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Author Topic: A Company of Fools - Blog  (Read 211562 times)
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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #420 on: 07 September 2014, 04:00:09 »

Rubbish day

today was a bit rubbish and my plan of being at Spirit Games role-playing all day was shanghaied by my physiology and whilst I got to Spirit Games in the end it was after the game and all I managed to do was deliver some magazines I supply them with.- Grrrr

Source: Rubbish day

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #421 on: 07 September 2014, 14:00:12 »

More foxy pictures - from the people we support

Bingo one of the resident foxes having some after supper fuss,

Because whilst Burton wildlife Rescue aims to treat rehabilitate, rewild, and release when at all possible there are those cases where this is not possible and then the sanctuary provides a permanent  life time home.

Supper previously  - Please note the toys and the size of the pen - foxes are rather dog like in their playfulness  and every effort is made to allow them to play even if it does involve them encouraging the sanctuary managers long suffering Staffie to be naughty and we have pictures of that they are just a bit blurred as they where play fighting an chasing each others tails and not staying still enough to photograph easily 

Source: More foxy pictures - from the people we support

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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #422 on: 07 September 2014, 21:30:09 »

Rubish day Part II

I got all exited about going to Spirit Games yesterday and spending the day playing in  a DCC classics zero level funnel game  I was also getting quite exited about talking to the new group in the shop coming down to play AD&D 5e as they where newbies and where potential recruits to the art of the hack.

However I got none of that done as I got home from work  to get cleaned up and changed to go out again and much to my annoyance took myself to bed on auto pilot half way through. Waking up around four in the afternoon when I was too late to get down to the shop and take part in any of the fun. Especially after I had  dealt with the stuff I had messed up for work due to having been pretty much out of it whilst at work, all of which was the cause of much joy as you can no doubt imagine .

Just to aggravate even more I got back form a swift and largely work related visit to Spirit Games and still dead tired and more than a little grumpy I went back to bed only to be woken by my alarm at eleven rather that the four am the following morning I was hoping for.....

Not a good or successful day by any measure.

Source: Rubish day Part II

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #423 on: 08 September 2014, 01:00:05 »

Plodding along

Plodding along finishing off stuff and generally playing catch up . Not much new to post but quite a lot of finishing off of stuff I have already posted and left part done. so watch this space for developments.

I also now have hard copies of the first book of the Iron Gods the Pathfinder technology guide and the sea of falling stars campaign setting all of which are being read and added to the creative stew I am drawing on for Against the Robots

Source: Plodding along

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #424 on: 08 September 2014, 18:30:06 »

Rubbish  day Part II

I got all exited about going to Spirit Games yesterday and spending the day playing in  a DCC classics zero level funnel game  I was also getting quite exited about talking to the new group in the shop coming down to play AD&D 5e as they where newbies and where potential recruits to the art of the hack.

However I got none of that done as I got home from work  to get cleaned up and changed to go out again and much to my annoyance took myself to bed on auto pilot half way through. Waking up around four in the afternoon when I was too late to get down to the shop and take part in any of the fun. Especially after I had  dealt with the stuff I had messed up for work due to having been pretty much out of it whilst at work, all of which was the cause of much joy as you can no doubt imagine .

Just to aggravate even more I got back form a swift and largely work related visit to Spirit Games and still dead tired and more than a little grumpy I went back to bed only to be woken by my alarm at eleven rather that the four am the following morning I was hoping for.....

Not a good or successful day by any measure.

Source: Rubbish  day Part II

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #425 on: 09 September 2014, 22:00:18 »

Plastic People a preview

Some thoughts on the use of Historical Miniatures in general and plastic ones specifically in fantasy role playing games 





Gripping beast  

Wargames Factory 

Fire Forge

Conquest Games 

Amongst others and I am looking to develop this into a full article with examples in the near future so watch this space

Source: Plastic People a preview

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #426 on: 10 September 2014, 01:30:07 »

A Company of Fools Episode Twenty Four A preview

Some where under the streets of the Newtown of Vayham a desperate struggle takes place in a long forgotten annex to the new drains. Here the storied Traveller Telec and hi companions both new and old  are literally locked in battle with the forces of the Rot lords champion. As above them a larger slower struggle between man and goblin continues. What will be the outcome of these struggles none now can tell for the disce are cast and only RISK yet knows how they will fall.

Source: A Company of Fools Episode Twenty Four A preview

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #427 on: 10 September 2014, 01:30:07 »

A Wonderful resource for scripts and exotic fonts

stub article I shall finish in the morning 

from this page

Source: A Wonderful resource for scripts and exotic fonts

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #428 on: 10 September 2014, 05:43:06 »

Just noticed I have missed the Calender for a while  Embarrassed- will have to go back and post the missing stuff and remind myself to keep ahead.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #429 on: 10 September 2014, 22:00:11 »

Plastic People Part I


All the miniatures which I will be discussing in this article are historically accurate and intended for wargaming rather than role playing all are in the scale known as 28mm which is taken as a measurement of a standing figure from base of the foot to the eye line this is nominal around the equivalent of 5' to scale given that average heights historically for human males was 5'6"-5'10. I use the word males deliberately as most historical fighters where men or if not wore equipment such as armour which rendered it rather difficult to tell.

Most of the figures are form the pre gunpowder period or the early transitional period with a couple of exceptions which we will come onto latter as most FRPG's are completely or largely Gunpowder free zones

I would also add that the majority of the figures available are of Eurasian or Mediterranean peoples with the chief exceptions being the various Zulus, Warlord and Wargames Factory,  and the Japanese  Wargames factory as even the Carthaginians and the Numidians and Mauritanians  being whist African are defiantly north African and more Mediterranean than classically African in appearance. 

These figures are all multi part models to a greater or lesser extent and as such are very customisable  often having separate arms and heads very often more than is needed and a large selection of appropriate weapons and shields. They are all made of the same Hard Plastic (polystyrene, styrene) familiar form model tanks  vehicles, aircraft, and the ubiquitous games workshop figures of the last twenty years. Mostly this plastic is a shade of pale grey which is an easy colour to paint over with just about any other colour. The figures never need pinning and the bond produced by ordinary plastic cement is near perfect and  in all ways superior to that produced by cyranoacyrilate based super glues with metal figures.

The figures are in general very detailed and are of a common enough scale that parts can be exchanged between them with ease though there are some times some limitations posed with this between manufactures as each has their own approach to where the separate head or torso joins the torso and legs of the figure beyond that the more adventurous can further adapt figures with care an the use of a sharp knife

What have you got to play with

I will go into more detail of who does what latter but here is an over view

Gauls Britons Early Germans and Dacians  the former three in boith horse and foot from more than one manufacture are you archetypal half naked European several variations and for some of the Germans more than half naked.

Romans mid and late republican early imperial with the classic segmented armour
Greeks every variety of their close order infantry the famous Hoplites

Source: Plastic People Part I

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #430 on: 11 September 2014, 01:30:04 »

Plastic People Part I


All the miniatures which I will be discussing in this article are historically accurate and intended for wargaming rather than role playing all are in the scale known as 28mm which is taken as a measurement of a standing figure from base of the foot to the eye line this is nominal around the equivalent of 5' to scale given that average heights historically for human males was 5'6"-5'10. I use the word males deliberately as most historical fighters where men or if not wore equipment such as armour which rendered it rather difficult to tell.

Most of the figures are form the pre gunpowder period or the early transitional period with a couple of exceptions which we will come onto latter as most FRPG's are completely or largely Gunpowder free zones

I would also add that the majority of the figures available are of Eurasian or Mediterranean peoples with the chief exceptions being the various Zulus, Warlord and Wargames Factory,  and the Japanese  Wargames factory as even the Carthaginians and the Numidians and Mauritanians  being whist African are defiantly north African and more Mediterranean than classically African in appearance. 

These figures are all multi part models to a greater or lesser extent and as such are very customisable  often having separate arms and heads very often more than is needed and a large selection of appropriate weapons and shields. They are all made of the same Hard Plastic (polystyrene, styrene) familiar form model tanks  vehicles, aircraft, and the ubiquitous games workshop figures of the last twenty years. Mostly this plastic is a shade of pale grey which is an easy colour to paint over with just about any other colour. The figures never need pinning and the bond produced by ordinary plastic cement is near perfect and  in all ways superior to that produced by cyranoacyrilate based super glues with metal figures.

The figures are in general very detailed and are of a common enough scale that parts can be exchanged between them with ease though there are some times some limitations posed with this between manufactures as each has their own approach to where the separate head or torso joins the torso and legs of the figure beyond that the more adventurous can further adapt figures with care an the use of a sharp knife

What have you got to play with

I will go into more detail of who does what latter but here is an over view

Gauls Britons Early Germans and Dacians  the former three in boith horse and foot from more than one manufacture are you archetypal half naked European several variations and for some of the Germans more than half naked.

Romans mid and late republican early imperial with the classic segmented armour as well as the mid republican light skirmishers the Velites and the later Auxillia infantry and cavalry
Greeks every variety of their close order infantry the famous Hoplites as well as the lighter troops archers slingers and javelin men 
Macedonians - only the famous pike men
Persians Achemaned infantry and cavalry with their distinctive tower shields and lost of bowmen the sort that beat the Spartans at Thermopolie and lost to the Athenians and their alies at Marathon

Dark ages


Later periods

Source: Plastic People Part I

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #431 on: 11 September 2014, 11:00:06 »

Plastic People Part I


All the miniatures which I will be discussing in this article are historically accurate and intended for wargaming rather than role playing all are in the scale known as 28mm which is taken as a measurement of a standing figure from base of the foot to the eye line this is nominal around the equivalent of 5' to scale given that average heights historically for human males was 5'6"-5'10. I use the word males deliberately as most historical fighters where men or if not wore equipment such as armour which rendered it rather difficult to tell.

Most of the figures are form the pre gunpowder period or the early transitional period with a couple of exceptions which we will come onto latter as most FRPG's are completely or largely Gunpowder free zones

I would also add that the majority of the figures available are of Eurasian or Mediterranean peoples with the chief exceptions being the various Zulus, Warlord and Wargames Factory,  and the Japanese  Wargames factory as even the Carthaginians and the Numidians and Mauritanians  being whist African are defiantly north African and more Mediterranean than classically African in appearance. 

These figures are all multi part models to a greater or lesser extent and as such are very customisable  often having separate arms and heads very often more than is needed and a large selection of appropriate weapons and shields. They are all made of the same Hard Plastic (polystyrene, styrene) familiar form model tanks  vehicles, aircraft, and the ubiquitous games workshop figures of the last twenty years. Mostly this plastic is a shade of pale grey which is an easy colour to paint over with just about any other colour. The figures never need pinning and the bond produced by ordinary plastic cement is near perfect and  in all ways superior to that produced by cyranoacyrilate based super glues with metal figures.

The figures are in general very detailed and are of a common enough scale that parts can be exchanged between them with ease though there are some times some limitations posed with this between manufactures as each has their own approach to where the separate head or torso joins the torso and legs of the figure beyond that the more adventurous can further adapt figures with care an the use of a sharp knife

What have you got to play with

I will go into more detail of who does what latter but here is an over view


Gauls Britons Early Germans and Dacians  the former three in boith horse and foot from more than one manufacture are you archetypal half naked European several variations and for some of the Germans more than half naked.

Romans mid and late republican early imperial with the classic segmented armour as well as the mid republican light skirmishers the Velites and the later Auxillia infantry and cavalry

Light troops

Armoured Hoplites

Greeks every variety of their close order infantry the famous Hoplites as well as the lighter troops archers slingers and javelin men 
Macedonians - only the famous pike men
Persians Achemaned infantry and cavalry with their distinctive tower shields and lost of bowmen the sort that beat the Spartans at Thermopolie and lost to the Athenians and their alies at Marathon

Dark ages 
Saxons Vikings with and without armour  Generic European dress infantry and Eastern "Arab" dress infantry

Normans knights/cavalry and infantry only close order foot 

Crusaders religious orders horse and foot in several variations
Feudal European same time period as the crusaders horse foot and missile troops
Late Medieval a good and growing selection either badged as Wars of the Roses or as European 1450-1500 both horse and foot are available and the range is extending at a pace with figures for 1400-1450 on the way these are classic FRPG material with long bows cross bows every sort of pole arm and assorted combinations of plate chain and padded armour which would also pass for studded

Perry Miniatures Mounted men at arms

Perry miniatures Bills and bows

Later periods

Ansar- Sudanese infantry but with one of the heads available being the classic "Fuzzywuzzy" Beja warriors and one of the few distinctly African looking heads There are rifles and muskets in the box but all the figures can be made up as spear or swordsmen 

This is not an exclusive list
There are also extensive ranges from the from other periods but these are the ones particularly useful for making figures for classic FRPG style games such as HackMaster and which are avalible or known to be on the way now

Source: Plastic People Part I

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #432 on: 11 September 2014, 17:30:20 »

Plastic People Part I


All the miniatures which I will be discussing in this article are historically accurate and intended for wargaming rather than role playing all are in the scale known as 28mm which is taken as a measurement of a standing figure from base of the foot to the eye line this is nominal around the equivalent of 5' to scale given that average heights historically for human males was 5'6"-5'10. I use the word males deliberately as most historical fighters where men or if not wore equipment such as armour which rendered it rather difficult to tell.

Most of the figures are form the pre gunpowder period or the early transitional period with a couple of exceptions which we will come onto latter as most FRPG's are completely or largely Gunpowder free zones

I would also add that the majority of the figures available are of Eurasian or Mediterranean peoples with the chief exceptions being the various Zulus, Warlord and Wargames Factory,  and the Japanese  Wargames factory as even the Carthaginians and the Numidians and Mauritanians  being whist African are defiantly north African and more Mediterranean than classically African in appearance. 

These figures are all multi part models to a greater or lesser extent and as such are very customisable  often having separate arms and heads very often more than is needed and a large selection of appropriate weapons and shields. They are all made of the same Hard Plastic (polystyrene, styrene) familiar form model tanks  vehicles, aircraft, and the ubiquitous games workshop figures of the last twenty years. Mostly this plastic is a shade of pale grey which is an easy colour to paint over with just about any other colour. The figures never need pinning and the bond produced by ordinary plastic cement is near perfect and  in all ways superior to that produced by cyranoacyrilate based super glues with metal figures.

The figures are in general very detailed and are of a common enough scale that parts can be exchanged between them with ease though there are some times some limitations posed with this between manufactures as each has their own approach to where the separate head or torso joins the torso and legs of the figure beyond that the more adventurous can further adapt figures with care an the use of a sharp knife

What have you got to play with

I will go into more detail of who does what latter but here is an over view


Gauls Britons Early Germans and Dacians  the former three in boith horse and foot from more than one manufacture are you archetypal half naked European several variations and for some of the Germans more than half naked.

Romans mid and late republican early imperial with the classic segmented armour as well as the mid republican light skirmishers the Velites and the later Auxillia infantry and cavalry

Light troops

Armoured Hoplites


Greeks every variety of their close order infantry the famous Hoplites as well as the lighter troops archers slingers and javelin men 
Macedonians - only the famous pike men
Persians Achemaned infantry and cavalry with their distinctive tower shields and lost of bowmen the sort that beat the Spartans at Thermopolie and lost to the Athenians and their alies at Marathon

Dark ages 
Saxons Vikings with and without armour  Generic European dress infantry and Eastern "Arab" dress infantry

Normans knights/cavalry and infantry only close order foot 

Crusaders religious orders horse and foot in several variations
Feudal European same time period as the crusaders horse foot and missile troops
Late Medieval a good and growing selection either badged as Wars of the Roses or as European 1450-1500 both horse and foot are available and the range is extending at a pace with figures for 1400-1450 on the way these are classic FRPG material with long bows cross bows every sort of pole arm and assorted combinations of plate chain and padded armour which would also pass for studded

Perry Miniatures Mounted men at arms

Perry miniatures Bills and bows

The Renaissance
Whilst there are a wide range of British and European troop types for this period both horse and foot most of them are well into the use of fire arms as a primary weapon and so wouldn't fit in your classic FRPG the one exception.
Samurai Cavalry

 Japanese all are rather late being 16th century but there are a good range of horse and foot with optional early fire arms for the infantry and these are quite the best of the historical ranges done by this particular manufacturer

Later periods

Ansar- Sudanese infantry but with one of the heads available being the classic "Fuzzywuzzys" or more properly Beja warriors and one of the few distinctly African looking heads There are rifles and muskets in the box but all the figures can be made up as spear or swordsmen 

This is not an exclusive list
There are also extensive ranges from the from other periods but these are the ones particularly useful for making figures for classic FRPG style games such as HackMaster and which are available or known to be on the way now

Source: Plastic People Part I

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #433 on: 11 September 2014, 17:30:23 »

Plastic People - Part II

Fantasy plastics
Before plunging in and talking about what you can do by mixing all this together I have to at least bring up the plastic ranges of intentionally fantasy figures which have the same advantages as the historical ones with regard to construction and conversion potential and are made in the same materials. The  range of manufacturers  are smaller however and beyond the ubiquitous Games work shop they come down to the following 

Wargames factory
thought I really see the Orcs they do as being perfect HackMaster Hobgoblins as they have a very distinct  style a sort of alien Asiatic hybrid to them and seem more subtle than the huge thuggish Manitc orcs
Half naked female warriors with a Greco- Persian theme 

Mantic Miniatures
Who do a full range of plastic figures for their Kings of war fantasy wargames rules - dwarves elves humans orcs goblins ogres and undead. The core units of which are all in the hard styrene and whilst they are not strictly to scale with the historical ranges there is a lot of potential for creative mixing and matching of bits form each,  To see what they do follow this link

Source: Plastic People - Part II

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #434 on: 11 September 2014, 21:00:06 »

Plastic People - Part II

Fantasy plastics
Before plunging in and talking about what you can do by mixing all this together I have to at least bring up the plastic ranges of intentionally fantasy figures which have the same advantages as the historical ones with regard to construction and conversion potential and are made in the same materials. The  range of manufacturers  are smaller however and beyond the ubiquitous Games work shop they come down to the following 

Wargames factory 

Single example of the available build options

thought I really see the Orcs they do as being perfect HackMaster Hobgoblins as they have a very distinct  style a sort of alien Asiatic hybrid to them and seem more subtle than the huge thuggish Manitc orcs
Half naked female warriors with a Greco- Persian theme 

Mantic Miniatures 

Baasalean (fantasy Byzantine) cavalry charging the orc horde

Who do a full range of plastic figures for their Kings of war fantasy wargames rules - dwarves elves humans orcs goblins ogres and undead. The core units of which are all in the hard styrene and whilst they are not strictly to scale with the historical ranges there is a lot of potential for creative mixing and matching of bits form each,  To see what they do follow this link

Source: Plastic People - Part II

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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