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Author Topic: A Company of Fools - Blog  (Read 205040 times)
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #495 on: 25 September 2014, 21:00:05 »

A Nothern Wastes Battle Mats

I am building up a collection of these for Against the Robots 

This one  was done in an effort to show a a bit more of the typical features of the more fertile parts of the wastes in summer the fast flowing seasonal stream in the top corner  and the sink hole where the permafrost had melted differentially leaving a small deep pond. I also had a go at adding three dimensions to an other wise flat map with the small hill topped by an erratic ( stray bolder) jutting out of the otherwise fairly flat flower covered plain

Another variation on the same theme showing a bit more topography and a game trail. The nice thing about these is that they can me customised further once uploaded to Roll20 by adding map tokens and even drawing additional elements on them even thought the drawing tools in Roll20 are not as sophisticated as GIMP they are easy to use for that last minute tweak

Source: A Nothern Wastes Battle Mats

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #496 on: 26 September 2014, 00:30:06 »

Shields a consideration


Some thoughts on how shields work in the real world and haw to model that in a way that works for HackMaster 5e. I wont claim to be able to cover every thing but I do hope to give the reader something to think about and add verisimilitude of not realism to their games

Basic types of shield
Shields have been made in all shapes and sizes and of a large number of differing materials historically but the base line shield is  wooden  and edged with raw hide to protect the edge from blades

Source: Shields a consideration

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #497 on: 26 September 2014, 00:30:06 »

More from the People we suport here

Dexter and Angel 

Dexter was raised from very young and is one of the reasons  that visitors are not encouraged at the centre he attacks them, he also attacks the staff  including the one who pretty much hand reared him so its not personal
Snuggled Hedge hog

Assorted Birds playing with the water feature

a friendly hen

Feeding time for the youngsters
Some more images form Burton Wildlife Rescue showing the width of their work an what the funds raised here go towards

I was hoping to find the Picture of the Rescue managers long suffering Staffordshire bull terrier being hen pecked but I cant find that at the moment and the pictures of the same Staffy being lead astray by Zenko the fox are too blurred sadly but they have a great time.

for more on Burton Wildlife Rescue

Source: More from the People we suport here

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #498 on: 26 September 2014, 00:30:06 »

An earlier Battle mat tweaked to add some hills

Having done this I think I prefer the new way I am doing these maps however it does add to the variety available for use. I need to do some winter ones next thought its going to be a while before they are needed.

Source: An earlier Battle mat tweaked to add some hills

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #499 on: 26 September 2014, 11:00:04 »

Shields a consideration


Some thoughts on how shields work in the real world and haw to model that in a way that works for HackMaster 5e. I wont claim to be able to cover every thing but I do hope to give the reader something to think about and add verisimilitude of not realism to their games

Basic types of shield
Shields have been made in all shapes and sizes and of a large number of differing materials historically but the base line shield in HackMaster and indeed most similar FRPG's is  wooden, often a composite resembling modern plywood,  and edged with raw hide to protect the edge from blades. On better shields they may be faced with cloth or thin leather and some times even thin sheet metal and the rawhide replaced by a metal edging strip. However regardless of construction or size there are only two ways of holding a shield.

Centre grip
Forearm Grip 

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages and the prevalence of either varied considerably over history but form experience the centre grip is better for mobility of the shield thought it it the heaviest as all the shields not inconsiderable weight is supported by the off hand. its also easier to equip and do equip, but its also possible to drop the shield . The fore arm grip is less mobile but you can use heavier shields, indeed the only practical all metal shields I have seen other than truly tinny bucklers have been this type. It is also impossible to drop as even if you let go of the hand grip it hangs of the for arm

More to come but work calls

Source: Shields a consideration

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #500 on: 26 September 2014, 11:00:04 »

Nothern Wastes Battle Mats

I am building up a collection of these for Against the Robots 

This one  was done in an effort to show a a bit more of the typical features of the more fertile parts of the wastes in summer the fast flowing seasonal stream in the top corner  and the sink hole where the permafrost had melted differentially leaving a small deep pond. I also had a go at adding three dimensions to an other wise flat map with the small hill topped by an erratic ( stray bolder) jutting out of the otherwise fairly flat flower covered plain

Another variation on the same theme showing a bit more topography and a game trail. The nice thing about these is that they can me customised further once uploaded to Roll20 by adding map tokens and even drawing additional elements on them even thought the drawing tools in Roll20 are not as sophisticated as GIMP they are easy to use for that last minute tweak

Source: Nothern Wastes Battle Mats

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #501 on: 26 September 2014, 21:30:05 »

Some more northen wilds encounter maps

A rural map from the north. a bit more of a civilized locale featuring a ford across a fast flowing seasonal melt water stream and one of the small banked fields typical of the area as well as some of the topography which is cool when you get it right so I am practising away at it. This to be honest is one of the reasons I have done so many of these maps when I am not I think going to need them right away.


Source: Some more northen wilds encounter maps

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #502 on: 27 September 2014, 01:00:07 »

Shields a consideration


Some thoughts on how shields work in the real world and haw to model that in a way that works for HackMaster 5e. I wont claim to be able to cover every thing but I do hope to give the reader something to think about and add verisimilitude of not realism to their games

Basic types of shield
Shields have been made in all shapes and sizes and of a large number of differing materials historically but the base line shield in HackMaster and indeed most similar FRPG's is  wooden, often a composite resembling modern plywood,  and edged with raw hide to protect the edge from blades. On better shields they may be faced with cloth or thin leather and some times even thin sheet metal and the rawhide replaced by a metal edging strip. However regardless of construction or size there are only two ways of holding a shield.

Centre grip
Forearm Grip 

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages and the prevalence of either varied considerably over history but form experience the centre grip is better for mobility of the shield thought it it the heaviest as all the shields not inconsiderable weight is supported by the off hand. its also easier to equip and de equip, but its also possible to drop the shield . The fore arm grip is less mobile but you can use heavier shields, indeed the only practical all metal shields I have seen other than truly tiny bucklers have been this type. It is also impossible to drop as even if you let go of the hand grip it hangs of the fore arm.

You find that using a centre grip shield  you will actively use it to intercept or deflect an incoming blow or as a weapon to strike aside you foes weapon, with a forearm grip you find you tend to present it to your foe and keep it fairly static whilst you move around behind it. From the front centre grip shields have a raised metal boss which covers the hole in the middle where the grip is and fore arm grip shields tend to be smooth.

How to hold a shield 
Shields of either type are held with a bent off arm as far in front of the torso as possible. For a fore arm grip shield this is a bit more than the length of your upper arm and for a centre grip shield this is about three quarters of the length of the whole arm in action shields are never held against the body as the space between the shield and you is your defence against nasty stuff like axes which can punch holes in shields easily. flexing the arm is also a way of absorbing the energy of the weapons impact spreading it ad so reducing damage, the arm acts in some ways like a spring. 

Considerations of shape
The basic shield is flat but more elaborate versions are curved or dished either of which make it harder to land a solid blow and more likely that any hit will be glancing this reduces damage to the shield and increases the time it will survive in a battle particularly important when you are not wearing any armour or only a helmet.

Considerations of Materials and Construction
Shields can be made out of a wide range of materials and have been and even the basic wooden one can be varied to improve its performance and survivability .

Fabric facing gluing stretched cloth across the front of a wooden shield will make the surface of the wood less likely to splinter or to have layers seared away by impacts it also provides a nice base for painting identification or heraldry on and it does not noticeably add to the shields weight.
Leather  or rawhide  facing very much the same as the point made for cloth facing but it will add rather more weight to the shield makes the shield much tougher such that the thickness of the wood can be reduced sand the shield still be more robust than a thicker shield without it. it can also provide a flat surface to decorate on in the case of the particoloured animal hides with the fur left on provide a decoration in itself.
Metal facing this again

Source: Shields a consideration

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #503 on: 27 September 2014, 11:30:09 »

the Blood-Clans of Jorikk

a review of the project so far


Whilst this will eventually also be eventually released  as a PDF or PDFs and a Hard copy background supplement  at the moment the work consists of the web site alone.  Which is in itself a work in progress.

In more detail 
The site at the moment is split into several sections which seem logical and is crammed full of beautiful evocative and mostly custom art work and maps.

The only sections which have any content in them so far are the introduction and the artist lists the three books sections are at the moment place holder pages, al be it gorgeously decorative ones. However dont be dismayed this is as I said a project in progress and more content is being added all the time, indeed during the time that I have been writing this there have been several updates, and its author is very good at passing on update information. They are posted on the Kingdom's of Kalamar Face book group the Kenzer forums and on the Google plus HackMaster community and the author maintains a face book and a Google plus page.

The content so far is beautiful, I cant stress that too much and whilst the presentation is not yet perfect the Author is taking and responding to feedback on this and tweaking it when necessary.

Screen shot of the Intro page showing menu's


Source: the Blood-Clans of Jorikk

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #504 on: 27 September 2014, 11:30:15 »

GMG Update

Have to announce that  a GMG Beta update has been released the new version is  GMG Beta 2.3

the change log is on the Kenzer Co Development blog

Source: GMG Update

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #505 on: 27 September 2014, 21:30:07 »

the Blood-Clans of Jorikk

a review of the project so far


Whilst this will eventually also be eventually released  as a PDF or PDFs and a Hard copy background supplement  at the moment the work consists of the web site alone.  Which is in itself a work in progress.

In more detail 
The site at the moment is split into several sections which seem logical and is crammed full of beautiful evocative and mostly custom art work and maps.

The only sections which have any content in them so far are the introduction and the artist lists the three books sections are at the moment place holder pages, al be it gorgeously decorative ones. However dont be dismayed this is as I said a project in progress and more content is being added all the time, indeed during the time that I have been writing this there have been several updates, and its author is very good at passing on update information. They are posted on the Kingdom's of Kalamar Face book group the Kenzer forums and on the Google plus HackMaster community and the author maintains a face book and a Google plus page.

The content so far is beautiful, I cant stress that too much and whilst the presentation is not yet perfect the Author is taking and responding to feedback on this and tweaking it when necessary.

Screen shot of the Intro page showing menu's

Screen shots of the menus

The Montage of screen shots showing all the menus as well as a good  selection of the variation of artwork in the slide show behind themas all the screen shots thus far in this have been of what amounts to the same web page taken at different times as I have had the chance to work on this review.both the slide show and the header image cycle all equally evocative images of the region at differing rates over time.

Going beyond the into page 

Here there are only there items on the menu which lead to further content at the moment the first is to a general introduction to the world of Telene, HackMaster and even role playing all of which I will pass over lightly as whilst they are well done and lavishly illustrated as the whole site is they cover as I would expect nothing new or unique and I want to concentration on the cool new stuff 

The second cover the physical geography of the region with articles maps

Source: the Blood-Clans of Jorikk

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #506 on: 27 September 2014, 21:30:07 »

Northern Wastes Battle Mats

I am building up a collection of these for Against the Robots 

This one  was done in an effort to show a a bit more of the typical features of the more fertile parts of the wastes in summer the fast flowing seasonal stream in the top corner  and the sink hole where the permafrost had melted differentially leaving a small deep pond. I also had a go at adding three dimensions to an other wise flat map with the small hill topped by an erratic ( stray bolder) jutting out of the otherwise fairly flat flower covered plain

Another variation on the same theme showing a bit more topography and a game trail. The nice thing about these is that they can me customised further once uploaded to Roll20 by adding map tokens and even drawing additional elements on them even thought the drawing tools in Roll20 are not as sophisticated as GIMP they are easy to use for that last minute tweak

Source: Northern Wastes Battle Mats

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #507 on: 27 September 2014, 21:30:07 »

Standard Vazaran Road house

 A Summer map

The external detail of a common Vazzaran road hose variations on which are to be found around every twenty miles along any major rural thoroughfare in the north lands. The province a bed and board to weary travellers as well as the chance to restock on basic gear and supplies in winter though this one is depicted in summer stumbling upon one has been the difference between life and death for many.

Internally they are not significantly different form any in one may have encountered any where, and a map of the inside of a typical one is a future project..

Source: Standard Vazaran Road house

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #508 on: 28 September 2014, 11:00:16 »

Standard Vazaran Road house

 A Summer map

The external detail of a common Vazzaran road hose variations on which are to be found around every twenty miles along any major rural thoroughfare in the north lands. The province a bed and board to weary travellers as well as the chance to restock on basic gear and supplies in winter though this one is depicted in summer stumbling upon one has been the difference between life and death for many.

Internally they are not significantly different form any in one may have encountered any where, and a map of the inside of a typical one is a future project..

Source: Standard Vazaran Road house

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #509 on: 28 September 2014, 11:00:21 »

An Epic tale from another part Of Kalamar VII

The story Continues

Fall of the Tanarukk
Malvus made a quick journey toward Dryff, even dropping off the kobold on his  way. He notified Elmin Hessir of the impending orcish attack. He then  set out as fast as possible (for a monk, that is very fast) to  rendezvous in Rurr with the party.

Meanwhile, the townsfolk of Rurr were preparing evacuation and gearing up for a retreating battle. The two elves accompanying Laer-Thuil were desperately trying to cope with the last few hours.  Battidel wanted  to show his bravery and courage by attempting to compare himself  favorably to Darius. The young paladin, seeing the fear, shared stories  of the Swift Sword to calm his nerves.  Shifyrn, however, sought solace in Frug.  The little druid knew burial rites, and Shifyrn's friend Tessia was not  granted a burial after the assault by the orcs.  They simply didn't  have the time.  Frug, ever the gnome of few words, did his best to ease the elf's pain.

The others prepared in their own ways:  Kalamor by performing his own last rites, and Ngithol by being insensitive and surly toward all.  Once affairs were in order and Malvus had arrived it was time to go. The plan was to meet the orcs and try to  harass them while buying time for the townsfolk.  Unfortunately for  them, the orcs were much closer than expected.

In a clearing  along the path, a wagon was found overturned with its mule dead. The  owners lay about, one dead, another dying. The third knelt next to her  brother.  She was in shock and barely able to speak. With some healing  and help, they saved her brother, Tannen. Yuji, the girl pleaded with  the heroes to save her mother, the fourth family member, and one taken  by the raiders.  Ngithol confirmed the assailants were orcs, and Malvus found blood they could track.  Lawr-Thuil ordered Battidel to get the young ones to safety and the party changed direction, after this advance party of orcs.

They  found the orcs easily enough, and they were too proud of their murder  and looting to notice the heroes creep in. Within moments, the orcs were  slain, and the mother, Jjela, was rescued.  She took up a sword and  offered to help fight, but in truth she was in no condition to do so.   As such, she offered up an old tin pendant of the old man, in hopes he  would guide them in battle. Frug,  meanwhile, began to wonder if the orcs intended target was Rurr at all.   Nearby was a little-known druid circle; a place of power.  He led the  party to the circle and communed with its caretaker, a dryad named Birch.  She agreed with Frug's  theory,  and offered to lend aid. One of her disciples, a sprite named  Sprig, guided the heroes to the warband containing the Tanarukk. He was in the company of a quasit and numerous skeletons and orcs.

The battle was fierce.  Both sides knew only one would win this day. No quarter would be granted.  The magical axe of the Tanarukk split armor and rent flesh.  It was all moot, however. The heroes  fought like warriors who've accepted death.  Orcs have never been so  brave.  When the Tanarukk was brought low by the flailing of a berserking, wild shaped Frug, the other orcs tried to break rank and run. There was no escaping the arrows and blasts from Laer-Thuil and Ngithol.

The ranger stood victorious over the dead Tanarukk,  loosing arrow after arrow into its corpse; each one freezing the flesh  instantly.  With her quiver empty, she sighed, "It's over".

The heroes returned to the Druidic circle hoping the orcs had not yet arrived. Instead, they were met by a centaur, Karrak.  He thanked the heroes and told them Birch had requested the aid of his clan, the star hooves.  The orcs were dead or running at this point.

All  breathed a sigh of relief and Darius returned the pendant to Jjela.  They were alive and victorious. As the sun rose across the wildlands.

Source: An Epic tale from another part Of Kalamar VII

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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