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Author Topic: Loot  (Read 2056 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 17 January 2010, 23:46:08 »

Well this is a pirate themed card game which can play 2-5 players as single players or 4,6 and 8 players as teams of 2.

Component wise the cards of an excellent quality and the artwork is superb and very befitting to the theme.
Each player has a hand of cards and you get one action per turn either play a card or pick up a card. At the start of the turn you collect any of your ships that are uncontested or any ships you have winning amount of pirates attacking, these then form your score.

When playing cards you either place down a merchant ship, or a pirate card on any of the merchant ships on the table. To place a pirate you have to choose a colour of pirate not already engaged in battle and if you add futher pirates they have to match colour. You can attack you own ship in order to secure the points. The other cards are Pirate Captains that win the battle unless another player plays a captain on their pirates, captains can only be played on the same coloured pirate card already played. Finally there is the Admiral which is like the pirate captain but can only be used to defend a merchant ship.

This game is really great fun and quick, plays well as a single player or as a team, the difference withe the team is that each player still plays their own hand but they can confer with their partner and plan strategies also when attacking a merchant ship both players in the team need to use the same colour pirates.

A worthwhile game for anyones collection.


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