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Author Topic: A Company of Fools - Blog  (Read 211220 times)
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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #30 on: 02 July 2014, 20:00:14 »

Coradwin at  level 2 Page III

Source: Coradwin at level 2 PTIII
« Last Edit: 03 July 2014, 02:16:31 by Zarniwoop » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #31 on: 02 July 2014, 20:00:14 »



I have just noticed that the Coradwin character sheet I am posting needs finishing off sorry I will do that and post the rest of it in the morning

Source: OOPS

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #32 on: 02 July 2014, 20:00:15 »

Strange World of Random doom Episode 3 write up part II

Strange World of Random doom Episode 3 write up part II

done in two parts as Bloger is being annoying about the bullet points and there alignment I cant get it to stop nesting them when I add more on the end of the post - I suspect fixing it would involve fiddling with the HTML and I don't have the time for that at the moment.

  • The      Door had no apparent hinges and appeared to be solid gold, Faz in      particular was a bit fixated by this and Coradwin had to shoo him off to      get a tracing of the doors pictograms which depicted spiders coming down      form the moon and enveloping a temple in web and processions of hooded men      approaching the temple it did not make too much sense however it seemed to      duplicate the symbololgy on the arch outside but was much clearer      naturally.

  • Having      made the tracing it was decided to open the door which after some      experimentation was found to pivot about its central point. The door was a      couple of feet thick and seemed to be solid gold as it had appeared when      unopened

  • This      discovery sent the gnome and others into a brief ecstasy of greed

  • The      room visible beyond the door was dark, beyond the light of the company’s      lanterns but skittering noises could be heard from the dark. Faz the gnome      peered into the dark but whatever it was beyond the range of even his      night vision, though it might just be that he was just too short sighted or      still distracted by the massive great gold door next to him.

  • It      was decided to throw a torch in to give a bit more light, which they did      revealing that the room was largely full of web and that the skittering      noises where due to some really massive web shooting spiders on of which      came and put out the torch with its web.

  • A      Plan formed here especially when it became apparent that there was more      than the one spider in the room that we had seen. Faz produced the bomb he      ahs prepared earlier but only after teasing and joking with Coradwin      nearly to the point that he got a belt round the head about Coradwin fire      balling the room. The plan being that since the Spiders seemed drawn to      light he should toss this bomb thing in and we should shut the door – the      spiders would be drawn to the light form the bomb and then killed when it      exploded- worked out that the thing is some sort of alchemical fire ball      sounds a bit lame but its better than the one Coradwin cant cast yet.

  • The      bomb was lit and tossed in and the door was closed and there was a muffled      boom 

to be continued.....

Source: Strange World of Random doom Episode 3 write up part II

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #33 on: 02 July 2014, 23:30:15 »

Strange World of Random doom Episode 3 write up part II

Strange World of Random doom Episode 3 write up part II

done in two parts as Bloger is being annoying about the bullet points and there alignment I cant get it to stop nesting them when I add more on the end of the post - I suspect fixing it would involve fiddling with the HTML and I don't have the time for that at the moment.

  • The      Door had no apparent hinges and appeared to be solid gold, Faz in      particular was a bit fixated by this and Coradwin had to shoo him off to      get a tracing of the doors pictograms which depicted spiders coming down      form the moon and enveloping a temple in web and processions of hooded men      approaching the temple it did not make too much sense however it seemed to      duplicate the symbololgy on the arch outside but was much clearer      naturally.

  • Having      made the tracing it was decided to open the door which after some      experimentation was found to pivot about its central point. The door was a      couple of feet thick and seemed to be solid gold as it had appeared when      unopened

  • This      discovery sent the gnome and others into a brief ecstasy of greed

  • The      room visible beyond the door was dark, beyond the light of the company’s      lanterns but skittering noises could be heard from the dark. Faz the gnome      peered into the dark but whatever it was beyond the range of even his      night vision, though it might just be that he was just too short sighted or      still distracted by the massive great gold door next to him.

  • It      was decided to throw a torch in to give a bit more light, which they did      revealing that the room was largely full of web and that the skittering      noises where due to some really massive web shooting spiders on of which      came and put out the torch with its web.

  • A      Plan formed here especially when it became apparent that there was more      than the one spider in the room that we had seen. Faz produced the bomb he      ahs prepared earlier but only after teasing and joking with Coradwin      nearly to the point that he got a belt round the head about Coradwin fire      balling the room. The plan being that since the Spiders seemed drawn to      light he should toss this bomb thing in and we should shut the door – the      spiders would be drawn to the light form the bomb and then killed when it      exploded- worked out that the thing is some sort of alchemical fire ball      sounds a bit lame but its better than the one Coradwin cant cast yet.

  • The      bomb was lit and tossed in and the door was closed and there was a muffled      boom from behind the thick door and when it was opened again the spiders all four of them where charred and dead and most of the web had been cleared from the room as well. 

  •  Clearing the web away revealed a strange looking structure resembling a sort of castle keep a lage central pillar about waist height with a smaller pillar in each corner, these when touched withdrew into the floor, and indeed disappeared without leaving any trace
  • Coradwin stopped and made detailed  notes and sketches of the structure once this was discovered before cautiously as suggested by the pictographs and  carvings on the door  touching each in turn such that they too disappeared  into the floor again without trace, just like the first one had.
  •  When all the side pillars had so disappeared the top or the central one inverted creating a sort of bowl which Coradwin dripped blood into from the finger of his left hand on the third drop the central pillar descended as well an those of the company who where looking that way saw the door sink slowly into the floor, locking it into place open
  • At the same time other noises could be heard off stage and on investigation these where proved to be the other door they had glimpsed dead ahead from the cross roads as they turned to investigate the door to this room disappearing into the floor without trace.

    to be continued.....

Source: Strange World of Random doom Episode 3 write up part II

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #34 on: 02 July 2014, 23:30:15 »

Company of Fools NPC & protégés list

NPC's & protégés

I was sure I had posted this already but I cant find it sore here it is again and I have added it to the end of the NPC page listing.

NPC protégés
These are minor characters who are or who are available to adventure with the Company. They are presented in a little more detail than chance encountered NPC’s

Sondan - the crossbowman
The sort of man you want by your side in crisis calm unflappable soldierly, trained from an early age by one of the small mercenary companies which operator in the lawless lands along the northern Cosolen border. He came south when he began to become uncomfortable with the sort of jobs the Mercenary companies newest proprietor was getting them and was until recently hoping to become a caravan guard.

Dvorn the Axe
Every thing Dvorn will tell you about his background is a tissue of lies, the truth being that he was a foundling raised in an orphanage not far form Cosolen. However he will tell you that he is the natural son of the captain of the Kalamarian emperor’s personal foloki guards and a Cosolen princess and he will frequently brag of doing the deeds of others and be the first to propose a fight as the way to solve a problem. He is however less than brave and likely to be the first to break the line and run when the battle turns against his side.

Fawlit the Half ork
Portrays the savage half ork barbarian and often shouts abuse in orkish, but is in truth not being the result of a scheme to breed "tame orks" for the pit fighting circuit in Northern Cosdol. He escaped due to his keepers getting drunk as the result of celebration a good win and fled south to escape them.
Here he found a cold welcome and being despite appearances a sensitive soul turned to drink to ease the pain and to doing the jobs no one wanted to do to pay for that drink. All he wants is a company of comrades who will stand with him and not hold his birth against him.

Liamar- priest of the free
A charming young man from the eastern borders of Kalamar only & much loved son of a poor shoe maker who was apprenticed to a wizard as he was a bright lad, but when he proved to have no talent for magic at all the Wizard who wanted an apprentice more than a servant, grew angry and sold him into slavery to recover the cost of keeping the useless bugger as he called Liamar.

He was rescued by being bought at auction by the previous champion of the free using false coin. The former champion found the personable young lad a foster home in the Hidden Dell where he has lived ever since slowly training as a priest of the free but afflicted badly by migraines bought about by his former master trying to force him to learn arcane magic, he is a little paranoid about these migraines and engages in a number of elaborate yet ineffective rituals to ward them off.

The Company of Strangers

 A stranger from a far world drawn to the gate on the king’s road by forgotten magic. An elf warrior of considerable height and formidable build who watches and listens much and says very little he seems to have had a hard life which has made him hard in return

A stranger from a far world drawn to the gate on the kings road by forgotten magic A Priest of a goddess of liberation and currently bereft as his link with his divine mistress has been severed so he is without her aid and support. He is normally the talkative member of his company and will often take the lead but he is presently quite unusually lacking confidence

A stranger from a far world who was in the company of the others when they made their stand would appear not to have come with them a Halfling wizard who is much given to playing the fool and apparent good humour but shows their rather angry true self through their warlike magic, currently trapped in Aeltred’s head thanks to an unfortunate side effect of several powerful magic’s interacting. However he is beginning to win free or at least get some control as a result of Telec hitting Aeltred around the head with Groin seeker, otherwise Aeltred occasionally dreams Nesbit’s memories.
Meanor Arvol
A stranger from a far world drawn to the gate on the kings road by forgotten magic or at least her leg was as she was cut down fighting off demons and fell forward out of the circle as the magic carried them all away and is in all likelihood dead. A Dwarven warrior with a rather untypical taste for bright colours.

At Vayham

The youngest child of a wealthy joiner & cabinet maker in Vayham who did not get quite the education he father intended at the expensive finishing school she went to in Cosdolan and who is trying to break away from family’s plans to marry her of the a local land holder. She has rather decided that she is going to marry her father’s new labourer the warrior Nyadryn and that she is going to make him a knight.

A Brandobian warrior who hails from the northlands of Cosdol where he learned his trade as a mercenary soldier helping to hold Cosdol’s wild northern frontier, when he grew tired of that he left his company and came south to work as a freelance body guard and occasional adventurer. An adventure  last summer with Goblins east of the river lead him to Vayham where he took up his fathers trade of carpenter until he fell in with more adventurers. He is almost entirely unaware of Esme’s plot thought he is in love with her and fiercely protective of her, he believes that they will never marry as he is not rich enough and not does he have sufficient status to win her fathers approval
A tanners apprentice until he was kidnapped by the cult of the Rot lord on the way home form work and then when rescued fell in with  the group of adventurers not a brave man but a good one and one you can rely on even when he is terrified half to death.

Source: Company of Fools NPC & protégés list

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #35 on: 03 July 2014, 03:00:17 »

Strange World of Random doom Episode 3 write up part II

Strange World of Random doom Episode 3 write up part II

done in two parts as Bloger is being annoying about the bullet points and there alignment I cant get it to stop nesting them when I add more on the end of the post - I suspect fixing it would involve fiddling with the HTML and I don't have the time for that at the moment.

  • The      Door had no apparent hinges and appeared to be solid gold, Faz in      particular was a bit fixated by this and Coradwin had to shoo him off to      get a tracing of the doors pictograms which depicted spiders coming down      form the moon and enveloping a temple in web and processions of hooded men      approaching the temple it did not make too much sense however it seemed to      duplicate the symbololgy on the arch outside but was much clearer      naturally.

  • Having      made the tracing it was decided to open the door which after some      experimentation was found to pivot about its central point. The door was a      couple of feet thick and seemed to be solid gold as it had appeared when      unopened

  • This      discovery sent the gnome and others into a brief ecstasy of greed

  • The      room visible beyond the door was dark, beyond the light of the company’s      lanterns but skittering noises could be heard from the dark. Faz the gnome      peered into the dark but whatever it was beyond the range of even his      night vision, though it might just be that he was just too short sighted or      still distracted by the massive great gold door next to him.

  • It      was decided to throw a torch in to give a bit more light, which they did      revealing that the room was largely full of web and that the skittering      noises where due to some really massive web shooting spiders on of which      came and put out the torch with its web.

  • A      Plan formed here especially when it became apparent that there was more      than the one spider in the room that we had seen. Faz produced the bomb he      ahs prepared earlier but only after teasing and joking with Coradwin      nearly to the point that he got a belt round the head about Coradwin fire      balling the room. The plan being that since the Spiders seemed drawn to      light he should toss this bomb thing in and we should shut the door – the      spiders would be drawn to the light form the bomb and then killed when it      exploded- worked out that the thing is some sort of alchemical fire ball      sounds a bit lame but its better than the one Coradwin cant cast yet.

  • The      bomb was lit and tossed in and the door was closed and there was a lot of      skittering  then a muffled boom  and after there was no sign of any      skittering noise at all, the company reopened the door and found four      badly scorched and dead massive spiders and the room largely clear of web.     

    to be continued.....

Source: Strange World of Random doom Episode 3 write up part II

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #36 on: 03 July 2014, 10:00:17 »

Episode Nineteen  - write up

Episode Nineteen 

Dramatis Persanae 

Telec - Kalamarian Human Priest of the Wanderer 
Aeltred - Half Elf Ranger
Lalia - Halfling Thief
Thans – Dwarf Fighter thief
Heradin- Dwarf Fighter mage
Dvorn the Axe- Fhokki Human Fighter
Sondan – Brandobian, Human Fighter
Fawlit – Half Ork Fighter
Nyassor- Elven, Fighter from Elsewhere
Americ – Human Cleric form Elsewhere
Liamar – Kalamarian Human Cleric of the free from the Hidden Dell
Nyasse - Kalamarian Human girl from the Hidden Dell
Myranis - A human woman with a really wild tale to tell
Garvan Hawks Eye-  Brandobian Hunter from Little Thorpe


(In the woods above the Hidden Dell and to the west in Little Thorpe and in the surrounding regions)


(The events of this episode follow on directly from the end of Episode Thirteen and the skirmish in the woods above the Hidden Dell. They take place on the same night as Episode Eighteen but start perhaps a few hours earlier than when we left the company in the unexpected sewer under Vayham)

Source: Episode Nineteen  - write up

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #37 on: 03 July 2014, 10:00:17 »




This will expand the rules for cross bows for HackMaster, for Telene  and introduce some of the types of repeating crossbows which are quite common in "Elsewhere" but which are not unique to there by any means


Latches - very light crossbows which are hand drawn and include the classic drow type pistol cross bow as well as a range of weapons designed for hunting particularly foul and small game.
Light crossbows - standard in game light crossbows may be hand drawn but usually use a leaver commonly known as a goats foot on occasion this may be built in but its usually detachable
Heavy Crossbows - standard in game heavy crossbows may be leaver drawn but are more usually cranked either with a detachable or built in winding mechanism 
Arbalests  - extra heavy crossbows not found on Telene as they use sprung steel spans for power and are as slow to load as heaves's if not slower using a similar sort of winding system. for the most part, they are designed to have the power to punch through the heaviest armour or beast hide and historically rivalled early fire arms in this regard.
Double crossbows - can be of any of the above types and has two strings and spans, built into the same weapon which allows it to be fired twice in quick succession, slow and fiddly to reload  but capable of a massive rate of fire initially which may justify  this 
Repeating crossbows -  can be of any of the above types, but are most often light crossbows and whilst it only has one span and string it has a magazine of 3-6 bolts which allow it to be reloaded as it it drawn considerably speeding rates of fire this can be further speeded as the Gabissi (orcs) of Elsewhere do by using clock work to draw the span and some times magic as the wicked Gnomes of Elsewhere do, though fortunately most of the gnomish terror bows are effectively light crossbows, due to the small stature of the wielders. 

More to follow on this

Source: Crossbows

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #38 on: 03 July 2014, 17:00:16 »

The Future Darkens Part II

The Future Darkens Part II

So in the firm embrace of the something Myrinaris, watched as the little company was all but over run by demons even thought they made good account of themselves it was apparent that numbers would tell sooner or latter and likely sooner as the demons veritably thronged to the raised ring on the floor which the group was making its stand.  None the less the small group of a Dwarf, a Halfling Mage a tall elf and a man invoking the power of the gods themselves against the demons held its own and the demons fell blasted by mage fire or the flashing blades of the dwarves axe or elves cruelly curved sword, and all the time the priest chanted and the very power of good held them back, and they fought as if swimming in syrup. Then her attention was drawn by her captor to the a patch of darkness even her cursed eyes could not penetrate though they could tell that it was in the vague shape of a larger than man sized humanoid with great bat like wings the patch divided once then twice and then four of them moved forward slowed only by the priests chant over the dismembered bodies of their more corporeal predecessors.  

This should be more interesting her captor whispered in her ear. One of the surviving demon soldiers caught the dwarf with its own axe and dragged her off balance as the Halfling discharged a bolt of mage fire into its face killing it and sending its corpse cart wheeling The dwarf toppled forward as the elf noticed the deeper darkness struggling forward against the priests chant and said a word from the high tongue of elves she could only understand as meaning out of here.

The raised ring on which the group where making a stand shimmered and was surrounded by a nimbus of arcane flaring, her captor spoke as well something in rasping abyssal which dripped fear into her ears she was the captive of a demon and they where in an instant some where totally different yet the same it had the raised ring upon which the group made its stand the dismembered bits of dead demons, the shadow demons where there too still pressing forward but in the fading arcane flare it was also different the Dwarf was gone and the Halfling too replaced by a taller slimmer figure, the cave was gone too replaced by a vast underground hall man made and not mostly natural formation .

Her captor was about to say something when a figure stepped forward a dwarf dressed in the garb of a common citizen, yet she did not see from whence this common place dwarf came. It spoke one word a word so terrible it burned in Myrinaris blood and she smelt fear from her captor before she was again some where else, her last image was of the four shadow demons suddenly being go as if they had never been, the ancient hall echoing to a power greater than she had ever dreamed of  

Source: The Future Darkens Part II

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #39 on: 03 July 2014, 17:00:16 »

The Future Darkens part III

The Future Darkens part III

The some where else they ended up this time was much more mundane it seemed to be a cellar or underground store of some sort apparently one which had not been used for some time and was empty here her Captor first revealed it’s self as it released Myrinaris form its grasp before binding her with magic into immobility and dumping her rather unceremoniously in a corner before striping off all the gear that Myrinaris had collected as she had explored the huge underground cavern and looted the bodies of those who had not survived the fall.

This did allow Myrinaris to see her captor for the first time since being grabbed; as her captor inspected the gear very carefully tossing some into the corner with what Myrinaris imagined was a curse. It was hard to be sure for all she could do was to identify the language as Abyssal. 

Her captor appeared to be a

to be continued.......

Source: The Future Darkens part III

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #40 on: 04 July 2014, 00:00:15 »

RSS feed Set up

RSS feed Set up

Just to announce that my good friend Paul "Zarni" Roberts of the Big Bang Burger bar Forum has now set up an RSS feet form this blog to that forum which is idea for those wanting to view content with limited band width. 

Thank you very much old chap Bravo

Source: RSS feed Set up

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #41 on: 04 July 2014, 05:51:45 »

This is even cooler for me since I can recover stuff I deleted in error - lots more to follow & the Stub and some other articles will be expanded.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #42 on: 04 July 2014, 10:00:16 »

Quiet day here - a Warning

Quiet day here - a Warning

Its likely to be a bit quiet around here to day as I will be working at Spirit Games quite a bit today and I am likely to be in no fit state to post any thing once I stagger back. I will do what I can but the man himself is off Motorcycle racing
Phil will be racing this one which is in a more complete state than it was in May of this year when this picture was taken  in the front room at the main man lair

Source: Quiet day here - a Warning

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #43 on: 04 July 2014, 10:00:17 »

Pod Casting game sessions - update

Pod Casting game sessions - update

I will be setting up for a test Pod Cast this Sunday morning so the plan of Pod casting Games sessions  from a Company of Fools is going a head thus far as planed. More on this on Sunday morning when I will be streaming sound with a bit of luck.

Source: Pod Casting game sessions - update

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #44 on: 05 July 2014, 00:00:13 »

That took longer than expected

That took longer than expected

Just back from Spirit Games  as I ended up having to stay till the end of Friday Night Magic so I will get on with the thing I had intended to do tonight in the morning and tomorrow. I would do a bit now but even with the unholy amount of caffeine and sugar running round in my  blood stream am still barely awake and not at all with it. 

Source: That took longer than expected

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