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Author Topic: Games Played at Raiders  (Read 29219 times) Average Rating: 5
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Smile and Wave Boys, Smile and Wave

« Reply #15 on: 19 March 2012, 11:05:48 »

Raiders 16 (29/12/2011)

A very good day in which I got to play 3 new games.

I started the day with my first game of Elder Sign, which I liked as I'm an Akham nut  Grin
Players: Andie, Sam, Gary, Melissa, Eric, Crazyfrog
Game won with 13 Elder signs

Next was another first Utopia, I remember this was another very enjoyable game and involved trying to dominate areas of the world.
Mandy 48, Andie 59, Sam 42, Gary 44, Crazyfrog 63

It's Alive
Crazyfrog 31, Mandy 45, Caz 32, Damien 28

Incan Gold
Crazyfrog 5, Caz 27, Damien 26

Roll Through The Ages
Crazyfrog 21, Mandy 22
Crazyfrog 11, Mandy 41
Crazyfrog 19, Mandy 15, Scott 29

Another new game Innovation, I cannot how, but I did win this game.
Tom 19, Mandy 8, Crazyfrog 37

Martain Dice
Crazyfrog 27, Mandy 22
Crazyfrog 17, Mandy 25

Insane Dealer of Arkham Insanity.
"You know you want a trip down to the asylum"
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Smile and Wave Boys, Smile and Wave

« Reply #16 on: 20 April 2012, 09:55:35 »

Raiders 18 (31/03/2012)

The day was full of games that I’d not played before, except for the last game which I’d only played once before.

Lords of Waterdeep (BBG)

Gamers/score:  Crazyfrog 86, Carl 90, Alan 104, Zarniwoop 123, Pete 123 (won under tie breaker)
My first time for playing this game which I think was the shops demo copy.  A resource gathering game in which you complete quests to gain VP’s

Alien frontiers  { The Dicey Spacey Game }

Gamers/score: Zarniwoop 6, Carl 7, Roy 7, Crazyfrog 8 (won)

A game in which you roll dice (yes I know amazingly I was quite good at it lol) and assign them to resources each round, each resource has x slots and once these are filled by other players you cannot assign to them.  At the start of each round you reclaim your dice and roll again.  You get VP’s for landing on the planet and occupying areas, each of these sectors gives you a bonus function.

A great game and I want to play it again. It is very easy to pick up even for non gamers and within 2 rounds you will be into the full swing of it.

Undermining (BBG)

Gamers/score: Carl, Zarniwoop, Roy (won), Crazyfrog

You each have a Under Mining Vehicle (UMV) and have to mine into the planet to gather resources which you cash in on the surface for upgrades or VP’s.  The VP’s are 3 piles that decrease in value, so there are a definite advantage to getting them early, when one of these piles is empty the game ends.  Some of the resources are alien tech which will give a onetime only boost to the UMV.

Roy won with speedy cashing in resources for VP’s from the start.  I was trying lots of upgrading, alien tech and had a very fast UMV at the end which possible could have started to overhaul everyone if the game have lasted another x rounds.

The only problem I can see after playing the game once is.  Is the only good strategy just to get the VP’s from the start and ignore the upgrades etc, due to the advantage of having the high pointed VP’s first.

Another great game and I want to play it again.

Gubs (BBG)

Gamers/score: Carl, Zarniwoop, Roy, Crazyfrog (won)

A daft game which is very easy to pick up, if you like Killer Bunnys its a lite version of this, where you a Gub or more as the game progress and you are trying to save it from the other players as they either try to seal it and kill it, all the time you are trying the same thing.  The game ends when all 3 cards have been placed on the table which spell the word GUB, then the player with a ‘free gub’ will win, this was me as all the others either didn’t have a free gub or no gub at all.  As the end game condition is based on a card turn this can either be as very short or long game and winning is total down to luck.

The Speicherstadt (BBG)

Gamers/score: Carl, Zarniwoop, Roy, Crazyfrog, PalletRanger (won)

A great and enjoyable game in which you can apply a different strategy everytime you play and the scoring will always be close right up to the end.

Insane Dealer of Arkham Insanity.
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Smile and Wave Boys, Smile and Wave

« Reply #17 on: 10 July 2012, 12:00:02 »

Raiders 19 (23/06/2012)

The day was a mixed bag of different games, but as always lots of fun with new faces coming to the event for the first time.

Discover India

Gamers/score:  Styx 55, Barry 41, Ian 41, Zarniwoop 40, CrazyFrog 36
A great game with an interesting level of strategy which is not apparent when you first look at the game, as you score VP’s by making coloured links on your board, however you can only obtain these from locations based on the previous players move, so it becomes very difficult to complete long chains of single colours.  A good game, very easy to learn but has a fun level to keep you thinking.

Wings of War

Gamers/score:  The Hun (CrazyFrog & Scott) Lost, The Brits (Paul & Martin) Won
Scott took the Fokker DR1 (Red Baron), I had the Rumpler, Martin the RAF RE8 and Paul the Sopwith Camel.  The Red Baron has an early bath as he got blown out of the sky on the second round because he straight into the middle of the map to meet the enemy head on.  That left me to try and take out the Brits, I fought valiantly and nearly took the RAF RE8 out, but in the end I too spiralled out of the sky.  A great game which introduced this fun game to Paul & Martin.

Power Grid

Gamers/score:  Andie 7, Martin 6, CrazyFrog 5, Paul 3
As an introduction for Paul & Martin a quick power to 7 cities of Power Grid was run.  I haven’t played this for ages and it was nice was to have a gentle game to refresh my rules knowledge.  As always a great game and I really like playing it.

Space Hulk: Death Angel The Card Game

Gamers/score:  Andie, Paul, Martin, CrazyFrog
Andie ran this game which is good as I always struggle to get my head around the mechanics of this game for some strange reason.  Anyway as normal with a game of Space Hulk death was inevitable it was just how many levels could you survive.

The Roll of Honour Blood Angels reads:
Brother CrazyFrog – Died first in ambush
Brother Martin – Died in glory facing the enemy with full auto fire.
Brother Arnu – Died protecting his fellow brother
Brother Paul – Outnumbered but took down a large number of Genestealers before a noble death.
They will be remembered.

Fearsome Floors

Gamers/score:  CrazyFrog 4, Paul 3, Martin 3, Andie 2
To finish off the evening, we had a quick game of Fearsome Floors.  It has been ages since I last played and do admit to possibly getting the rules slightly wrong as my gang did appear to escape fairly easily and I was the last player to enter the dungeon.  Anyway great fun and simple game to play which is a great way to end off another fun packed Raiders of the Game Cupboard.

Insane Dealer of Arkham Insanity.
"You know you want a trip down to the asylum"
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Smile and Wave Boys, Smile and Wave

« Reply #18 on: 27 March 2013, 14:27:31 »

Raiders 22 (16/03/2013)

Another good Raiders day, played the following games


Gamers/score:  Andie, Sam, CrazyFrog, Julian
Lost this game was we ran out of player cards, outbreak was at 7, infection at 3, and had all but the black viruses cured.

Incan Gold

Gamers/score:  Caz 34, Julian 32, Sam 22, CrazyFrog 18, Andie 19

Fun game storming the temple for treasure

Last Will

Gamers/score:  CrazyFrog £18, Julian £18, Sam £22, Caz £30, Andie £33,

First time playing this game, you have approx 6 rounds to spend the money (£100), its a bit like Brewster Millions or Go for Broke.
The winner is the person with the less amount of £ at the end.


Gamers/score:  Julian 48 (3 Towers), Sam 43 (3 Towers), CrazyFrog 43 (4 Towers), Caz 38 (3 Towers),

A tower building game, in which you try to construct different coloured towers and heights


Gamers/score:  Chris 56, Andy 70, Richard 50, CrazyFrog 46

A fishing game, were your fleet fishes the seas as long as you have the correct permit to do so.


Gamers/score:  CrazyFrog 38, Chris 33, Carl 31, Paul 31

Great game, racing around Africa trying to complete 'journeys' by using cards to move your pawn around.

Insane Dealer of Arkham Insanity.
"You know you want a trip down to the asylum"
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