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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #465 on: 20 September 2014, 22:00:05 »

An Improved Unexpected Sewer explored so far

done some more work on this map to go with the write ups for episodes twenty three and four so that  it tells the story of the two sessions

Source: An Improved Unexpected Sewer explored so far

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #466 on: 21 September 2014, 01:00:19 »

D+1 in the morning

If it is a bit quiet around here tomorrow it is because I will still be dealing with work related matters left over form today I will still be posting but it may be a relatively quiet day in that regard.just so you know.

I intend to finish off things I have already posted by way of a priority rather than post new stuff however you like I will have to see what I do manage to get done.

Source: D+1 in the morning

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #467 on: 21 September 2014, 01:00:19 »

Against the Robots Making a start

will be posting details about session one here soon as I am almost ready to run

Source: Against the Robots Making a start

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #468 on: 21 September 2014, 18:00:06 »

An Oliphant Rat WIP

Something I am working on

Not an original drawing but a piece of random clip art I am reworking using it as a guide as I cant draw animals half that well from scratch. Its still im the process of being cleaned up and sharpened up as its an image I expanded to A4 from much smaller which caused some pixilation I am in process of removing. I am also almost certainly going to flip the image so it faces right to left before its done.

A bit more done on this but its rather slow progress as I am rather tired and having some difficulty concentrating

almost done now just considering the finishing touches to be honest but I think that works.

Source: An Oliphant Rat WIP

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #469 on: 21 September 2014, 18:00:06 »

Its a rat the size of a Shetland Pony!!

Aeltreds Rat 

Its final form well one I am happy with all done with GIMP as a image manipulation of an existing clip art image of a rat  I found lying about on the internet some time ago and I cant quite remember where form.

Source: Its a rat the size of a Shetland Pony!!

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #470 on: 21 September 2014, 21:30:06 »

The Demon in the Square

The Demon of the Sword - Vaesehanesresics (that which delights in the slaughter of the
unresisting and  the terrified)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Initiative: -2
Speed: 9
Reach:+2 feet ( 8 feet with sword)
Attack: +8
Damage: 2d12p + 5 Sword
2d3p + 5  with claws on hands or feet or 3d3p+ 5 bite
Special Attack:  Demonic battle cry (same as Grell war cry) Sweep attack can strike all in a 180 degree ark on an aggressive attack ,and causes +1d3p damage to helpless targets.
Weakness: takes +5 damage form good aligned items and +5 damage from lawful ones the effects are cumulative and may be turned as any good or lawful priest regardless of them having the ability to turn undead
Defence: +2
Special Defence: Teleports if on half damage or more less instantly (takes one second) but can only do this once per day
Damage Reduction: 12 - 4 weapons of legend
Hit Points: 30+4d8
ToP Save: n/a
Will Factor: 10
Size: large
Move: 15 feet/second at a walk and can Teloport at will over long distances as many times as it likes in a day but the ritual to do so takes 3d6p minutes during which it is unable to defend itself without aborting the process and beginning again the maxumum range on such a teleport is eight days march
EPV: 1200 (Nb never counts as half for there only being one opponent as its well able to deal with multiple foes)

Notable skills  Intimidate 50 torture 30


This demon or may be type of demon for they are commonly found during the initial phases of any abyssal invasion and this may indicate that there are some numbers of the foul things. However given its ability to teleport freely over long distances and that in every reported case only one has been encountered at a time may mean that is is indeed a unique monster.

This demon ranges ahead of the abyssal horde and is drawn to accumulations of unarmed or poorly armed largely non-combatants who it delights in terrifying with its abyssal war cry and then slaughtering wholes sale. Unlike many demons it is not one for property damage for its own sake however it will do so to further terrify its victims and to get to those who might be hiding in buildings etc.

As a demon it does not need to eat however it will often consume victims messily in order to further terrify its other victims

General Info

Activity cycle - none preferred appears not to need sleep
No Appearing - only ever one
In Lair - never
Frequency - Very rare as it only occurs in the proximity of an abyssal break through usually within 1-3 teleprts distance or a similar distance ahead of  an abyssal army
Alignment - Chaotic Evil
Vision - Dark vision to 180 feet
Awareness senses - +20 on listening or observation rolls & can automatically detect any thing cosmicly good or lawful within its range of vision and more common good or lawful within thirty feet.
Habitat - any
Diet - only eats for effect mostly to enhance its intimidating effect on its victims may subsist of the emotions of its soon to be victims
Organization - Solitary
Climate terrain - any 


Medical - none
Spell components - none but any demonic blood can be used to enhance harm spells cast by chaotic evil priests by 1d3p points per ounce killing this demon would give 2d4p ounces of such blood but there are easier sources
Hide trophy  - demonic material decays far to fast to be preserved without magic
Edible - yes but like all demons no good will flow form eating their flesh however quite what ill flows form eating the flesh of this one is no where reported
Treasure -  none but a +3 magical two handed sword of unusual size may be recovered but this is probably of  no use except as a trophy and is almost certainly cursed
Other - Nil
Experience point Value  1200 (Nb never counts as half for there only being one opponent as its well able to deal with multiple foes)

Source: The Demon in the Square

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #471 on: 21 September 2014, 21:30:07 »

Against the Robots Making a start

At last 

The first Session will be on Monday 29th of September between 7pm & 11pm Central time (GMT+6) It will be run via a Google hang out so I will need to have all of you in a Google circle before Monday of next week. There is an event set up on it on Google plus but I am not sure I have not rather messed that up I will check latter as I need to clear my head a bit before re-engaging. All of you I have in any Google Circle have already been invited so if you haven't been you aren't and I need to add you.

The next session will be arranged at the end of the first but I would like to run the game at least monthly and be run on a Monday at least for the moment

Source: Against the Robots Making a start

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #472 on: 22 September 2014, 01:00:05 »

An Epic tale form another part of Tellene II

The Story Continues

Time for Plan B
Ngithol stared at the dark hole in the ground and felt nothing but loss, a  veritable void inside her where once she had felt so alive. She felt  this void and genuinely mourned the loss she had suffered. Not the loss  of the hippie half elf, who looked as lifely as a potato. Nor was it for  the loss of the farmer's child, a child she was certain was already  dead. Instead she keenly felt the loss of what she had once been.

It  had been a while since she felt this way, having learned long ago that  dwelling on such thoughts was unproductive. But she couldn't help but  reflect upon there having been more kobolds than she thought there  would've been and that if she were at her peak and not the wretched  shell she is now they'd have all been chaff upon the wind. Their arms  deflected by her platemail and their screams as she cleaved them apart  with a blade that had slain countless others.

Instead all she  could do was ignore the pain she felt throughout her entire body and  resort to the universal 'backup plan' many of her clan had relied upon  in time's of darkness. Burn Everything. She  looked to the pile of flammable material she had gathered rapidly while  the others finished getting out of the tunnel and threw some down into  the tunnel before readying her flint. She hoped that if the fire didn't  kill the kobolds it would at least by them time to seal the hole by  burning the barn down.

Source: An Epic tale form another part of Tellene II

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #473 on: 22 September 2014, 01:00:05 »

An Epic tale form another part of Tellene III

The Story Continues

It's name was Urze and it was pretty damned big as far as Ngithol was concerned. Big, ugly and angry; angry enough that any blows from  it's club would likely be fatal. Most would've felt some form of  trepidation as it approached her and Malvus, Ngithol however merely felt anticipation and... nostaliga?

Shaking her head to banish the feelings she brought her focus on readying her shield and blade and watched as Malvus deftly avoided approaching beast's attack and unleashed a rapid counter  attack of his own, striking with precision and undeniable  effectiveness. Urze had a mere moment to contemplate what had occured  before he slumped to the ground, utterly broken. Ngithol fought to not do the same as what she had seen triggered a sudden flood  of memories of Mebzuth... her dear sweet Mebzuth. Then came the  memories of verdant flame that seemed to always tie themselves to any  thoughts of her previous life. She marshalled herself and attempted to  refocus on the fight, intent on killing a goblin to distract herself and  bury the memories, only to see the remaining ones already dead or  fleeing.

Ngithol ignored the smiles and cheering of her... companions and hurried out of  the cave, her skin suddenly feeling aflame and her vision blurring  slightly as the memories came. The pain, the loss, everything she tried  not to dwell on coming back in a rush. With mute fervor she strode to  the nearby creek, throwing her cloak and pack aside before desperately  pulling her chainmail off, all but convinced now that the flames were  upon her again. It was no sooner that she got free of her armor that she  immediately began wetting the bandages she was still wreathed in with  creek water and relished the feeling of it smothering a fire she knew  was not there. It took only a moment for the 'flames' to go away once  she had started but it was a notably longer while till Ngithol successfully steadied herself.

She  quickly stood, realizing how insane she must look, and retrieved her  pack before sitting on a nearby rock where she began peeling off the  soaked cloth wraps covering her scarred body and setting them aside,  chiding herself as she realized how dirty they'd become and the fact  she'd neglected to replace them sooner. She looked at the fresh wraps in  her pack and decided best to let herself dry before putting them on. As  she stood there wearing only some thin cloth shorts she took a moment  to try and make a note of picking up an unguent from the town when they  returned, anything that might help soothe her skin. An unguent and  perhaps some alcohol.

Source: An Epic tale form another part of Tellene III

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #474 on: 22 September 2014, 01:00:05 »

An Epic Tale form another part of Telene IV

The story Continues 

The Urze
The kobold identified himself as the alpha and  offered up his conditions of surrender.  They would return the child,  unharmed, and leave if the party agreed to liberate their previous cave  from a bugbear called Urze.  The bugbear and his goblin minions had  routed and killed the alpha's mate and hatchlings, and forced the  remaining kobolds to evacuate and find an alternative haven.
Reluctantly, the party agreed, mostly on Kalamor and Frug's  insistence.  They told Brendol, the farmer, to head into town and alert  Elmin Hesir of the situation and that they would return after dealing  with the bugbear.  One of the kobolds would stay with them as a guide  (much to Frug's chagrin).
The weather Fyban was unusually quiet as they traversed the ancient paths. No far in they found the cause. A servant of the swift sword whistled along the path. He introduced himself as Darius, a Kalamaran  youth on his Search.  Fighting bugbears sounded fun, so he offered his  great hammer in service to the party.  The other reason for the silence  was quickly noticed as well, when a hunting pack of mountain lions  ambushed and attacked the party.  They were quickly dispatched and sent  running, with the dead one making a fairly tasty meal for their camp.

The  kobold who failed to be a useful guide was self-named "Dragon's Blood".  He wasn't particularly bright, but he did know the way to their old  cave.  He was fairly good at cooking up wild cat, though.  And after a  good nights rest, the party continued on through the day.

Malvus used his speed and stealth to scout ahead as the party followed the  creek. It would have been an uneventful travel if not for one wrong  turn.  A giant spider dropped down from the canopy of trees and snatched  up the monk, paralyzing him with poison.  Because he was so far ahead,  the party didn't see the signs when they arrived and were similarly  assaulted.  Thanks to solid armor, however, the heroes were more  resistant to the spider's bites and powered through the monstrosities. 

With the spiders dispatched, Malvus was freed.  Frug found some other victims of the spiders and confirmed one was the tax  collector. They looted the bodies of some healing potions and the tax  collectors information. A reward would probably be forthcoming for  confirming his death.  The kobold was grateful to Darius for saving his  life and, in his stupidity admitted that the alpha had lied about the  death of their matron and hatchlings. This truth earned the ire of Kalamor.

Not  far beyond the spiders' den, the party located the cave.  A lone goblin  stood watch, distracted by a trapped pixie he was torturing. The party  killed the goblin and slipped into the cave quietly.  The goblins inside  were unprepared for a fight and caught off-guard.  The party set to  dispatching them quickly before the snoring Urze woke to the sounds of  battle.

As  the massive bugbear emerged, he laughed at the party's attempt.   Calling out the monk, he drug forward with his oversized Morningstar,  "soft, puny-hand man going to get squished. I going to eat your bones!"   With a roar he swung the weapon at Malvus' head, only to miss as the monk struck with lightning speed.  In an instant, Urze lay dead on the floor.

"Dragon's  Blood" rushed forward and stabbed the dead carcass with his spear only  to retreat when a dull growl of air was released as it died.

The heroes were victorious, and they found a sizable amount of coin from Urze's stash. All in all, it was a successful venture.

Source: An Epic Tale form another part of Telene IV

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #475 on: 22 September 2014, 01:00:05 »

An Epic tale from Another Part of Telene V

The Story Continues

The Bigger They Are
Malvus had difficulty containing his frustration as they approached the cave.  He felt that his skills and training were inadequate to the recent  events. Jeshela dying needlessly in the kobold tunnels, and himself  being surprised and paralyzed by a monstrous spider, helpless to do  anything but watched as his companions fought to save him. Nothing he  had learned in the monastery had prepared him for this.

He managed to control himself enough to sneak up to the cave entrance with the rest of the group, their approach covered by Frug's magical fog. The startled goblin sentries were dispatched easily enough, though Malvus lost his spear in the fracas and had to fight unarmed. Then the Urze,  the hulking bugbear leader of the goblins, lurched into the torchlight,  along with his grizzled wolf companion and more goblins. "Who dare to  invade cave of the Urze?!" he bellowed.

Suddenly everything snapped into focus for Malvus.  He felt the energy flowing up through his body, from it's source in the  earth below out to the ends of his limbs and beyond, as his masters had  told him he would. He felt Ngithol standing at his side, stable and dependable. He saw from the Urze's  stance as he approached that he had an old wound in his side that had  never fully healed, which caused him to list slightly to one side and  left a flaw in his defence.

"This cave is not yours. Leave now, and we will let you go in peace," Malvus replied calmly. Feeling at one with the earth and his companions and even his enemies, he saw no need for violence.

The bugbear laughed derisively. "Soft, puny-hand man going to get squished. I going to eat your bones!"

"Come then, and see how 'soft' my hands are." The bugbear's first swing was telegraphed, and Malvus dodged it easily. He never got a second. Malvus first strike went to the Urze's solar plexus, left unguarded by his  reckless swing. As the air rushed from his body and he stooped over in  shock, Malvus crushed his throat with a second strike. The bugbear crumpled to the ground, and the other goblins fled.

Ngithol also fled the cave; Malvus sensed that she wanted no company and didn't go after her. He allowed  himself to celebrate the victory with his other companions, but a part  of him was somberly reflecting on what had happened. He had mastered the  basic forms of his fighting style years ago, but this had been the  first time that he had truly felt the meaning behind them. He knew he  would be much more formidable now, but that was no reason to rest easy.  His next opponent might not be so careless and easily felled.

Source: An Epic tale from Another Part of Telene V

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #476 on: 22 September 2014, 11:00:08 »

Minor Milestone

Getting some where
Yesterday the page view count reached a new record of one hundred and ninety six in the day besting the last record level of one hundred and forty five by a considerable margin. Not a major mile stone but one which makes me feel the effort I put in here is appreciated and that it does have an audience beyond web indexing spiders

It also means that more money is raised by the blog for Burton Wildlife Rescue which is good.

Source: Minor Milestone

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #477 on: 22 September 2014, 11:00:08 »

D+2 today

The real test of the work expansion happens today as its the first full working day after D-day on Saturday and whilst there hasn't been as much of an effect on activity here  as I was expecting this might be the day it happens.

However get today out of the way and things should start falling into place rather than apart and I should given that episode twenty five of the Company of Fools has been moved to the 9th of October  I may even get a chance to catch up you never can tell.

Source: D+2 today

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #478 on: 22 September 2014, 11:00:08 »

Some very nice terrain

from the Hits to Kill blog  which I also recommend even if the rules system used is not HackMaster  and indeed I am not sure quite what it is to be honest

I have to share this even though I dont get the chance to use terrain in most of my RPG's this appeals to the inner wargamer and brings back fond memories of my youthful adventures on the table top. for more detail on how it was done follow this link

Source: Some very nice terrain

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #479 on: 22 September 2014, 11:00:08 »

The Mountains of the Giants

in the farthest north before the sea of grinding ice there are great mountains  mountains from whence came the giants and their half giant warrior slaves a generation ago and where the defeated and disunited giants still lurk. No doubt plotting revenge on them as laid them low in the south lands.

Source: The Mountains of the Giants

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