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Author Topic: More Adventures in Tellene - Main Tale - Extended Spell Book  (Read 4560 times)
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Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« on: 19 March 2014, 19:04:24 »

Utility Spells Part I
What follows are a number of minor but useful spells I have rather presumed exist in the setting none of them are the sort of thing you could put to use in combat but are handy to have and the stock in trade of low level or hybrid mages with a craft bent

Apprentice level
Resist wear
Base SP Cost: 40
Components: V, S,M
Casting Time: 20 seconds
Range: 5 feet
Volume of Effect: one item of less that two cubic feet in volume
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: not applicable
Additional Spell Point schedule: 5 spell points to double the volume of the effect

This spell  is not uncommonly  known used by dwarven and elven craftsmen, not to mention cheapscate hybrid mage adventuresrs it enchants the target item such that it takes about twice as long as it would otherwise to wear out form normal use, it also has the effect that bladed tools and weapons it is cast on tend to keep their edge for a similarly longer time. It offers no protection against damage caused by misuse or by neglect so a dagger it was cast on would still break as easily as one which it had not been if it was used as a chisel or rust as quickly if left in a barrel of brine. The material component is a small chip of granite

It is quite important to note that this spell has no effect what so ever on perishables such as food it works only on equipment tools weapons or armour and similar objects designed to last.

Resist Tarnish
Base SP Cost: 40
Components: V, S,M
Casting Time: 20 seconds
Range: 5 feet
Volume of Effect: one item of less that two cubic feet in volume
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: not applicable
Additional Spell Point schedule: 5 spell points to double the volume of the effect

This spell  is not uncommonly  known used by dwarven and elven craftsmen, it enchants the target item such that it will not tarnish in normal use remaining always of new appearance unless mistreated, but even then it will prove remarkably resistant to rust and rot or similar though by no means immune  The material component is a rag soaked in either metal polish or lamp oil which one depends on where the spell originates from

It is  however quite important to note that this spell has no effect what so ever on perishables such as food it works only on equipment tools weapons or armour and similar objects designed to last.

Journeyman level
Resist Spoilage
Base SP Cost: 50
Components: V, S,M
Casting Time: 20 seconds
Range: 5 feet
Volume of Effect: two cubic feet of material
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: not applicable
Additional Spell Point schedule: 5 spell points to double the volume of the effect

This spell works on food and other perishable items, including foodstuffs and has the general effect of doubling the shelf life of these items though in the case of food in particular it often causes it to seem a little tasteless and some times a bit salty. As is usual with these spells it is no protection against deliberate or accidental damage and the length of the shelf life depends on the storage conditions.

The Material component for this spell is a pinch of salt a drop of brine or a drop of vinegar as many people have reinvented this spell over the years.


seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #1 on: 20 March 2014, 07:18:12 »

[b]  False Gold  [/b]
Base SP Cost: 90
Components: V, S,M,C
Casting Time: 10 seconds
Range: 10 feet
Volume of Effect: One pile of gravel, sticks or leaves
Duration: Permanent - see description
Saving Throw: not applicable
Additional Spell Point schedule: add an extra dice to the number of coins 20 delay decay by another day 45

This spell whose spell component is a quantity  of ground fools gold transmutes a quantity of its catalyst into what to all appearances and appraisals are good gold coins and does so permanently as long as the coins remain in the casters possession.  If they pass beyond that into the hands of another they will turn back into the sticks gravel or leaves which where the catalyst at dawn on the following day.

The base spell creates D12p coins and this number may be increased by the expenditure of additional spell points the ultimate limit to the number of coins generated is the size of the pile of the catalyst avalible for transmutation. If the coins are suspect and investigated with magic they will detect as being enchanted and a dispel magic has the normal chance of countering the spell.

This spell was the pride and joy of the previous Champion of the free and was responsible for nearly destroying the whole trade in slaves in areas of northern and eastern Kalamar not to mention causing considerable other economic collateral damage in the same area.  It was also responsible for the death of the Champion at the hands of the followers of the Coin Lord

« Last Edit: 05 April 2014, 09:25:06 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #2 on: 05 April 2014, 09:22:44 »

More Utility Magic
These are useful spells for the hybrid wizard or the thoughtful mage, none of them do damage and few have any direct or even indirect effect on a combat
Apprentice Spells
Amplify voice

Base SP Cost:30
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 5 seconds
Range: Self
Volume of Effect: Self
Duration: 3d12p seconds
Saving Throw: not applicable
Additional Spell Point schedule: 5 to increase the time by 1d12p seconds 10 to double volume again

This spell makes the casters speaking voice louder for its duration at the basic level it about doubled the volume but that can be further multiplied by the expenditure of more spell points when casting the spell.


Base SP Cost:30
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 5 seconds
Range: Self
Volume of Effect: Self
Duration: 3d12p seconds
Saving Throw: not applicable
Additional Spell Point schedule: 5 to increase the time by 1d12p seconds 10 to double magnification

This spell allows the wizard to use his own eyes as a magnifying glass greatly assisting the scrutiny skill normally it grants x3 magnification but this can be increased as noted above it adds a GM decided bonus to all scrutiny rolls if they require close vision. it however makes the wizard rather myopic awarding a penalty to any thing which requires distance vision 0f -1 /10% for the base spell multiplied by the number of magnification increases used


Base SP Cost:30
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 second
Range: Self
Volume of Effect: Self
Duration: 3d12p seconds
Saving Throw: not applicable
Additional Spell Point schedule: 5 to increase the time by 1d12p seconds

Surounds the caster  with a faint aura of flickering light too dim to see by if you have normal vision in the dark and barely perceptible in full day light. under the right circumstances it may add to the casters distraction ability mut its mai effect is to make the caster very viable to creatures with low light or dark vision in light less areas awarding a +2 bonus to hit them with ranged weapons for such creatures. this last effect is not widely known

Journeyman  Spells
Restore a Wizards Vanity
Base SP Cost: 40
Components: V, S,M C
Casting Time: 5 seconds
Range: Self
Volume of Effect: Self
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: not applicable
Additional Spell Point schedule: none
With this Spell the caster is able to freshen up and launder their clothing and personal gear quickly and almost any where in the field it will also trim hair and beards to the wizards normal style or provide as shave if more appropriate. The effect of this spell is permanent but casting it in no way protects the wizard form becoming unkempt or dirty again.

The material component for this spell is a shard of soap which is consumed and the catalyst is the wizards normal field toilet kit or at least a comb and a piece of rag, the spell has been reinvented several times and the details vary according to the spells origin.

Take Apart

Base SP Cost: 40
Components: V, S,C
Casting Time: 20 seconds
Range: 5 feet
Volume of Effect: one item of less that two cubic feet in volume
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: not applicable
Additional Spell Point schedule: not applicable

This spell was invented by a gnome with a fondness for clockwork but little patience for taking his creations apart when they broke as they often did even if he had plenty of patience to fix and rebuild them.

The spell reducves a clockwork or other device the wizard owns to its component parts laying them out in order to facilitate reassembly. it however imparts no knowledge as to how to do this  nor does it fix broken or damaged parts the catylist is a watchmakers tool kit which is a rare and precious item in itself

« Last Edit: 05 April 2014, 09:25:54 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Great Old One

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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #3 on: 05 April 2014, 09:23:12 »

Magic of the Flaymaster
The follwing spells where devised by one or more wizards who worshipped the flaymaster a couple of centuries ago and where intended to honour their god as well as to sait their personal sadistic cruelty.

Word of agony- level 6 spell does even more minor cold damage and provokes a TOP save at a penalty
Rune of agony - level 8 spell works as above but as a permanent trap which afflicts targets of the casters choice, who view it.  

Base SP Cost: 70
Components: V, S,M
Casting Time: 1 second
Range: 5 feet
Volume of Effect: One sentient being
Duration: see description
Saving Throw: half damage, prevents secondary effect
Additional Spell Point schedule: none

The caster reaches out to touch the intended victim but does not have to actually make contact whilst holding a small vial with a drop of blood in it which was obtained form an unwilling victim by dint of torture, the blood is consumed in the casting and the victim feels a sharp sting as if they had come into contact with something very cold  they take 1d4p cold damage halved if the save and if they fail to save  have to make a TOP save after which they will if they failed that suffer as if they had failed a normal TOP save by the same amount.

Interestingly the spell protects the target form being killed under its effect as any attempt to coup'd grace the victim ends the spell and causes the attacker to be subject to the effect instead. it is however permuted to take the victim captive  and it is often used for that purpose.

Ice Daggers
Base SP Cost: 80
Components: V, S,M
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Range: 20 feet
Volume of Effect::- one target  or more
Duration: see description
Saving Throw: none
Additional Spell Point schedule:  5 spell points doubles the range which can be increased up to 100 feet in this way 5 points adds one to the casters to hit roll with all daggers and 10 spell points creates an additional dagger.

This spell allows the caster to throw one or more shimmering ethereal daggers at their enamies, a maximum of one per target, a to his roll is required as if the caster was throwing a real dagger but its not effected by range other than not going further than the range of the spell but being ethereal they ignore shields as well as bypassing armour to cause 2d3p points of cold damage and force the target to take a TOP save regardless of if the damage is enough to cause it

Interestingly the spell protects the target form being killed under its effect as any attempt to coup'd grace the victim ends the spell and causes the attacker to be subject to the effect instead. it is however permitted to take the victim captive  and it is often used for that purpose.

The material component is a small vial of water melted for the ice formed by the dying breaths of a victim sacrificed to the flaymaster.  

Word of Agony
Base SP Cost: 100
Components: V, S,M
Casting Time: 1 second
Range: 5 feet
Volume of Effect: One sentient being
Duration: see description
Saving Throw: half damage, prevents secondary effect
Additional Spell Point schedule: none

The caster reaches out to touch the intended victim but does not have to actually make contact whilst holding a small vial with a drop of blood in it which was obtained form an unwilling victim by dint of torture, the blood is consumed in the casting and the victim feels a sharp sting as if they had come into contact with something very cold  they take 1d2p cold damage halved if the save and if they fail to save  have to make a TOP at +4 save after which they will if they failed that suffer as if they had failed a normal TOP save by the same amount.

Interestingly the spell protects the target form being killed under its effect as any attempt to coup'd grace the victim ends the spell and causes the attacker to be subject to the effect instead. it is however permitted to take the victim captive  and it is often used for that purpose.

Rune of Agony
Base SP Cost: 120
Components: V, S,M C
Casting Time: 5 minutes
Range: touch
Volume of Effect: a radius of 13 feet of the rune
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: not applicable
Additional Spell Point schedule: 10 per condition the caster imposes on the creatures it will effect.

The caster carves an elaborate rune on any stable hard surface with a specially consecrated chisel, and chaoses the exact perimeters of the spell with the default being every sentient being  and ends the casting by applying a drop of blood obtained from an unwilling victim of torture and a drop of water melted for the ice formed by the dying breaths of a victim sacrificed to the flaymaster.  

after that all wh are not excluded by the casters chosen parameters and venture within 13 feet of the rune are afflicted as if struck by a word of agony spell cast by the same caster. Interestingly the spell protects the target form being killed under its effect as any attempt to coup'd grace the victim ends the spell and causes the attacker to be subject to the effect instead. it is however permitted to take the victim captive  and it is often used for that purpose.

« Last Edit: 05 April 2014, 09:26:45 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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