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Author Topic: Eldritch Horror  (Read 2530 times) Average Rating: 5
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 15 February 2014, 16:15:05 »

Whilst this Eldritch Horror does share a lot of common ground with Arkham Horror it is definitely its own game. The rules have been streamlined and once players get into the game then the turns start to rattle along quite quickly, they have also split the rulebook so you have a rulebook with the basics to get you going then a reference book with fuller details on all the nuances.

The game now has a Mythos deck built according to the Ancient one you are facing, there are also decks specific to that Ancient one in play making the theme more specific in play.

Clues are now much more thematic as you have to take a successful research encounter in order to collect them. These research encounters are one of the decks specific to the Ancient one in play. In order to win players need to complete 3 mysteries, another of the specific Ancient one Decks, each of these require the investigators to complete different tasks to succeed.

Combat is much easier to handle with this game and again benefits from the streamlined approach taken with the other rules. Unlike Arkham Horror you are now not locked into a battle till the bitter end but rather a turn by turn battle where you get the chance to run away to lick your wounds.

For me the game is much slicker, the theme is even more integrated than with Arkham Horror and the game is extremely tough. I have now played this 3 times against Azathoth and have lost each time, in fact the results getting worse each time. However, to put this into context each game has been played with different players so no real learning curve involved, other than my own.

The artwork, as always, is of superb quality as are all of the components. The only gripe, which is minor really, is the way the main board folds has caused a visible crease but this is not that detrimental but is just a little annoying.

Superb game that will see a lot of table time in the future.


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

Burton Delvers
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
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« Reply #1 on: 15 February 2014, 19:44:24 »

I seriously want to play it again & it would be nice to be able to say one has beaten the starter scenario before the first expansion arrives. I also know what I did wrong last time so I can find new things to do wrong next.

Given I want to play it again after my first losing game and I am not sure I want to do that with Arkam horror after my one and only game I would agree the mechanics are much smother and whilst it is by no means a short game it doesn't at all feel like its dragging on as it might.

« Last Edit: 15 February 2014, 19:47:52 by EvilGinger » Logged

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