Over the next several nights and days following.
· Several stragglers from the fighting in the north of the county are shot down trying to break trough the Goblin siege lines around dawn
· Telec and his company arrive east of the M’Alvern stream and the subsequently break through the goblin siege line followed shortly after by a smaller group of refugees who come with a disturbing tale about the Goblins having some rather professional looking Hobgoblin artillerists in their employ.
· Merchants who have abandoned the fair at A’Rakham arriving at the Village of Three Elms report that the fair was attacked by goblins and that they have seen goblin scouts and burned out farms along the kings road on the P’Baparan side of the border they also met patrols from the B’Paran villages south of the road out after goblins who have raided settlements south of the road in some numbers. The Merchants say that the patrols are lead by a veteran fighter who owing to an injury which makes walking difficult seldom dismounts and a portly priest of some sort.
· In Vayham the discussions between Corwin the Chief priest of the Hospital and the Chief priest of the True regarding the persons that the former has in custody and has granted sanctuary to an the latter would very much like to talk to as they are all on a warrant to be arrested as traitors to the town being conspirators in a plot of some sort involving some old tunnels
· Subsequent to the breaching of the Goblin siege line around Vayham by Telec’s company and the others who followed, they are visibly very much reinforced, most notably a second trench and stockade line is built to protect them from behind and roads previously left intact are cut by a trench rather than just the spiked log barrier which Telec’s men just lifted out of the way. The artillery which the second group spoke off comes into action. Its catapults capable of hurling stones on a low enough arc that they will hit the town’s wooden walls and cause them and the men defending them some damage and injury.
· The council of southern land holders at Three Elms is more than happy to accept the Merchants council idea and given that they have Sir Dalan’s company are more than happy to drive east at least as far as A’Rakham manor. It is also proposed that they should link up with the B’parans as reports seem to indicate that they and them have a shared problem.
· In Vayham the count moves the rest of the towns few siege engines, some aging bolt shooters from the keep to the town walls as the one deployed on each gate already has proved effective in discouraging the goblins stone throwers. This move is made all the more effective by the strange elf Nyassor attaching himself to the crews and it becoming apparent that he is quite adept with such weapons, even if he has to give his advice through a translator.
· In the Village of Three Elms a force to clear the kings road to the east is formed based around Sir Dalan’s company and that of T’lec’s escort Captain the half hobgoblin Velikas a few of the locals and guards form the other merchants volunteer to join the expedition.
· In Vayham very annoyed by the detention of her friends Thans and Heradin and more so by the forced conversion of her friend Fawlit the Half Ork Nyasse goes into see the head of the temple of the True to demand that he releases then and allows Fawlit a better choice than convert or hang. A row developed as they have entirely opposite views on the matter and she ended up challenging the chief priest of the, His deputy and then a knight of the True who was involved in throwing her out of the temple after the first pair of challenges to a duel to the death over the matter as they had no honour. She continued to rant in Kalamarian outside the temple until physically removed by a pair of the counts guards who said the where really letting her off on the account of her age and sex because she should really be flogged for causing a breach of the peace else.
· It is also decided to send a pair of messengers west and raise the king’s aid to deal with what is certainly a major goblin invasion, and something needing the Kings attention.
· More goblins drawn by the success and the loot gained by the Warlords Akakabul and Benaxerak join them at the goblin caves and Vayham respectively. Not wanting to be out manned the king of Ghul Dvax sends for more of his followers and ambitious goblins from the goblin city of Ghul Dvax turn warlord and spread the war into the southlands of the very rich Neffaria County to the north of Vayham County.
· Nyasse has taken to standing in the Great market reciting poetry in Kalamarian and as she is good at this has developed quite an audience however any one who can speak Kalamarian is aware that they are actually poems insulting the priesthood of the True in Vayham as principle amongst the poems is the lyric of a well known Bassarioan bawdy song about a lady who marries five brothers but has to take a lover in the end, oddly the names of the brothers are those of the priests of the true.
· At Vayham the increased goblin force lead by Benaxerak bully Zangrebul launch a major assault on the west gate of Vayham which is only repulsed when the strange elf Nyassor and the Neffarian Oliver and the gnome intervened the former slaying Zangrebul with a bolt shooter before charging into the fight like some one possessed. The now leaderless goblins where driven from the gate house. However the gate nearly fell and the county is very worried especially as he has not been able to alert the King or his neighbours of the situation
· In his hidden halls deep under the Mountains the Great Goblin gets the first reports of his minions success and is well pleased