A new Playable race in against the giants
Strength +3
Intelligence -3
Wisdom -3
Constitution +3
Looks -3
Charisma -3
Half Giant Pros
Acute eyes sight +20 to all observation rolls involving sight
One free purchase of the Observation skill
Size large for the purposes of hit points (15+Con+Class roll)
They have a long reach add an additional foot to a weapons reach
They do +1 point of damage with any medium or bigger weapon
They cause +1 level additional knock back with two handed crushing and hacking weapons
Large for the purposes of knock back
A free talent chosen from -Tough hide, Fast healer, Pain tolerant
Free Labourer proficiency
Native language Kethian and Giant
Half Giant Cons
Most of the locals are a bit uneasy around them especially those who are old enough the remember the war when they formed the backbone of the Giantish Army’s but they are not hated any more since all the ones locally are descended form the ones who mutinied against their masters during the war.
They are whilst still technically medium sized still around Seven feet tall and heavily built with it so can have problems with the narrow and low doors and low ceilings on many human buildings.
They are universally regarded as stupid and unsuitable for fine work so tend to get lumbered with simple manual labour amongst humans and dwarves.
They are frequently the subject of mildly derogatory humour.
All their gear and clothes has to be specially made for them outside of their own communities, and especially with the tools it adds to the reputation they have of being clumsy as well as stupid.
They suffer a -10 penalty if they are using tools not made for them and -1 penalty all round if using weapons not made for them.
They get a defence penalty of -2 due to size and bulk
All literacy skills cost double at first level as they are seen as too stupid to learn to write.
Fighters don’t get Phalanx fighting for free.
Count as giants for the purposes of dwarven combat ability against giants
Preferential talent access
All at 50% cost
Tough Hide
Extra Tough Hide
Additional hit points up to three levels
All weapons talents with any large or medium low skill two handed weapons
Disadvantageous access
All cost 150%
Forgettable face
All weapons talents with any large or medium or high skill one handed weapons and bows
Phalanx fighting.
Fighter 20bp Fighter Mage 60bp Mage N/A
Ranger 30bp Mage Thief 75bp
Fighter Thief 30bp Rogue N/A
Cleric 40bp Barbarian N/A
Thief 50bp Assassin N/A
Oddly enough whilst the majority of the Half Giants where in effect barbarians originally and those who remained loyal to the Giants still are they made a cultural decision since the revolt to reject their former ways and now copy much from the settled humans. It would not be impossible to have a half giant rogue, assassin or even mage there is as yet no one who will take seriously any who expressed an interest in that direction as they are seen as stupid foolish and clumsy and don’t have those professions within their own ranks.
Priors and particulars
Height |
Roll d100 | Female | Male |
1-2 | 74 | 76 |
3-7 | 76 | 78 |
8-14 | 78 | 80 |
15-26 | 80 | 82 |
27-42 | 82 | 84 |
43-63 | 84 | 86 |
64-78 | 86 | 88 |
79-88 | 88 | 90 |
89-96 | 90 | 92 |
| 90 +1d8”
| 92 +1d10”
Other tables
BMI table as a Half Ork
Handedness and legitimacy as a human
No changes to the other P& P tables