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  • Manorcon XXXII: 18 July 2014 - 21 July 2014

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« on: 20 January 2014, 12:52:15 »

Details from their Website:

John Foster Hall
University of Leicester
Manor Road

2pm 18th July – 2pm 21st July 2014

ManorCon is a large board games convention that has been running since 1983. The 200-250 attendees each year stay and play in a large, modern University Hall of Residence with bar and canteen facilities and ample room for both tournament and open gaming. There is free car parking available and the site is also within easy reach of public transport and the City Centre of Leicester.

ManorCon features a large array of different games and tournaments, from the old favourites such as Acquire, 18xx, Diplomacy and Outpost, to the relatively recent German games like Die Siedler Von Catan, Euphrat & Tigris, Puerto Rico and Imperial. A few of the tournaments are formally organised, with games starting at specific times, but most are played on an Ad Hoc basis - just find a group of players to play, write the result down on a results sheet, and put it in the appropriate envelope for scoring at the end of the weekend.

If such competitive play is not your scene, there is always a large amount of open gaming, from the serious games like Modern Art and Samurai, to the less serious Perudo (always more fun after a couple of beers), and some years there has even been a game of Cuddly Animals Diplomacy. Or alternatively, play one of the games which has a tournament, but agree beforehand that the game will not be entered.

So, if this sounds like a good idea, then why not come along and give it a go, either just for the day to start with, or jump in the deep end and go for the whole weekend. And if it sounds like fun, but you don't recognise any of the games mentioned, then don't worry, people are always prepared to teach beginners - how do you think we learned to play. And if you are still not sure, why not drop us an e-mail, and ask more about it.
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