have to finish it off latter

Source: Another North lansds Rural map

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #517 on: 29 September 2014, 11:30:06 »

Another North lansds Rural map - a work in progress

Still a work in progress but I have an early start so I will have to finish it off latter

More work done adding additional paths to the fields and texture to the banked fields so its developing but there is still quite a bit more tom be done.  One of the additions that I am considering is a path down to the sink hole in the north east corner made by the village live stock when they are taken to be watered and perhaps a paddock or two like the one I din on the earlier road house. I also think I need to suggest the presence of crops in the fields.

Source: Another North lansds Rural map - a work in progress

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #518 on: 29 September 2014, 22:00:05 »

Another North lands Rural map - a work in progress

Still a work in progress but I have an early start so I will have to finish it off latter

More work done adding additional paths to the fields and texture to the banked fields so its developing but there is still quite a bit more tom be done.  One of the additions that I am considering is a path down to the sink hole in the north east corner made by the village live stock when they are taken to be watered and perhaps a paddock or two like the one I din on the earlier road house. I also think I need to suggest the presence of crops in the fields.

Source: Another North lands Rural map - a work in progress

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #519 on: 29 September 2014, 22:00:06 »

Against the Robots Episode 1

The Flame Flickers and dies

on the northern borders of the great Varzzaran empire the new company of Varnia rides out to the town of Angrad on a mission to see a scholar and weapon smith of their crippled masters acquaintance bearing a sealed letter to the master Weapon smith  and where the road goes from there any one can guess.

Source: Against the Robots Episode 1

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #520 on: 29 September 2014, 22:00:06 »

GMG Update

Have to announce that  a GMG Beta update has been released the new version is  GMG Beta 2.4

 the change Log is on the Kenzer co development Blog

Source: GMG Update

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #521 on: 30 September 2014, 01:30:05 »

Another North lands Rural map - a work in progress

Still a work in progress but I have an early start so I will have to finish it off latter

More work done adding additional paths to the fields and texture to the banked fields so its developing but there is still quite a bit more tom be done.  One of the additions that I am considering is a path down to the sink hole in the north east corner made by the village live stock when they are taken to be watered and perhaps a paddock or two like the one I din on the earlier road house. I also think I need to suggest the presence of crops in the fields.

I am beginning to think that this one is almost done I need to finish of the house roves as I have only started on some and to make the banks around the fields look a bit more three dimensional but I feel its close and heading in the right direction 

I am all in all increasingly chuffed with these battle mats

Source: Another North lands Rural map - a work in progress

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #522 on: 30 September 2014, 01:30:05 »

Last call for Episode I of Against the Robots

with the clock at T - one hour I am all ready to go but will be taking a quick power nap before heading on out to the hangout. and the game.

Source: Last call for Episode I of Against the Robots

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #523 on: 30 September 2014, 18:00:28 »

Another North lands Rural map - a work in progress

Still a work in progress but I have an early start so I will have to finish it off latter

More work done adding additional paths to the fields and texture to the banked fields so its developing but there is still quite a bit more tom be done.  One of the additions that I am considering is a path down to the sink hole in the north east corner made by the village live stock when they are taken to be watered and perhaps a paddock or two like the one I din on the earlier road house. I also think I need to suggest the presence of crops in the fields.

I am beginning to think that this one is almost done I need to finish of the house roves as I have only started on some and to make the banks around the fields look a bit more three dimensional but I feel its close and heading in the right direction 

I am all in all increasingly chuffed with these battle mats

This is I think now finished 

Source: Another North lands Rural map - a work in progress

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #524 on: 30 September 2014, 18:00:31 »

A Northlands Villiage

because it deserves a post in its own right 

Source: A Northlands Villiage

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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