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Author Topic: 7 Wonders  (Read 3560 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 01 December 2012, 03:08:31 »

This is essentially a drafting game but whilst you are playing against the group as a whole to win you are directing competing against your neighbours as they can aid/hinder your progress by their choices. Each era you are handed a number of cards from which you chose a card to put into play or use to build a section of your wonder. In order to play a card (or build a section of wonder) you need to have access to the relevant resources required. These can be from those in front of you (Each player starts with one) or from one of your neighbours but if you use these you have to pay 2 coin to them. The rest of your cards you pass to the left/right depending on the current era. The selected cards are revealed simultaneously, this continues until you get down to the final 2 cards where you play one and discard the other.

When this section is complete warfare is completed, during this players work out if they have defeated or been defeated by their neighbours military strength, for every loss you take a -1 VP for each victory you take a 1/3/5 VP (Era 1/II/II). Play continues in this manner for the other two ages at the end you total your scores, applying any bonuses from cards.

There are a lot of cards in this game of differering types (Colours) providing resources, scoring, money, military strength etc etc. all of which you have to decide what to play or deny your neighbour so there is a lot to consider.
I really like this game as the quality of the cards and pieces is very good as is the gameplay to go with them. It plays quite quickly and with the Wonders having two sides there is a lot of options to keep the game fresh.


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Blissful Ignorance

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« Reply #1 on: 21 May 2014, 21:55:37 »

7 Wonders lasts three ages. In each age, players receive cards from the deck for that age, choose one of those cards, then pass the remainder to the next player. Players reveal their cards simultaneously, paying any necessary costs. Each player then chooses another card from the deck they were passed, and the process repeats until players have six cards in play from that age. After three ages, the game ends.

Some cards have immediate effects, while others provide bonuses or upgrades later in the game. Some provide military strength to battle your neighbors and others give end of game victory points. Each card is played immediately after being drafted, so you'll know which cards your neighbour is receiving and how their choices might affect what you've already built up, or you may affect what they can do by the cards you play. You need to keep an eye on the players each side of you, especially regarding their military as you can lose points if they are stronger than you.

This is a great game, always different, always fun. A lot of scope for doing different things and many ways to score.
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