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  • Concrete Cow 15: 14 March 2015

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« on: 09 February 2015, 01:37:03 »

Milton Keynes RPG Club are holding another of their games days on 14 March 2015

We're Milton Keynes RPG Club. Find out more about us at .


Saturday 14 March 2015. Doors open at 9.00am, first games start at 10.00am. We'll finish at 11.00pm.
To keep some sense of organisation about the day (ha!), this is the approximate timetable for the day.

Doors open 9.00am
Game sign-up opens 9.30am
Morning games 10.00am – 1.30pm
Afternoon games 2.30pm – 6.30pm
Evening games 7.30pm – 11.00pm
Close 11.00pm

(Concrete Cow 15½ will be on 12 September 2015.)

Leisure Games will be back again, bringing all manner of RPGs and other sundries. Expect plenty of choice of all your favourite games. They'll only have a few board games, so if there's something you want, make sure you ask them to bring it along! They'll arrive mid-morning, have the stall open during the lunchtime and dinnertime breaks, and leave soon after the evening games start. That should give everyone more time to buy what they want.

All Rolled Up will have a stall with all manner of dice bags and accessories. We'll try to sort out some Concrete Cow exclusive ARUs again, so watch this space!
Traders will arrive mid-morning, have the stall open during the lunchtime and dinnertime breaks, and leave soon after the evening games start. That should give everyone plenty of time to buy what they want.

If you have something in particular you'd like to buy at Concrete Cow, either contact the trader directly, or contact us and we'll pass the message on. Make sure you bring plenty of cash to give to the nice people with the shiny gewgaws!

That's you guys! And all the fantastic games you'll bring along and run. If you let us know what you're planning to run, we'll put it on the Concrete Cow games page.

(Note that for child protection reasons, under-16s will need to be accompanied by an adult at Concrete Cow.)

The Old Bath House, Wolverton, in the north-west corner of Milton Keynes. The full address is

The Old Bath House
205 Stratford Road
Milton Keynes
MK12 5RL

Maps are available on MK Web, Google Maps,, and Google Earth.
Directions for drivers are on the Concrete Cow directions page.

Regular trains to Milton Keynes run from London Euston station. The nearest station to the con is Wolverton (one stop north of Milton Keynes Central), about five minutes' walk away. (If you're coming by train, beware the ticket price difference between Milton Keynes Central and Wolverton. It might be cheaper to get the train to MK Central, then a taxi (about £5-6) or a bus (£2-3) to Wolverton.)
The Old Bath House is next to the large Tesco store in Wolverton. Once you get off the train, ask for directions to Tesco, climb the stairs by their front door, and you'll be outside the entrance to the Old Bath House.

Still only £5.00. The costs will just be to cover the cost of hiring the hall. Under 16s are free, but note that we can't take responsibility for them.

Concrete Cow will be a safe place for everyone to have their geeky fun. To help that happen, we have a harassment policy. It boils down to "don't be a dick, and do something if you see someone else being a dick." But everyone who attends Concrete Cow is wonderful, so that's fine.
Harrassment incidents will be handled by one or more of Angela Daly, Scott Dorward, Andy Nicholson, Jane '3Jane' Olszewska, and Neil Smith.
(You can also read our harassment handling procedures).


We'll be supporting Alzheimer's Society again, with a charity raffle and any profits we make on the door.
We'll be having a charity raffle, with all proceeds going to the Alzheimer's Society. If you can offer a prize, please let me know.
The prizes for the last raffle included:
  • A £20 voucher to spend at [], courtesy of SquareHex.
  • A Box of Tricks (a wooden box with a selection of SquareHex's small printed pads and stationery), courtesy of SquareHex.
  • Sinbad the Sailor (Osprey Books), courtesy of the author Phil Masters.
  • A set of Cthulhu Dice, courtesy of Steve Jackson Games.
  • A set of Munchkin Dice, courtesy of Steve Jackson Games.
  • A pre-release copy of The Code of the Space Lanes (due for release at Dragonmeet), the new RPG from Simon "Squadron UK" Burley.
  • Three All Rolled Ups: "Sock Monkey Returns" (premium), "Peep Show" and "All Bugged Up", courtesy of All Rolled Up.
  • Starblazer Adventures courtesy of Tom Pleasant.
  • Intrepid courtesy of the Author, John Keyworth.
  • Fortunte's Fool, Elektra, Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies, Mage: The Sorcerers' Crusade, and Basic and Advanced RuneQuest (Games Workshop UK edition of RQ3), all courtesy of Pete "SexyLemur".
  • Cathulhu, courtesy of Leisure Games
  • Atlantis: The Second Age and Atlantis: Geographica, courtesy of Leisure Games
  • The Munchkin's Guide to Power Gaming, GURPS Tactical Firearms, and two copies of Draconian Rhapsody, dontated by Anonymous.

A great many thanks to everyone who is contributing prizes. Concrete Cow 14½ raffle raised £215. Can we do better this time?

Further details and updates can be found on their website
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