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Topic: Gaming expansions (Read 2762 times)
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Deep One
Karma: 37
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
Gaming expansions
02 February 2014, 18:09:50 »
Having read some interacting posts recently about the way the gaming industry in phones is starting to over exploit the in-app purchase, it also got me thinking about the same for computers and boardgames.
It seems that on the phone app side of things they are releasing unplayable games that require huge amount of in game purchases in order to make the games even vaguely playable, which quite frankly is a scam.
This trend can also be seen in console and computer games where downloadable content is made available, again this is often content that should have been in the game to start with and does not really offer much new.
What is most concerning to me is that this now seems to be starting in boardgames as well, now I really like firefly the game but the breaking atmo expansion could easily have been part of the game, and the us gamers are probably thinking the same about the artful dodger promo which is now included as part of the euro release. Now why have two different flavours of the same game in different regions with completely different boxes and contents. The cynical part if me assumes that this us purely a money making excercise which could potentially mar people's board gaming experience, a real shame for no great benefit.
Don't get me wrong I think expansions can be a good thing when they help expand the variability or extend the gameplay options in a significant way. I just wish companies would not rush games to market early before they are fully realised and then sell gamers content and expansions which are essentially what should have been in the game from the start.
I know times are hard but do they really need to resort to such low tactics that really just harm everyone's enjoyment and could put others off from getting into gaming in the first place.
Gaming needs to get back to solid innovation and developments with a good dose of originality as all too often we end with clone after clone of the same game, often with very little to make them different from the last.
It's all going the same way as the Hollywood model where we see the film industry reboot film after film rather than taking the risk on new stories and ideas.
I am not sure what the answer is, I am not a designer but I do appreciate a well designed game and I hope that 2014 sees us getting some really new and innovative games.
<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>
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